
The rest of y/n's day went by slowly. She made it through two boring classes doodling instead of taking notes. She couldn't wait for summer break. No school. No stress. But it was only the end of February, after all.

As her last class of the day finished, she walked down the crowded hallways to her locker. As she turned the combination lock, she felt her heart lighten a bit. It was a Friday! 

She pulled her locker open and grabbed her backpack. She swung it over her shoulder like usual and slammed the door shut. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed the pudding-head standing behind her locker door. 

"K-Kenma?" y/n was confused. 

"My mom just texted that your mother will be home late tonight, so you can come over for dinner if that's ok with you," he spoke quietly as he pulled his phone out of his pocket to show her the message. 

"Ya, that's fine. Thank you for telling me," y/n smiled as they started walking out of the large building. They shuffled in between the crowds trying to make their way out. Kenma's eyes were glued into his DS, so y/n had to grab his hand to pull him outside. 

Kenma trailed behind her as they ran down the stairs at the front of the building. They slowed their pace once they got outside. The two of them walked side by side down the narrow trails. It was the usual way home for both of them, and often they would walk together just because. 

"The necklace looks very good on you," Kenma looked up from his DS. She never expected those words to come out of his mouth.

"Th-thank you! I love it," she smiled, wrapping her fingers around the locket. 

"One question though..." her bright smile turned into an expression of confusion.

"Is there something inside?" she looked straight into Kenma's hazel eyes. His lips curved upwards slightly as he let out a little chuckle. 

"I guess so," he shrugged. Y/n was extremely confused. What did he mean "I guess so?"

"Huh?" she looked at him as he let out his soft little laugh. It made y/n extremely happy to see him this happy. 

The two of them reached Kenma's house, and y/n watched as his hand slowly turned the doorknob. She followed him into the house and she noticed his mother standing in the kitchen.

"Hi, Mrs. Kozume!" y/n smiled as Kenma's mother waved at them.

"Hi, kids! Kenma, can you show y/n to your room while I finish dinner?" 

Kenma nodded slowly as he took off his tennis shoes. Y/n did the same and she quickly followed him upstairs. His stairs creaked under their weight. 

She walked into his room, noticing every corner of it. In the far left was a simple bed with a grey bedsheet and a pastel yellow pillow. He had a small wooden desk in the neighboring corner along with a dresser placed along the wall. In the corner next to the door was a closet door. His room was very simple. Almost too simple. 

Kenma flopped himself onto his bed as y/n roamed around the room. She made her way over to his dresser. Placed on top of the dresser were a picture frame and a few plushes. Y/n smiled as her eyes traced over the adorable video game character plushes. She picked up the picture frame and wiped off the dust with her finger, revealing a picture of two little boys. 

One of them was obviously Kenma, with the long black hair around his face. He had never smiled in a picture, so he always stood out. The other boy had raven-like hair that spiked upwards. He was smiling happily holding a large pumpkin. 

"Is this Kuroo?" y/n giggled as she looked over to Kenma. He nodded and smiled. She placed the picture frame back down as she made her way to his desk. There wasn't much on the desk other than a cup full of pencils and a blank sheet of paper. 

She lifted the paper to her eye level, noticing a few sketches on the back. As she flipped over the paper, she revealed a beautifully drawn picture of a dragon. 

"Did you draw this?" y/n stared at the drawing as Kenma looked over to her. 

"Yeah," he mumbled. 

"It's gorgeous!" she looked over at him and smiled. 

"Kids! Come eat dinner!" A voice from downstairs echoed around the house.

"Okay!" Kenma and y/n said in unison. They looked at each other and giggled as they stood up and walked out of the room. 
