A/N: Heyo, long time no see. Just wanted to say, sorry for the delayed updates and thanks for sticking around, for those of you who are still here. Enjoy this gif above, cause I sure do. 

Stiles knew he was going down a dangerous path, going out with Derek even after the events of the night before. It was going to go really well, or terribly, and Stiles wasn't sure which one was more likely. He was still beyond angry at Derek, but his stupid mind wouldn't stop thinking about the guy. He loved Derek with everything he had, so letting go of that wasn't easy, and he was beginning to think it wasn't an option. What he did know, was that he wasn't just going to go running back into Derek's arm like nothing ever happened. 

"Dude, this isn't a good idea," Scott grumbled from the bed as he watched Stiles finish buttoning up his shirt. Isaac sat next to him and nodded in agreement. "If you go out with Derek, he'll get the wrong idea and think you guys are back together. You should just try to move on."

"I did try to move on," Stiles snapped, buttoning the last one near the top. "I slept with Danny and fucked up my head because it wasn't right and I knew it wasn't. I can't stop thinking about how I only fucked Danny because I wanted Derek to feel the pain I'm feeling. That is not moving on." He knew what he was doing and was fully aware of the potential disaster. "Either way, I'm going to end it, or work on fixing it."

Isaac scoffed, shaking his head. "Stiles, he doesn't deserve that. Cheating is never okay under any circumstance. I'm a firm believer in second chances, but don't let him convince you what he did was justified. If he pulls that shit, you know he'll just end up cheating again."

Stiles shook his head and tucked in his shirt. "You're not my therapist, Isaac. I can handle this, guys. Just trust me, okay?" He wasn't really convincing himself, so he knew his friends didn't believe him. Thankfully, they let it go after that.

"So where is he taking you?" Isaac wondered, rolling his eyes as Scott laid his head in his lap.

Stiles smiled fondly at the two of them, then shrugged. "He hasn't told me." He was beginning to feel more nerves as the clock hit 6:45. He looked too dressed up, he thought. Derek didn't deserve the satisfaction of knowing Stiles was trying to look nice. "I think I have to change," he blurted out, quickly stripping off his shirt in favor of a red t-shirt with a button up shirt over it.

"Feel better?" Scott laughed, raising an eyebrow.

"Much," Stiles answered with a glare. "When I leave, you guys do not get to stay here and have sex in my house. Especially not my bed."

"No promises," Scott deadpanned, earning him a smack in the head from a very red faced Isaac. "Kidding, dude. We will leave."

"Good," Stiles answered as the doorbell rang. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and walked downstairs to greet Derek. When Stiles opened the door, it wasn't Derek, but Danny who was waiting there. "Uh, hey man. What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to know if you were free to hang out?" Danny asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. Stiles felt bad about this whole situation, but he and Danny both agreed it had been a mistake. They really didn't need to be hanging out.

"Sorry, I have plans with Derek," Stiles told him, feeling a little guilty.

Danny raised an eyebrow mischievously and shrugged. "Really? Because when I saw him earlier today, he looked a little preoccupied. Had some guy in his car, looked like they were kissing, but what do I know?"

Stiles felt his blood boiling. "Danny, I'm sorry, can you please leave?" he asked through his teeth, slamming the door without letting him answer. Scott was at the bottom of the stairs in seconds. "That asshole!" he screamed, kicking the wall as hard as he could.

"What did he do?" Scott demanded, grabbing his coat like he was going to go kick his ass or something. "Stiles!"

"Don't worry about it. I can handle this," Stiles answered, shoving him towards the door. "You and Isaac should leave." He held back tears as Isaac came creeping down the stairs, like he was afraid of intruding. Scott was still staring at Stiles like he was going to break at any moment. "I promise, I'm okay. I need to be alone."

"Okay. Call me if you need anything," he said quietly, opening the door to let Isaac walk out first. After they were gone, he let it all go. All of the feelings, the tears, the angry screaming. It felt good, but he also had never felt worse in his life. He was thinking about giving Derek a second chance all this time. He was so naive. His mom used to tell him that as much as it's said, most people don't change. Stiles wasn't sure he believed her until now.

He wanted to go somewhere, but he didn't want to run into Derek. He also didn't really have anyone to talk to that would understand. So, he sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix and cried even more over a stupid guy he didn't want to cry over. 

It took hours before he was finally done crying, having watched a whole season of some Netflix original by then. It was way past seven by then. Stiles wondered if Derek forgot about the date or just knew that Stiles didn't want to see him.

He jumped when there was a knock at the door and untangled his legs from the pile of blankets. He opened the door to Derek's guilty face and almost immediately shut it. "Stiles, I'm so sorry-" he started, but Stiles slammed the door to cut him off. Derek caught it and pushed his way inside, following Stiles to the living room. "I was going to call you earlier, but it just got so crazy that I-"

Stiles scoffed, not believing what was coming out of Derek's mouth. "You think I want you to tell me about how 'crazy' you got with another guy while we're trying to work this out? I think that kinda defeats the whole purpose of this dinner we were supposed to have."

Derek froze for a second, cocking his head to the side. "Stiles, what are you talking about?"

Stiles rolled his eyes. He was tired of Derek acting like he was a victim here. "Don't play dumb. I have friends who care about me and wouldn't lie about seeing you kissing some guy in your stupid car." He told himself not to cry anymore, but it was getting hard to hold it back.

"Stiles," Derek said firmly. "My dad had a heart attack earlier, I've been at the hospital all fucking day. I know you don't trust me, and I don't blame you, but I wouldn't lie about my dad's health."

Stiles looked away guiltily. "I'm sorry, Derek. I had no idea..."

His eyes were watering and Stiles felt sympathy for him for the first time since he found out he cheated. Stiles had been through this before with his own dad and it was exhausting. "He's doing okay for now. I should have called-"

"No, no, no. It's okay, Derek," Stiles assured him, hesitantly stepping closer to him. He wanted to hug him, but at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to do it. "I'm sorry I stared accusing you of things the second you walked in, but you know why I'd so easily believe it."

"Yeah. I know, and I don't deserve anything more than for you to hear me out. I don't know who told you that or why, but I swear to you, I made that mistake once and it has made life miserable. I hate myself. I'll never, ever, do it again." He seemed so sincere, but Stiles knew better. He didn't trust him. He wasn't taking him back so easily. But for tonight, he didn't want to fight. "Please say something. I don't know what to do, Stiles. Today has just been so awful and I feel awful for what I did to you and I-" he stopped, wiping tears out of his eyes.

"Come here," Stiles said, taking his hand to lead him over to the couch. He sat down and pulled Derek onto the cushion beside him. Derek laid down, his head in Stiles' lap. "I know you've had a rough day, so I'm going to pretend for tonight that we're okay. Because I do love you, Derek. And I'm here for you, even after everything."

Derek gripped Stiles' thigh and sniffed. "I love you too. I'm so sorry for everything."

Stiles ran his fingers through Derek's hair, trying to soothe him. He knew he shouldn't care so much, but he did. "Let's watch a movie." He found the remote and took the blanket off the back of the couch, throwing it over Derek as he flipped through the movies on tv. They drifted off to sleep after awhile.

Stiles said he would watch the time, but when his dad cleared his throat very loudly and woke him up, Stiles knew he had fallen asleep. He looked down at Derek, still asleep, and then back at his dad. "He had a rough night. We are not back together," Stiles defended himself. He felt the need to make that clear, considering all the things he preached to his dad about how he wasn't going to make bad choices just because Derek made him a little stupid. His dad gave him a look that said he didn't believe him. "His dad had a heart attack and I know what it's like. He needed a friend."

"Just be careful, son. As much as I love Derek, I hate what he did to you and I'm not happy about you trying to work things out." He sighed, starting to walk away before pausing. "That being said, I want you to be happy." He smiled half way and walked into the kitchen to most likely brew a pot of coffee.

Stiles looked down at Derek again, lightly tracing his features. Like this, Derek looked peaceful. He could do nothing to hurt Stiles while he was sleeping, and that made him think of all the times where he could trust Derek. He missed those days.

Derek stirred a little, shifting around so his face was almost buried in Stiles' stomach. "Good morning," he mumbled, followed by a small sigh.

"Hey," Stiles answered awkwardly. "We should get up and go see your dad." He really just wanted to not be alone with Derek anymore.

"We can, for a little bit. I have to drive back to school today though," he answered, finally sitting up. Stiles was quiet, watching Derek has he ran his fingers through his hair. God he missed him so much, it was impossible to keep pushing him away. He wasn't giving in though, as much as he wanted to. Derek was going back to school where Stiles wouldn't be able to see him, or know if he was sleeping with other guys. He couldn't do this whole long distance thing. Not with Derek.

"Okay, well let's go then. I bet he wants some company," Stiles said, standing up to stretch. "I'm just gonna go change and I'll be down."

Stiles never liked hospitals. After his mom died, he avoided them at all cost. He hadn't been to one since his dads heart attack, and this whole situation was bringing back awful feelings and memories. Stiles, against his better judgement, took Derek's hand as they walked into the room. He could sense his uneasiness, so he though it might help to have some comfort, even if he hardly deserved it from Stiles.

"Hey dad," Derek greeted him with a small smile. Talia was sitting next to him, holding his hand. "Mom."

"Nice to see you two getting along," his dad teased, gesturing to their intertwined fingers. "Makes my heart happy," he added with a small snicker. Derek rolled his eyes and Stiles grinned. At least he could make the best out of an awful situation. "What time are you leaving today, Derek?"

"Uh, I'm not sure dad. Sometime later," he answered, glancing at Stiles as if he would tell him to stay. As much as he wanted to, he knew it wasn't right. "How are you feeling?"

His dad smiled. "Much better. You don't have to sit around here all day, son. Today's your last day home for a few weeks, go spend it with your friends."

Derek shifted on his feet. "Dad, what if you're worse next time I come home?" he asked, eyes watering. Stiles squeezed his hand. It was odd, being close to Derek purposely when he'd been avoiding him for the past two weeks, but he knew Derek needed someone right now. Someone who understood what it was like. 

His dad's smile faded. "I won't be. I feel fine, Der. It was just a scare. The doctor said I should make a full recovery. So go hang out with your friends today and I'll see you when you come back over the next break, alright? That's an order, mister." He smiled again, trying to lighten the mood. Stiles always admired Derek's dad, even though he didn't seem to talk much. He was a nice guy, a lot like Derek. Or what Derek was like in Stiles' eyes before he cheated. His dad was all the good parts of Derek, which was where Derek must have gotten it. 

"I'll come back before I leave tonight," Derek promised, leaning over to kiss his mom's cheek, then to hug his dad. He sighed softly and turned around to walk out, waving once more before shutting the door behind them. "You don't have to stay with me. I know you're not my biggest fan right now," Derek said as they walked outside. "I'll take you home."

Stiles thought about saying yes, because he didn't need to be alone with Derek, but he couldn't just leave him like this. "Can we go on a walk? We haven't had the chance to talk yet and you're leaving today."

Derek looked slightly shocked, but he nodded anyways, shoving his hands in his pockets. Stiles did the same. They walked across the street to the walking trail in silence. Eventually, Derek sighed. "I feel like we're strangers."

Stiles kicked a rock in front of him and shrugged. "We are strangers. The Derek I knew never would have done something like this, even after all of the shit I put him through. He never would have cheated on me. I have no idea who you are anymore." He had thought about it a lot in the past two weeks. There was nothing else to do besides sulk. He decided that Derek wasn't really Derek anymore. Not to Stiles. He was a different guy, and even if they got back together, he could never see him the same. 

"I'm the same guy who gave you your promise ring and swore to love you no matter what. I never broke that promise. I just- I made a huge mistake. I was alone-" he paused, shaking his head. "No, I felt alone. I don't know what was wrong with my head that night. It had never crossed my mind before. I even told him no once that night. Then I tried to call you and you were at a party, which is totally acceptable. I am in no way blaming this on you. It's just, that night, I really wished you were there, and when you couldn't be, I took all of my anger and sad feelings out on someone else. I. . . I couldn't even-- well, finish. After about five minutes, I stopped. That doesn't help at all. It doesn't change anything, but just know how awful I felt." 

"Derek, it doesn't matter how it happened, or for how long. It only matters that you even took him back to your place at all." Stiles felt frustrated. He was the one who asked to talk about it, so he should have prepared himself for the uneasiness that came with knowing more about how it happened. "I get that I didn't give you enough attention though. School is busy, especially with lacrosse and my dad's health. I couldn't give you enough of my hours, but-"

"Stiles," Derek cut him off, grabbing his shoulders to stop him. "You did absolutely nothing wrong. It is so you to blame yourself in a situation like this. It was all me, okay? I screwed up and it was all on me. You were the best boyfriend a guy could ask for. You gave me everything I needed. I was just feeling insecure and I let it get the best of me, but it will never happen again, even if that means never taking another sip of alcohol in my life. I swear, I will do everything in my power to make this up to you, if you'll let me."

Stiles bit his lip, staring at the ground. This was either going to be a stupid decision, or one of the best decisions of his life. He always did believe in second chances. Not third or fourths, but seconds? Everyone deserved a chance for redemption. "Okay," Stiles gave in. "We can try to make this work, but I'm going to be very nosy, especially while you're away at college. You don't get to have privacy. Tell me who you're with every time you go out, and if you don't, I'm calling Erica. Understand?"

Derek nodded eagerly. "Understood. I will do everything you say until you can trust me again. I love you so much, Stiles Stilinski."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "You can take me home now," he laughed. 
