
Y/n and Kenma walked side by side under the umbrella. He held her hand tightly, making sure she wouldn't run out into the rain. 

She looked up at Kenma and saw raindrops slide across his long eyelashes. His hair perfectly framed his face, covering his cheeks and ears. He looked like a little pudding cup :)

They walked hand in hand down the thin sidewalk, synchronizing their steps. Every once in a while, y/n would skip a step to jump in a puddle which made Kenma chuckle every time. 

"Kenma," she let out a large smile as they walked across a crosswalk. He looked at her and shrugged, smiling back at her. 

She tightened her grip around his hand as she pulled him into the middle of the street. She ran faster, Kenma following directly behind her. 

"Where are you going!?" he exclaimed. Suddenly, y/n tripped over a small rock, hitting her foot against Kenma's shin. They both started to topple hand in hand. 

"Ahh!" they both shouted as they hit the hard cement. Kenma was laying on top of her in the middle of the road. He rolled over to the side, still holding her hand. 

They stared up at the dark clouds as raindrops pecked across their faces. Y/n looked over to Kenma and started giggling, causing them both to have a laughter attack. 

Y/n's shirt was soaking wet, and Kenma wasn't any drier. 

"And now you expect me to go to school?" Kenma flicked her on the forehead as he continued laughing. Y/n hadn't seen him laugh in a long time. She had barely even seen him smile. 

They stood up and brushed themselves off, finally releasing their grip on each other's hands. They made their way back to the sidewalk, still laughing. Kenma reached out for her hand, which she gladly let him hold. 

They continued walking side by side under the umbrella, only a few inches from each other. Just then, Kuroo appeared on the other side of the street.

"Kenma! Y/n!" he shouted, waving his arms in multiple directions. Both of them started laughing again as Kuroo crossed the street over to their side. 

"Oh my-! Are you guys dating?!?" Kuroo screamed as he noticed Kenma's arm wrapped around y/n's. Both of their faces turned bright red as they let go of each other.

"Oh- no," y/n spoke up in embarrassment. Kenma shook his head in agreement as Kuroo smirked.

"Yeah, right..." 

They looked down at the ground, their faces still bright red. The three of them continued walking to school, an awkward silence between them.

"So, when did this start?" Kuroo continued smirking at the two of them. This was probably the most awkward position any of them had ever been in. Kenma and y/n walked under the same umbrella, trying to keep their distance while Kuroo walked behind them. (third-wheel much)

Kuroo cleared his throat, trying to get them to answer, but he knew neither of them would.

Once the three of them arrived at school, they stood under the rooftop closing their umbrellas. 

"Thank you, Kenma," y/n smiled at him. Kuroo continued to smirk at them. Y/n walked over and slapped him across the face. 

"Ow! Y/n!" he whined as Kenma chuckled. Kuroo frowned and waved goodbye. Kenma walked with y/n into the large building and into the deep crowd. They both hated people, but they liked each other.

Once they reached y/n's locker, Kenma waved goodbye and headed to his first class. Y/n did the same, disappointed that she wouldn't see him until lunch.

She walked into her classroom and sighed, noticing a few pairs of eyes look up at her. She was soaking wet from head to toe, dripping rainwater onto the carpet. She giggled innocently and walked to the back of the room. 

As she grabbed her sketchbook and colored pencils, she started to think about this whole soulmate thing. Her fingers found their way back up to her necklace, fiddling with it like usual. She started sketching another drawing, zoning out of her teacher's long rants.

Her pencil traced across the thin paper, forming two circles and a large semi-circle above the circles. She continued sketching for the first hour of class, developing the circles into what looked like two people. One had long straight hair while the other had short hair that fell to their shoulders. 

She added detail, forming two backpacks and a large umbrella as the semi-circle. She looked back at the drawing, a small smiling planted on her face. It was a drawing of her and Kenma walking to school, hand in hand, in the rain. 
