
Y/n closed her bedroom door as she flicked the light switch off. She walked downstairs and sat on the large sofa. Her mother was still in the kitchen reading, and her father was supposed to get home any minute now. She curled her legs up to her chest, relaxing her entire body into the couch. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, revealing no notifications, as usual. 

As soon as y/n started scrolling through her phone, she heard the front door open. A deep booming voice echoed across the house. Footsteps became louder and louder until y/n's dad appeared in the doorway of the living room. 

"Hi, y/n," her dad walked past her as he placed his lunchbox on the dining room table. 

"Hi, da-" y/n stopped herself since her dad had already left the room. He headed straight to the shower without even saying hello to his wife. Y/n continued scrolling through Instagram, still disappointed in her father. 

Y/n's mother walked into the living room quickly afterward. She sat down next to y/n which made y/n a bit concerned. Y/n put her phone back into her pocket and made direct eye contact with her mother's death glare. Her heart was beating faster than ever as her mother shifted her gaze to the floor.

"I feel like a bad mother."

Y/n's eyes widened as her mother shoved her eyes into the palms of her hands. Tears started streaming down her face. Y/n didn't know what to do, and emotional support was not one of her strengths.

"Mom," y/n wrapped her arms around her mother and pulled her towards herself. 

"I- I just haven't been spending any time with you, and- I almost forgot your 16th birthday," y/n had never seen her mother this weak before. Her heart sank into her chest. 

"Mom it's ok. You are an amazing mother, and I couldn't ask for anyone else. I wasn't expecting anything for my birthday anyways, and the bracelet is absolutely beautiful!" Y/n tried to cheer her up but her mother continued to shiver into her arms. 

"Thank you, sweetheart," her mother sniffled as she sat up. 

"I want to know more about your life, I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever," her mother stared deep into y/n's soul. She was right though, y/n hadn't talked to her in a long time. 

"I don't know, nothing's really interesting," y/n muttered. 

"How's school? Do you have any friends? What about your soulmate?" 

"Uh, schools okay I guess. I still just have Kuroo and Kenma, and as for my soulmate, I don't think I will find them in a long time. I don't even know my connection with them yet," y/n hadn't spoken this much to anyone. Her mother looked surprised, but her tears started to fade away as a smile lit up.

"I'm proud of you, y/n," she placed an arm on y/n's shoulder and smiled. Right at that moment, y/n's dad walked down the stairs and into the living room. He didn't really bother to look at us. As he walked into the kitchen, y/n's mother sighed and stood up. 

After about five minutes of sitting on the couch and staring into thin air, y/n stood up and followed her mother and father into the kitchen. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower now, goodnight mom, goodnight dad," she forced a smile onto her face. Her father ignored her and her mother smiled back and waved. As y/n walked upstairs, she questioned why her mom and dad were always so sad. They never talked to each other, and she hadn't heard her dad laugh since she was 5 years old. They were soulmates, right?

Y/n grabbed an old t-shirt and shorts from her room and waltzed into the bathroom. She turned the shower handle to a reasonably warm temperature and started to take off her school uniform. 

As she stepped into the shower, she felt the hot water stream along her body. Her long hair stretched down her back as it soaked. She closed her eyes slowly, feeling water droplets drip from her eyelashes. Her mind zoned out as she stood motionless in the shower. 

As she forced herself back into reality, her head started spinning uncontrollably. She felt a jab in her stomach as shivers ran up her heated body. Goosebumps formed upon her skin, and her intuition kicked in quickly. It was as if a voice in her head was motioning that something was wrong. 

She felt a surge of emotions fill her mind, but she couldn't put a reason to any of them. Y/n looked down at her hands as water continued to pour down her back. Her hands were shaking more than ever. 

"AHHHHH!" Y/n shrieked, cupping her hands against her ears. Everything around her was blurry, and a loud noise rang through her ears. She continued shaking uncontrollably as her body collapsed onto the shower floor. 
