"what did the girls do?" Jihye asked.. HwangPDnim is having his story telling.. but this is my first time to get interested..

"they help the guy to sing.. and front of those people who criticize and discriminate him.." he said..

"so the guy sang..?" I asked..

"neh.. the girls played all the instruments there.. and he just sang.. what do you think happen next..?" he asked...

"they got beaten.." ravi answered.. jimin look at her..

"they got the applause..?" Leo hyung answered.. we look at him..

"that's right.. those people how discriminate him.. got shocked and surprised when the guy sang.. his voice that being kept.. yet trained for years finally came out and heard by many people there.." PDnim said.

"then what happened to him and to the girls.." JiHye asked... this girl has a lot of questions in her head.

"the boy got to the company..while the girls disappears.. like an angel from above.." he paused and stand up.. then open the door..

"ooohhhh!!!!" jimin react and were shocked..

"you're the.." JiHye got really surprised..

"oohh annyeong hyung.." we greet him..

"hyung??oohhh hoksii.." Jihye said.. did they know him..

"annyeong.. how are you... still remember me...? My dear angels?" he said.. what??

"you're the youngman.. the one who can sing like Taeyang..." seulyong said.. he is???

"the one we performed with..." jimin.. said..really??

"ohhh so your.. the story... you got accepted here..?" Jihye said.. but sound I covered her mouth..

"he's our presidents son..our manager" I whispered.. uhhh?? She blushed??

"it's okay..." hyung said.. and this girls.. bowed their heads.. so cute..

"Leo, N, Ravi, Hyuk and Hongbin... can you leave us for a moment... " PDnim said.. I look at jihye..

"go.." she said and smile..

"come on hyung..." we said to Leo hyung... there something different with him today..

"aahhhh ... what's happening there..?" ravi hyung..

"hyung.. can you relax.. your acting like your waiting for your at the labor room.." I said...

"ken is still not here.." Nhyung said..

"there he is.. " Leo hyung said..he's walking with yomi..

"where's my unnie's??" she asked..

"inside.. go in..." and she went in... I saw jihye.. and she's smiling..but the door closed again..

"phhewww.. im going to the practice room.." Leo hyung said...

"hyung wait.. were coming with you.. hyuk how about you?" hongbin hyung asked..

"yes... let's go there hyuk.. let's wait their new there..." Nhyung said.. why am I nervous..?

"hyung.." I said..

"hmnn?" Nhyung..

"do you want them to be here..?" I said and he stops walking...but remained silent..

"it will depend on them.. we don't have the right to choose.." he said..

"but you want.." I asked..

"how about you..?" he said and smiled..

"I want... and im hoping.." I said.. and look back to that room...

"hyogi.." leo hyung??

"neh hyung.. wae?" I asked.. he looks really serious.. well always..

" I have to talk to you..." he said..

"neh hyung.. what is it.." I said.. and sat beside him..

"let her do what she wants..." hyung said.. what???

"hyung.. is this.." am I right..??

"it will make her happy...than what you want her to be.." he stand up..

"leoo where are you going..?" Nhyung asked.

"im going home tired.." he said and leave...

"what do you do..??huh.." Nhyung asked.

"nothing... he's not the usual Leo hyung..." I said..

"hmnn well... it's true.. since he met jihye.. and the girls... he became more... indescribable? " Nhyung said... met who?? Ahhhh

"does this means.. he's concerned to her...?" I said..

"or even likes her..." nhyung said... after I heard that... my mind became blank... I don't know what to do.. and what am I doing now...what is this feeling...

"yahhh let's go home.. you have to rest... ahhh your flight is at 4am.." ken hyung

"kansahamnida sajangnim... oppa.." we heard them... I thought their meeting is done..

"ohhh ... your going home??" sajangnim asked..

"neh" Nhyung answered..

"that's right your going to thailand right? Be early huh.. im watching you.." he said..

"girls.. I'll just call my driver.. so he can.." managernim said..

"aniyo oppa.. I can drive.. don't worry.." jimin said..

"are you sure..? well so if that's the case... thank you for your time..i have to leave cause I have an urgent meeting..son.. let's go.." sajangnim said..and they leave..

"jiminie..!!" ravi hyung..

"neh.." jimin said..

"take care.. see you again.." he said.. I was looking at jihye.. but she just smiling at me..

"neh.. well have a safe flight..come one girls...jalgayo.." jimin said and went outside..

"jihye.." I grab her arms..

"hmnnn?" she look at me..

"ill call you.." I said.. she smiled...

"arasso.. jalga.." and leave..we just standing here watching them to leave..

"come on boys.. you have lots of work tomorrow.." managernim said..

"heyy.. I just want you to know that.." managernim

"hyung we understand.. it's on our mind every time.." Nhyung said..

"guys.. you are all old enough.. but remember what you promised.. not only to the company but to your starlights also those girls are..." managernim said..

"then I wish were not.." I said...

"and who are you talking too..?" Ken hyung asked..

"what do you mean hyung she's not even answering my calls.." I said..

"ehhh?? But your just talking to each other in thailand right..? oohh maybe the teacher is busy.." ken hyung said...

"where in thailand 2 weeks ago.. and I don't have any news about her.." I said..

"wait.. so before we came back here.. she didn't called you I mean answer your call..?" he asked.. I nodded..

"how about your psychologist??" ken hyung sighed...

"where talking once a week...she's really busy.. and I also don't have the time to always call her.. if there is.. she's busy or sleeping... " he said..

"but at least your talking to each other.." I said.. and lay down...

"Ravi hyung!!!" I said..

"neh.." he answered..

"where are you going..?" I said..

"gym.. with hongbin.. wanna join?" he asked..

"ravi.. im going with you.." ken hyung said..

"how about you.." he asked...

"im not..." and do my sleeping position..

"yahhh.. your just going to wait for her call and to answer you call.. come on... do some exercise instead.." Hongbin said..

"as if your girls answering your calls..too.." I said..

"mworago??!! Yahhh!!!"

"aaahhhh aahhh.. yahhh!!!"

"it's nice that you join us hyogi.." ken hyung said..

"psshh I don't need this things.. it's just they beat me..." I said...

"HAHHAHAHA..come on.. let's start.." ravi hyung..

"Hyogi.. place your things here... and change.." hongbin hyung said..

"she doesn't even make a call.. or send a message..." I sighed.. and turnoff my phone..
