Let's take some rest


"arrrrghhhhh, im so deadly tired... can we take some rest manager hyung" our maknae hyuk asked

"that's right hyung.. where working every night and day since our debut..jebal..." N hyung told our manager..

"do you want to take some rest?" manger asked,


"then quit on your job.." and went out our dorm.

"... if only we can travel back those times that were not an idol." Ken hyung whisperd.

" I don't want to be an idol...."

Annyeonghaseyo!! I'm Kim WonShik but my stage name is Ravi, I'm the main rapper of our group "VIXX". Were already 3 yrs in this industry and keep counting for more years because our "starlights" keeps on supporting and loving us. Should I say this? Were tired... performing, singing, composing.. aaagghhhh We need some rest.. vacation...aaahhhh if only I know that this will be so hard...ahhhh..

"RAVIaahhh!!! Ravi!!!" ohhhh I know who is it.. That's Njhumma...

"Ravviiiiaaahhh.. ohhhhh your sleeping again?!!! Yyaaahhhh wake up..." aarrgghhhh why does he need to be so noisy...

"okay you don't want to get up... then stay here were going out to buy groceries.." I heard some footsteps.. I think he will go out my room..wait.. they will.. what?!!!

"yahhh Njhumma... wait.. im going with you..." I stood up..

"so your not sleeping huh?!" I smile at him and went out before he do something bad again...

"hyung where are we going to buy our groceries... " hyuk asked..

"at school..." we looked at Ken hyung...and Leo hyung...

"aaahhhhh... arraassooo hyung.. arasso.." while Leo hyung keeps on punching ken hyung..

"yahhh, hyukie where do people buy their groceries...?" hongbin asked..

"market?, mart.??" He answered..

"so where are we going to buy ours?" hongbin added..

"but hyung its too early to go to groceries for us.. people might notice us.." he answered and then I checked my watch...

"he's right its only 6pm...we usually go there when its closing time.. or early in the morning.."

"that's the challenge" then Ken hyung smiled like joker...

"ppheewww" leo hyung...

"wear this.." ken hyung.. and give us some glasses, mask and wigs..

"waeyo..?" I asked..

"aaahhh were going to disguise?!! Aasssaaaa!!" hyuk answered, this kid is happy..

"hyung here's yours" ken hyung give the apro wig to leo hyung... and give him DON'T-YOU-DARE look..

"arraassooo... arrasssoo.." then ken hyung wears the wig..we changed too..

"where's Njhumma..?" hongbin asked..

"Nhyung?! Nhyuuung?! Nhyuuunnng?!Nhyuuuunnnnnggggggg?! Ahhhhh.." hahahaha poor Ken hyung he got another one from leo hyung.. then..


"aahhh Annyeonghaseyo... ooohhhh Njhumma..!!??HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH" we laughed when we see him...

"yahh yahh yahh.. see this is disguise...and he's my nampyeon" he explained and put his arms to leo hyung..

"so your Njhumma today... arasso..lets go..." and we entered the mart.

"here is what your going to buy...so leossii kaja?!.." he give us the list.. we read it and...

"yahhh Njhumma... why is this so long.. what are you going to buy?!" I asked..

"were going to buy what we want you go buy what we need..." he answered..

"im going with you.." ken hyung .

"nado" hongbin and hyuk.. but then..leo hyung pulled hongbin...

"ooohhh hyung... I want to be with them..." he screams...then other people noticed and look at us..we turned back pretending we don't know them... and wave to hongbin..

"I know they will took good care of my artwork..HAHAHHAHHAH" we laughed an get the cart..

"WHERES THE RAMEN!!!??" arrgghhh this mart is too big and we can't find ramen...

"hyung im going to search over there... you go find the others.." hyuk told us and went to the noodles section...

"hyung ill just wait here.. go find the remaining groceries we need..." ken hyung looked at me.. and tear the list..

"wae!!!...ohhh" I asked... ahh so childish

"wae.. this is too many for me to find.. you go for the half.. then ill just find you when I have all of this..arasso...seeyahh" then he left..

"yaahh hyung...ahhhh" no choice ravi.. I checked the list...

"oohhh aarrgghh.." im so lucky... and got betrayed by ken hyung.. he got the first half.. and we already have those listed there..aarggghh... I wonder where is the Jung Family... hmnnn ahhhh I guess I need to search now..

"hyung!!"I looked back and its hongbin...

"where's your mom and dad...?" I asked..

"pphhweeeww I escaped... ahhhh they're just keep throwing what their want on the cart..and im so tired so I escaped..are you done with the list?" he asked.. while catching his breath..

"not yet.. hyuk is searching for the ramen and pasta... while ken hyung betrayed me and left me here...we need to find this" and I showed him the list...

"oohhh.. I know where we can find this... kaja ..." and he get the cart and walk... as I walk I noticed two couples fighting...

"oohhh your mom and dad..." hongbin looked..and run...but then...

"aaahhhh...yahhh..!!!" he just bumped to a girl..

"aahhhh mianhae..." hongbin told her while helping her to stand up.. but the girl just keep on starring at him... wait.. he will be discovered... I run towards them..

"im sorry about what my brother do, are you okay?" I change my voice so she can't notice...

"wait... hokssi.. your...." The girl asked.. oh no.. we need to go...

"aahhh I think your okay.. come on we need to go..." and we walk as fast as we can...

"ooohhh I thought were dead...yahhh can you please.." I looked at hongbin..aahhhh he's dead..

"yahhhh... kaja...oohh there's hyuk..wait talking to a girl?" I pulled hongbin who's daydreaming his princess..

"yahhh..nugu?" I asked..

"ahhh hyung she's jihye... im just helping her.." hyuk answered.. and the girl greet me..

"annyeonghaseyo.." she said and I greet her back.. and whispered to hyuk...

"did you tell her about.." I asked then hyuk smiled..

"ahhh wonshik oppa.. Your secret is safe so hyuk I need to go my friends might need me thank you for the selca seeyah around.." then she smiled to us and go.. well that girl may not be our fan because she's so calm even meeting hyuk..

"I told you.. she's cute right... ohhh what happened to him..?" hyuk asked..

"aahhhh she met his girl of his dreams a while ago.. but I think that girl discovered who he is..."

"hyung did you get her name?!" aahhh this kids...

"Aniyo...because Ravi pulled me...yahh neo!!" hongbin.. answered.. and I laughed.

"stop dreaming about your girls...we need to go now.." they stop talking and check the groceries..

"hyung we don't have the beverages.." I looked back to them... and checked..

"aaahhhh okay ill get it.. go to the counter and find the Team Olds.." then I run towards the beverages section.. I noticed someone who's kind of cute..

"can I help you?!" I asked.. I got startled when she look at me..she's damn cute....

"aahhh.. im trying to find this, but I cant see it.." she give me her phone and see the photo...

"oohhhh.. you mean this drink..?!" I asked and she nodded.

"so.. you're a fan of VIXX" she looked at me and smiled... a innocent smile...

"you too?!.. hahaha nice to meet you im jimin.. your?" im a what??? Yahhh im... arrghh

"aahhhh im.... What??!! Hyung.." is that my hyungs? Running for their lives? What.. are they discovered?.. ahhhhiishhh..

"RAVI RRRRUUUNNNN PPALLLLIIII" aaaiiisshhh...were dead..

"OOOOHHHH RAVI??!!!" she asked... I get the drink we need..

"here's your drink.." and run as fast as I can..
