CHAPTER 14: IT'S A FANmeet <3


"ravi!! 10 mins.." our staff said..

"neh" I said.. were about to leave our company and head to our fan meet today.. im so tired.. practicing and meeting our fans..

"hyung..!!" hyuk said..i look at him..

"let's go.. managernim is about to explode again.." he said and grins...

"ahhh neh..I'll coming.." I said... and get my bag..

"oohhh??? This is.." I smiled... how come that this ...

"aayyy hyung!!!" and hyuk is here again.... I leave... wait for us starlights..

"ravi-ah!!!..she will never call you again..." Nhyung said..

"huh as if im waiting!!! Hyung!!!" I said and they looked at me..

"wae??" I asked... and plug my earphones..

"jinja ravi?" Nhyung asked..

"neh.. hyung if she didn't want to answer my calls and messages... then okay.. it doesn't bother me.." I said...

"aahhh neh jiminie,, you heard him.. arasso...neh.." mwo?? Nugu?? Nhyung...

"ahhhh Nhyung!!! Is that jiminie?? Why are you talking to her..."...


"so your okay with that huh..." aahhh Nhyung!!!

"enough with that kids..." managernim said..

"IT'S YOUR FAULT..!!!!!"

"ireona!!! Yahhh!!!! Be ready in 15 mins." I heard... ohhh so were here already...

"waahhhh this is a big venue.. than the other fanmeets.." ken hyung said... I look around no one notice us.. we went directly to the dressing room.. and I saw a familiar face.. is she..

"Jimin....." I said.. and walks towards her..

"yahh let's go.." and leo hyung grab me..

"ahh hyung just a minute.. it's.." I said...

"enough with your day dreaming ravi...she will never be here... they.. will never see us again..." he said.. I look back but the girl was gone.. well maybe they will never...


"can we talk?? Are you free??" I said.. and an elegant hotelier is standing in front of me..

"oohhhh.. why are you here.?? How did you come..." she asked.. but not surprised..

"aahhh your secretary help me..." I said and smiled.. hoping that she will smiled too..

"aahhh I see.. so why are you here... ahmmnn you know im kinda busy these days.." she said..

"ahhh I just want to see you..." I said... she look at me.. and forced to smile..

"jinja?...gomawoyo.." she said...

"but wonshik... I don't want to say this but.. can you... I mean.. please don't come here again..." she said.. and make her head down...she sobs...

"wae??? Is it about what we did last time..?" I asked..

"no it's not.. we just want to stay were we are..and who we are.." she said and sit down..

"I already talk to Hakyeonie.. and he understand everything... it's good that you're here too.. so I can say that to you personally..." she said.. and wipe... her tears..

"is jihye... yomi and seulyoung.." I asked... and she nodded...

"we have to do this...until we make our final decision..we hope that all of you will understand us.." she said and try not to cry...

"that's not what you want..." I said..

"you dreamed to be an artist.. ani.. you told me that working in that industry is your dream.. then why?? This is your chance.. we understand that you have your own careers.. but then.." I said.. she look at me..her eyes..

"because it's not simple to work.. with you guys.. it's not!!!" she shouted..

"wae!!! How can you say that it will be that hard for you..we will always be together.. right.." I said.. and grab her hands...but she pushed me...

"but we cant be those people in lives that we want to be...we cant... and it was hard for us to accept..." she shouted... what does she mean..

"please leave... I have something to do.. please.. wonshik...Mr. Kim..." she said and turn..

"but at least we can be friends..." I said...

"I hope so.. but a FAN will never have a chance to be a friend if her idol.." and she leave the vip room..

"jiminie!!!yahhh.." I sat down... and see her bracelet??.. I was about to give it back to her but she's gone..

"DREAM" while holding her bracelet...

"oohhh do want to wear that?? I think it will suit your outfit.." my stylist said.. and she help me to wear jimin's bracelet...

"oohh DREAM? This is your favorite word right?? Do you bought this..?" she asked..

"aniyo.. noona.. it's was.. jimin's..." she look at me..

"mwo??" she asked...

"aahhhh it was given to" I said...and she where just waiting here...

"hey!! This is not our first time.. don't be nervous..." leo hyung said..

"hahhaha yaahhh.. do you think jiminie will call just joking a while ago okay.. just focus on this event.." Nhyung said... I know that was a prank.. why did jimin will call you...tsss

"REAL V!!! V.I.X.X VIXX imnida!!! Kamsahamnida!!! Byeolbits.. seeyah again!!!" I said.. the event was done so great... and now it's the time's a special part of the fanmeeting were the first 100 starlights.. will be given a singed album.. from us.. personally...

"ahhh this is the highlight HAHAHHA" hyukie..why do I need to be seated beside him..

"okay everyone know will going to start our fansigning..starlights are you ready!!!?" the host said..

"NNNNNEEEEHH!!!" they answered.. and we started.... 100 persons are too many to handle ... but we need to do that...

"how many are left..hyung??" hyuk asked...

"ahhh 30? 20 more???" managernim answered...

"aahhhh my hands are so tired.." Nhyung said..

"because your old.." hyuk is teasing him again...

"mworago??!! Yahhh hyogi-ahh!!!" and he keeps.. on beating hyuk...

"aahhhh hajima!!!do you know that im right here ...aaahhh" I said...

"annyeonghaseyo..." familiar voice..she's in front of leo..

"ohhh.. annyeong" leo hyung said.. smiled.. bowed and blushed..?? what...?? Then I think it took 5 mins.. until leo hyung let go of her hands..?? did he know this girl..

"annyeonghaseyo.." it's hyukie's turn.. I was looking in her face but she was wearing mask..

"aahhh are you crying..??" hyuk said...

"aaaniyo.. im just happy..." she said and shake hands with hyuk...when it's my turn.. I look at her eyes.. really really familiar...she has nothing to say but..she gives me a thumb up.

"neh..anyeonghaseyo..hyukie fighting!!!.." I heard...

"annyeong kim wonshik..." a girl.. with a blonde long hair said.. now this girl really reminds me of..

"hey.. will you.. sign.. this one.." she said..

"ahhh im sorry.. ahh why do you wear mask??" I asked.. I really wonder why... when out of 100 persons they are the ones that wears masks...

"aahhh.. this one.. aahhh... it's because.. ahmnn... im shy.. hahahaha..thank you very much.. Mr. Kim.." she said and get the album.. but I grab her hands.. instead..

"oohhh.. the bracelet.." she said... why does she..

"is that yours???" she asked..but still look at the bracelet..

"aniyo... it was me.. as gift.." I said and noticed that her eyes got bigger.. I mean.. I think she was surprised..

"wae??" I asked...

"aniyo.. kamsahamnida..." and went to nhyung.. but she cant take her eyes out of the bracelet..

"ooohhh!!!.. yahhh..wae..." Nhyung..

"aiiishhh.. kamsahamnida hakyeonie..." and she left..with the two girls waiting for her... wearing mask too..

"hyung.. wae..?" I asked...

"tssss... aniyo.. maybe.. aahhh nothing.." he said...

"ahhhh im so tired... hyung .. Nhyung!! Gwaenchana??" ken hyung asked...

"ahhh ken.. the last three girls.. do you noticed something..?" he asked..

"aahhhh ... they are suspicious... wae.." what are they talking about..

"I think.. that's Jihye...Yomi.. and Jimin..." leo hyung said..

"oohh so they are... arasso." Them..

"MWORAGO!!!!!.. yahhh LEO.. are you sure..?" Nhyung asked...

"the bracelet..." I said..

"yahhh ravi where are you going..?" Ken hyung said..

"im going to find them.." I said.. and go..
