chapter 12 "dad and moms grave."

second month of senior year
it's almost been a year since my dad passed away 9 years since my mom and one month since ethan promised to love me for ever.

today was a good day at school. i've haven't made contact with Grace or Jack since what happened the first week of school.
violet and grayson are doing great. grayson decided to give her a necklace with the date they started dating and on the back said "forever" so it was like a promise necklace.

today after school me, e, gray, vi,& even alex are gonna go visit my dads (and my moms since they were buried right next to each other) grave. it's his birthday today September 24.
i told alex about my dad last weekend because he's such a nice guy. he's one of my best friends now and he treats me like his own sister which he told me he never got to experience so having me and vi in his life was really special for him.

after 8th period i go outside and see ethan by his car with alex vi and gray all with the big warmest smile. god i love my best friends.
"what now." i say knowing there has to be a surprise "oh nothing just get in the car loser." violet says. i look at the time and realize we weren't going right after school and we clearly weren't going home.

after about 15 minutes we pull up to my favorite breakfast and coffee restaurant. "pancakes and coffee?!" "your two favorite things." ethan says while leaning over and giving me a kiss. "ewww get a room." grayson, violet, and alex all say at the same time which makes us laugh.

we get into the restaurant and eat. 
me and ethan both get strawberry pancakes with nutella and an ice carmel latte. vi gets a breakfast platter and grayson gets banana pancakes. alex of course orders the whole restaurant.
"wow. i haven't had this in a long time it was amazing." i say while pulling out my money to pay my half. "no." ethan violet alex, and grayson all say holding my hand down. i look at all three of them confused. "already paid." "nooo you guysss." "it's for your mom and dad."
what can i say i'm so blessed.
but something in my mind tells me this is too good to be true.

the cemetery is about an hour and a half away and during the car ride we were all bonding, singing, and laughing.

when we pulled up to the cemetery i and i sat in the car for a couple minutes gathering my self together. on the way we stopped at a store and bought flowers for my mom and a stuffed pig because my dad and i loved bacon. sounds wrong but it was funny to me and my dad.
"hey you okay princess?" ethan says noticing i was nervous. "yeah let's do this." alex grayson and violet were already out there walking around. i took a deep breath and got out of the car. "guys look we have the same name!" alex says pointing at someone's grave that says Alexander. he always puts a smile on his face. "bro don't make those jokes at a fucking cemetery." grayson says to him while hitting him and laughing

i walk up to my mom and dads grave and sit in front of it. one by one everyone sits around me holding me. before i know it i'm bawling. i let it all out falling gently into everyone's arms. i begin to stop crying and look over to everyone else. ethan had a couple tears, as did grayson and violet. and for the first time alex did. he never really cried but he did and that made me love him as a best friend even more. us 5 just sit in silence as i sit the flowers next to my moms grave and the pig next to my dads.
"you're the most strongest woman ever." ethan whispers while giving me a kiss on my head. "you're also badass." says violet while giving me a hug. and making me feel better. "we haven't been friends for that long but your amazing emma." alex says then grayson finishes by saying  "absolutely amazing." i pull them into a great big hug and look at everyone "you guys are the greatest friends ever. i coudnt ask for anything better." we sit there for a couple more minutes and decide it was time to leave
we head back to ethan and grayson's after dropping alex off at his house and dropping violet and grayson at violets.
"you can take me home. if you want." "no i want to be with you." i looked down. i wanted to be with him too.
"we can order pizza since we ate at 3 and it's almost 10." "pineapple?" i say hoping he'd say yes "pineapple." he says with a huge smile on his face

everything's too good to be true.
but i guess i'll take it for now.
happy birthday Dad. 

ahhhh!!! thankssss for reading!! i love you all!! it's sweet and short and i hope you enjoyed! next chapter is gonna be one hell of a rollercoaster so buckle in:/
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