Chapter 22: The Voice in the Hall

After several more hours of waiting in traffic, all whilst moving at a pace of approximately nothing per hour, the sun was beginning to get dangerously low in the sky, and an executive decision was made to lodge in a nearby ryokan for the night. The bus diverted off of the highway at the next available opportunity (which took another thirty minutes after the decision was made), and the sun had already dropped below the horizon to the west by the time we stopped in front of the ryokan.

"Well, this sucks," Yotsuba said glumly as we waited to disembark. "We had so many fun things planned for during the first day!"

"We can still do them," I said, shifting anxiously from one foot to another. I didn't like waiting in the aisles -- something about it stoked anxiety in my chest. Perhaps a mild form of claustrophobia. "Just... here, instead of the campground."

"Oh, good idea! Uesugi-san, you're a genius!"

"Don't praise me for something that simple," I scowled. "Call me a genius because I'm a genius, not because I thought of something obvious."

"Ok! Uesugi-san, you're not a genius!"

"Hey, wait, that's not what I meant--"

Laughing, Yotsuba stepped forward as the line began to shift, and was soon off the bus. Scowling, I followed, with Itsuki, Miku, and Ichika following suit. Miku had re-applied her headphones, and was tapping away on her phone, oblivious to the world around her. After stepping down from the bus (with a sigh of relief), we milled outside as the teachers discussed various details regarding our lodging amongst themselves. As we stood, snow continued fluttering down around us in thick flurries, rendering everything further than a few metres away invisible. I could hardly see the ryokan in which we were set to stay.

We stood like that for what felt like forever, but was in practice probably closer to only a couple of minutes.

"Alright, listen up!" one of the teachers eventually called over the wind howling around us. "We've managed to negotiate a group rate, so we'll be putting six of you to a room. I've got a list of the groups here. When you hear your name, please grab your bags, and then meet in the lobby of the inn. A staff member will show you to your rooms."

Some grumbling erupted from various parts of the mass of students, but the majority were like myself -- just desperate to get things over with so we could get inside. My back was also stiff from hours on the bus, and the whistling wind was stinging my face, even if my coat was keeping the majority off my body.

Almost immediately, all of the Nakano sisters were called together, along with some girl from another class who I didn't recognize. The four near me walked off, each offering a brief goodbye. Then, I was left alone, shivering in the cold.

Come on, hurry up and call my name.

The teacher continued to go through their list, and my name continued to not be called. My anxiety and impatience continued to grow, and the crowd around me continued to thin. Eventually, there were only about fifteen of us left -- then, finally, my name was called.

"Uesugi Fuutarou. Takeda Yuusuke. Maeda Akechi. Hashiba Hikaru. Tokugawa Haru. Toyotomi Asa."

I was so grateful to be able to grab my bag and head inside the ryokan, my head and shoulders sporting a healthy dusting of snow, that I didn't even particularly care about the fact that I would be sharing a room with Second Place-san. Striding over to the open belly of the bus, I grabbed my suitcase, and hauled it into the lobby.

Shaking off the accumulated snow, I stepped into the warmth, my reddened skin stinging as it soaked in the heat of the indoors. I walked over to where Second Place-san was standing with some other boys, whom he appeared to know.

"Welcome, sirs," the staff member said to the six of us once I'd arrived, bowing deeply. "Please, follow me."

Taking the lead, they led us along a long hallway, then around a number of sharp corners, and finally to our room, number 214. After sliding the door open and letting the six of us pile in, the staff member regaled us with information about all the facilities available. There were apparently hot springs, as well as a complimentary massage service. They also informed us that there were six futons rolled up in storage areas on either side of the room.

"We look forward to your stay," they finished, bowing deeply. "Please, if you have any issues, inform a staff member immediately."

Then, they slid the door shut, leaving the six of us to mill in the room.

"Well, the baths sound kind of cool," one of the boys I didn't recognize said, scratching his cheek. "Do you guys wanna go?"

"Sure," said one of the others, locking his hands behind his head. "That sounds nice."

"Hey, do you think there's mixed baths here?" a third said, a little bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth. "Maybe... maybe..."

"Shut the hell up, Hikaru," the first one said, smacking the guy in the back of the head. "Go perv out somewhere else."

"Hey!" he protested as the three of them left the room, their bags in disarray all over the floor. "I'm just speculating! Spe-cu-la-ting! Damn, Haru, don't you know what speculating is?"

"I'm gonna drown you, dumbass."

With the three of them gone, my focus was drawn to a boy who I didn't recognize. He was quite tall, with brown hair slicked back into what could only be described as a mullet. His face screamed 'delinquent', but something seemed... off. Like there was more to him than that.

It was his eyes.

The way they narrowed as he looked around the room suggested to me that there was more to him than the persona he was putting on. As though he were analyzing everything around him -- though whether that was for some nefarious purpose, or just a habit, I had no clue.

"Ah, once again, Uesugi Fuutarou, fate has brought us together! I see then that our clash is not complete -- the stars demand our continued struggle! Indeed, supremacy itself is on the line!"

Ah, crap, I forgot.

Grinding my teeth together, I turned to look at the blond boy who was practically radiating chuunibyou energy next to me.

"Can we not do this? Please?"

"Why, Uesugi Fuutarou, I have no idea what you mean!"

"I just... I don't have the energy for this right now. You're at an eleven right now, and I need you to turn it down to a five."

As I spoke, I held my hand level above my head, and then slowly lowered it -- indicating the energy level to which I was hoping (fruitlessly) that he would descend.

"Ah hah hah, is this the oft-rumoured languor of the common folk? Come, Uesugi Fuutarou, let us go forth like men and bathe in the steamy heat of the baths! That'll wash away your malaise!"

My eye twitched. "Are you-- are you serious? 'Languor of the common folk?' You still haven't given that up? Listen, Second Place-san... sorry, Fourth Place-san. You need to stop with the superiority complex. It's driving me up the goddamn wall."

At my nickname for him, the blond boy's face contorted into a look that was difficult to understand -- it wasn't quite fury, though there were elements of that. There was also... hurt? There was also something there that I didn't understand, some other emotion.

"Listen here, Uesugi Fuutarou! I shan't have you slandering me! I have no sorts of complexes at all!"

"It's not slander if it's true!"

"It isn't true!"

"Do some introspection, dammit!"

"Why, I'll have you know--"

"Uh," said a voice from the other end of the room, interrupting Second Place-san. "Do you two... have some kind of nerd beef or something?"

"He's my eternal rival, fated to dual one another in the sacred dance of academics for all eternity!" Second Place-san cried, striking a pose with his arms.

"I've literally never met this man before in my life," I deadpanned.

"Well, one of those two is a friggin' lie," the boy at the other end said. He pulled a futon out of one of the storage areas, rolled it out, and then flopped onto it. "Would you two pipe down? I'm sufferin' from a broken heart here, I need you both to buzz off."

A broken heart...? Also, rude.

"I shan't 'buzz off', this is my room as well," Second Place-san said, huffing. "If you wish to mope, Maeda-san, you may do so in the baths, as is dignified and just!"

"What the hell're you talking about, blondie?" Maeda scowled. "Don't just dump on a man when he's down."

"Ha! Nonsense! True strength comes from those who face adversity head on! Steel your heart, Maeda-san, for a bright new tomorrow approaches!"

"Ah, go to hell," the delinquent sighed. "I don't need a lecture from a pompous prick like you. I'm gonna curl up in this futon and suffer."

Yeah, I... don't even want to know. This sounds like a whole debacle that I don't want to--

"Why, what happened?" I asked, my mouth deciding to turn traitor at the worst possible moment.

"The most beautiful girl in the world turned me down," Maeda muttered, shoving his face into the futon. "I just wanted a girlfriend to dance with at the bonfire."

"Oh, right," I muttered. "There was something about that in the handbook."

I hadn't been able to bring myself to care about a dance, let alone one with my classmates, so I'd spent the majority of the time reading up on the things Yotsuba and I had planned. The bonfire and dance was just an afterthought, touched upon briefly only once I'd realized Yotsuba was on setup duty. Naturally, I'd offered to help in exchange for her services with the test of courage.

Equivalent exchange, and all that.

"I just can't bring myself to give up, though... I bet that Nakano-san isn't even taken."

Suddenly, I added two and two in my head.

"Oh!" I pounded my fist on my open palm. "You're Maeda-kun! The one Mi-- uh, Ichika rejected!"

Then, I covered my mouth, horrified. Stop betraying me, you stupid organ!

Maeda scowled over at me. "Don't be so familiar with Nakano-san, pal. What, are you dating her? I don't think she'd go for a scrawny nerd like you."

I uncovered my mouth, and shrugged my shoulders at the accurate representation of my physique. "No, she probably wouldn't. That's fine with me, I'm not particularly interested. Love is the furthest removed thing possible from academics. You're welcome to pursue it if you like -- but I have no interest."

"Bullshit," Maeda scoffed immediately. "I can tell from one look that you're the most repressed bastard I've ever met in my life, but I bet there's something in there."

"No, definitely not," I said, scowling back at him. For some reason, his comment had struck a nerve. "Unlike you, I have no intention of getting moonstruck over some girl. Besides, if you just want a girlfriend, any girl will do, won't they?"

"Nakano-san is special," Maeda glared at me. "I ain't gonna just drop her and scamper off to the nearest girl I can find if I know she'd not taken."

"That's... weirdly gallant of you, but I strongly suggest you do just that."

"Indeed!" Second Place-san piped up after an uncharacteristically long silent spell. "I agree with Uesugi Fuutarou! You should steel your heart, and move on to the other fish in the great wide sea!"

Maeda scowled at him as well.

"Listen here, you, I don't need--"

"You need only spread your wings! I know you're a catch, Maeda-san, you simply must let them know it! Simply ask a girl to be yours!"

Maeda blinked in astonishment. "Do... do you really think so?"

"Yes! Cast your net wide, Maeda-san, and your heart shall be spared!"

"I... huh... fine. I'm listenin', blondie."

I stared back and forth between Second Place-san and Maeda as they kept talking, Second Place-san striking various poses.

This has turned into some kind of weird love therapy session that I would desperately like to not be part of.

As though reading my mind, I felt a buzz in my pocket, and I pulled out my phone to see an email from Yotsuba inviting me to come play some more cards. Apparently she, Miku, and Itsuki were set up at a coffee table in a common area near their room, number 109.

"Well, it's been lovely talking with you gentlemen," I said, lying through my goddamn teeth, "but I've gotta go. Have fun with... well, whatever the hell you're doing."

Then, I pushed my suitcase into the corner of the room so as not to leave a mess, and fled for my life.

Having left the terrifying confluence of personalities in the room behind me, I wandered the halls, attempting to navigate my way to the location Yotsuba had sent me. This was, it turned out, no trivial task. The ryokan was sprawling; while it was all one story, the numbering system made no sense to me at all.

Why was our block the two-hundred block?

Why was the other one the one-hundred block, when they weren't next to each other?

Why, in my wanderings, was I now in the four-hundred block, which was apparently intermediate to the two?

Why did this ryokan in the middle of nowhere even have four-hundred rooms?!

As my confusion mounted, I found myself in a small common area with a vending machine and a few chairs around a table. Irritated, I flopped into one of the chairs, sliding down so that my neck was level with the backing, and my legs were extended out.

"This is going to take all night," I muttered, and pulled out my phone.

<Instructions unclear. Lost. Trapped. Mayday, mayday!>

A moment later, there was a buzz, and I saw that Yotsuba had laid out surprisingly clear instructions on how to reach her, starting from the front entrance. I was moderately impressed -- it was encouraging to see a practical example of the improvement in the clarity of her writing.

Muttering to myself about the sins of unintuitive interior design, I put my phone away, got up, and slowly began to attempt to make my way back to the front lobby. It would, I hoped, be a straight shot from there.

Apparently, "returning to the front desk" was far too much to ask for.

The hallways continued to bemuse and befuddle me with their twists and turns, and before long I was well and truly lost. Turning a corner, I saw a T-junction ahead of me, completely devoid of people -- and when I reached it, my heart dropped. Down the hall to the right was the exact same common area which I had just left. I recognized the table and vending machine.

I was going in circles.

This place probably isn't even that big...

Frustrated at my own failure to navigate, I continued going straight instead of turning right, hoping I would somehow find my way back to an area I recognized. I was, essentially, putting my faith in the power of a random walk.

It was about ten minutes later that I passed a turn, and heard a voice echoing down the adjacent hallway -- a voice that made my ears perk up.

That's Yotsuba's voice! I must have made it!

Then, I slowly started to frown as the voice, too quiet to have any hope of discerning any words, continued.

No... wait... there's something wrong. I... don't think that's Yotsuba.

I turned down the hall, walking slowly and carefully so as to not drown out the voice with my footsteps -- I was terrified of losing it, and consigning myself to dozens of minutes more of wandering. As I approached, my frown deepened. There was something about the voice that just didn't feel right; like the tenor was different, the notes different from Yotsuba's. As I got closer, I could start to make out a few words, though the majority was still just a quiet mumble in the background.

Who is that?

I reached another turn, and peeked around the corner. There was a different common area here, a very small one -- just a single couch, one which had certainly seen better days. The curled wooden feet were slightly chipped, and the pattern on the fabric simply screamed "1973". My attention, however, was primarily drawn not to the couch, but to the girl sitting on the couch, who was hunched over, poring over a stapled package of paper.

For some reason, Ichika was sitting completely on her own, talking to herself.

"No, Fuji-kun! I don't want to be left alone! I'm scared of the dark!"

A moment of silence. Then, she spoke again, apparently to nobody.

"But... but... I'm scared!"

Retreating slightly, I frowned. It was obvious that she was reading from some kind of script -- that, or she was hallucinating. That, however, only confused me further. The school culture festival had been months ago, not that I'd attended. There were, as far as I knew, no school plays happening any time soon either; and Yotsuba had made no mention of her sister being cast in one, anyways.

I couldn't see any possible reason she could have for sneaking off to some random abandoned hallway to read a script.

Maybe she's started doing community theatre?

Regardless, she was the first person I'd seen in nearly twenty minutes. She was, without a doubt, my ticket to getting out of this tangled web of walls.

There was nothing for it.

I rounded the corner as Ichika continued reading her lines.

"Hey," I said awkwardly, raising my hand. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Eh?!" Ichika yelped, leaping on the spot in the chair and dropping the pages, which crumpled on the floor. "Oh my god, Fuutarou-kun, you scared me!"

"Sorry, sorry," I apologized, raising my hands slightly. "I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's... it's fine," she said, catching her breath. "It's my fault for not paying attention."

There was a moment's awkward silence. Ichika was looking up at me, a slight red dusting surfacing on her cheeks.

"Did... did you hear?"

No use lying.

"...Yeah. Sorry."

Ichika's face went fully red, and she buried her face in her hands.

Then, unexpectedly, she laughed through her fingers. "Wow, that's embarrassing. I've done such a good job keeping things secret until now. Ugh, and it had to be a script like this, too -- it's not even a good one!"

I raised an eyebrow. "So... what, exactly, are you doing?"

Ichika didn't respond at first, simply leaning down and picking the dropped pages up off the floor. The papers rustled as she straightened out the stapled pages, tapping them against her knee to collate them properly. She put the script down next to her, and bit her lip in contemplation -- as though she wasn't sure what to do.

As though she was weighing the cost and the benefit of answering my question.

The silence stretched, as seconds turned to almost half a minute of wordless awkwardness. Finally, I shrugged, giving up.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I won't pry -- it's none of my business, after all."

Ichika looked away from me... and then, she finally spoke, an uncharacteristically quiet voice carrying her words.

"Maybe... maybe I should."

I frowned. I had no idea what that meant.

"It's been getting harder and harder to keep this a secret. I keep having to dance around this... thing, making sure the others don't know. It's exhausting."

I just waited.

"Maybe it'll be good -- good to finally get it off my chest, you know? Tell somebody about it."

"It's up to you," I said quietly, suddenly feeling like I'd, perhaps, accidentally wandered into a minefield. "I don't want to pressure you into telling me just because I happened to catch you. If you want me to just pretend I didn't see anything, I will."

Ichika was silent again, staring away from me. A shiver went up her spine, and she shook her head as though to clear it. Then, finally, she turned to face me -- and I could tell from the look in her eyes that she'd come to a decision.

"I'll tell you. You can't tell anybody though," Ichika said, her voice soft. "Promise?"

"Anybody?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "So, you don't want your sisters to know?"

"I especially don't want my sisters to know. So... no telling Yotsuba-chan."

"That's fine," I shrugged. "I can keep my mouth shut."

"No, I need you to promise."

Ichika held eye-contact with me, an uncharacteristically serious look on her face. I held her gaze for a few seconds, and then I sighed, and nodded. "Ok. I promise."

"Great!" Ichika said, her face lighting up, and her trademark smirk returning to her face. "Come sit down then, Fuutarou-kun, and I'll tell you all about my little secret. Or... should I say, our little secret?"

As she said the last few words, she winked at me, and patted the couch next to her.

"Please don't word it like that," I said, rolling my eyes as I sat down. "Well?"

Ichika was quiet again for just a moment, perhaps to gather her thoughts, perhaps to steel herself. I could tell just from her posture that she was nervous, though she was clearly trying to hide it. I also noticed, with some consternation, that her hands were trembling. She took a deep breath... and then another.

The seconds ticked on, with no words coming out of her mouth.

Ichika swallowed.


"I'm working as an actress," she blurted out.

"I... see," I said, blankly.

The silence resumed. It stretched for a few more moments, my brain not processing this new information.


"Eh? Wait, wait, hang on-- you mean professionally?!" I said, reeling.

"Well," Ichika said, a paper-thin smile crossing her face, "I'm trying, anyways. It's... not going as well as I'd hoped. So far, it's just been bit parts."

I furrowed my brow, my mind jumbled.

"Why on earth wouldn't you want your sisters to know about that?! That's amazing!"

"A lot of reasons, I guess," she said, pursing her lips and looking away from me. "The main one, though... I'm really lacking confidence right now. In my acting, I mean."

Ichika? Lacking confidence? This is a surprise to me.

"Honestly," Ichika said quietly, her voice trembling, "I've thought about giving up more than once. I promised myself... I promised that I would only tell them about it once I had something to show for it. Once I'd had some real success... so that I had something tangible to show them."

She pulled her knees up off the floor, and wrapped her arms around them. "I can't bring myself to tell them about this while I'm still empty-handed... because it makes it feel like I'm just entertaining some fantasy. Like I'm not serious about it. Like... like I'm a failure, just a silly little girl dreaming of being a movie star."

"I can understand that," I said quietly. "Like it doesn't feel like it's something you can share... until it's already done. Like there's something precious and fragile about it until that point. As though you could make one small error, and what you've managed to build up could break."

Ichika just nodded. "I can't let them know about it until I can truly believe that it's going to be real."

"You said you've only gotten bit parts? That's still pretty impressive. Isn't that something to show your sisters?"

"Not yet," Ichika said glumly, a slight pout coming across her face. I got the feeling I'd accidentally touched a sore spot.

"Why not?"

"I... I keep getting edited out."

I managed it. It took all of my willpower, all of my control over my facial muscles and my diaphragm -- but I managed not to laugh.

"I... see," I said, keeping everything deadpan. "That's unfortunate."

"You definitely just almost laughed, didn't you?"

"I... I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, glancing away from her as a single bead of sweat began to roll down my forehead.

A smirk slipped across Ichika's face. "Now, now, no need to lie to big sis -- I can tell, Fuutarou-kun."

I bowed my head deeply. "I'm very sorry."

She gently smacked me on the head with the script, and then she laughed. Somehow, hearing her laugh after how gloomy she'd been... it made me feel a bit better.

"It's fine, it's fine-- it is funny, even if it's depressing."

Then, she leaned back, staring at the ceiling.

"I got close, though. There was a big audition I had... when was it now? I don't remember. Maybe some time in late September..."

She sighed. 'It was for a pretty big part -- and I did ok, I think. But... I don't know, I guess my heart wasn't in it. There was this fireworks festival, and my sisters all went. We always go to watch the fireworks together, we always have since we were little. Nino went and rented a place for us to watch it and everything."

I frowned. This sounds familiar...

"The audition was at the same time as the fireworks, and so I ended up bailing on them to go do it. They were on my mind the whole time, though, and I guess... my performance just wasn't enough. I was short-listed for the part, but I didn't end up getting it. I was devastated."

Ah. That's why.

"I remember that," I said, leaning forward on the couch and staring at her. "I went to the mall with Yotsuba the next day, and she mentioned that you had left the festival early. Apparently Nino was pretty mad."

Ichika winced. "Yeah... she was."

Then, she smiled devilishly at me, her malaise temporarily set aside. "Though, my my, Fuutarou-kun. Here I am, spilling my guts to you -- and you bring up your dates with other women? How cruel."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't tease me."

"Oh, but you're a prime target. How could I possibly resist the temptation?"

"I believe in you," I said drily.

I'd only meant it as a retort, but Ichika's face went a bit red, and she glanced away from me.

"...Thanks, Fuutarou-kun."

I scratched my cheek awkwardly. "I'm sure you're doing your best. It'll only be a matter of time -- if you're sneaking away to practice even during the school trip... it's clear how much this means to you."

Ichika nodded silently, turning back to me.

"It means a lot," she said, her voice quiet again. "I... I've been devoting all my time to this. Hours and hours and hours. I basically don't have weekends anymore, I'm just at work all the time. I've been working after school as well, just to try and get my break. After I didn't get that part... I just threw myself into things, trying to make up for my failure."

There was another moment of silence, and then she shuddered.

"It's been really hard," she said, her voice cracking. "All I can do is just keep trying though... right?"

"I believe you," I said quietly. "Just keep doing your best."

Then, a thought occurred to me, and I frowned.

"Wait, hang on -- is that why you were skipping Second Place-san's sessions?"

Ichika frowned, confusion suddenly written across her face. "Who's that?"

"Uh... what was his real name? Er... oh, right. Takeda."


Ichika suddenly looked embarrassed, and looked away. She wiped her eye with her sweater sleeve.

"...Busted," she laughed awkwardly, lowering her arm. "I had work every evening except Tuesdays and Fridays, which conflicted with the sessions. I asked our dad about moving them before they started, but apparently that wasn't possible -- and if I'd said it was for work, I would've had to tell him what I was doing for work. I didn't want that. So... I just skipped."

I frowned. That explained... a lot.

"That's really unfortunate. You were able to come on the trip though -- how did that happen? Didn't your dad threaten to keep you home doing community service if you skipped any more sessions?"

"Yeah," Ichika said, getting a faraway look in her eyes. "That was a huge pain in the butt. I had to re-arrange my work schedule so that I'd be free on Mondays and Thursdays instead of Tuesdays and Fridays. It's meant I don't have any free days. I wanted to come on this trip and have fun though, so..."

She shrugged wordlessly, and in that moment, an intense wave of sympathy came over me.

She really is pouring her heart and soul into this...

"Well, it'll be worth it when you get that big part, right?" I smiled, leaning forward. "All the hard work, that is."

"I hope so," Ichika said, smiling. "Balancing school and work is... not the easiest thing. Some days, I wonder if I should just drop out, and focus on my dream full time."

I shrugged. "If that's what you think is best... but maybe wait until you get a break before you throw away your other options, you know?"

Ichika sighed. "Somehow, Fuutarou-kun, I had a feeling you would say that."

"Why do you sound disappointed, then?!"

"I'm not, I'm not!" she said, raising her hands. "Well, maybe a little."

I shrugged. "While education is important in its own right, ultimately it's a means to gain the skills to do the things you want to do. If you know what you want to do, and you have the means to achieve it... then by all means, go for it. The problem comes when you need a fail-safe, something to turn to when you need to get back on your feet."

Then, I frowned. "Hang on -- if you were working all the time, how did you have any time to study? I heard from Itsuki that you passed at least one of your subjects."

Ichika laughed. "Yeah... I don't know. I've always been pretty good at math, so I guess I got a little lucky with the distribution of the questions? Also, I don't know if you remember, but I hung out with you and Yotsuba while you were studying on some of my off-days. I think I probably subconsciously picked up a bit of what you guys were doing."

Then, she stretched in her spot, and lolled her head to the side to look at me.

"You know... I feel a lot better now. It feels weird that someone besides my agent knows... but... I don't know. It's a good feeling. Getting it off my chest, I mean."

"That makes sense. It's hard to keep secrets for a long time."

"Oh really?" she said, winking at me. "Is that so? What sort of secrets are you hoarding, then? Come on, you can tell big sis Ichika -- I'll keep all your secrets for you."

I snorted. "I don't have any secrets. I'm an open book -- I care about studying, and my family."

"Hmm? Is that so? I'm not sure I believe that, Fuutarou-kun. Everyone has a few secrets. Come on, tell me the skeletons in your closet."

An image briefly surfaced in my mind, a flash of black hair. Nope.

"No, I don't think I will, thank you," I said politely. "I'm squeaky clean."

"Boo, that's no fun."

"Sorry for my failure to amuse," I snorted. "Alas, you'll have to just suffer."

"Oh my, Fuutarou-kun, I didn't realize you were an S. Geez, and here I thought all this time that you were an M. How extreme," Ichika said, smirking.

I put my head in my hands, groaning. Ichika looked at me for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

I shook my head, disgruntled. "This is too much. You're killing me here."

"Sorry, sorry," Ichika wheezed, wiping away a tear. "But you're just way too easy."

Rolling my eyes, I leaned back in the chair. Ichika continued to laugh uproariously, and eventually got it out of her system. She finally looked up at me, and a more stern look came across her face.

"I am serious about this though, Fuutarou-kun. Please don't tell my sisters. Not until I'm ready."

I nodded. "I promised, didn't I?"

"Great!" Ichika said, popping up and turning to face me, her hands clasped behind her back. "Thank you very much, Fuutarou-kun."

"It's fine."

"Oh, since you're here anyways -- I need a male reader for the other role in the script. Any chance you'd be willing to help me out?"

I glanced down the hall. It had already been close to half an hour since I'd originally left Maeda and Second Place-san to their love talk, and fifteen since I'd sent an email to Yotsuba. I didn't particularly want to keep her, or the others, waiting any longer. But...

"Fine," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

She's doing her best all alone. The least I can do is provide a little bit of help.

"Great!" she said, sitting back down. "Here, let me show you."

She shuffled over next to me, and held the script over to be between us, her shoulder mere centimetres from mine.

"How much do you need me to try and act the part?" I asked. "I'm not much for theatre, to be honest. I'm not a good actor."

"It's more about having another person to read the lines; it allows me to just act instead of imagining pauses. So, do it however you like," she said, smiling at me.

"Gotcha," I said. "Ok, where are we starting from?"



I cleared my throat, and took a deep breath.

"Hey, Hana-chan, I heard that class 3-B is doing a haunted house! Do you... want to check it out together?"

Ichika looked up at me, and suddenly her whole face transformed. Where usually there was the vixen who loved to tease me, suddenly an innocent girl was sitting looking up at me, a mixture of fear and hope on her face.

"Fuji-kun? I... I don't like those kinds of things. But... but if you're there, Fuji-kun, I'll be brave!"

"Don't be scared, Hana-chan, I'll be there to protect you!"

I frowned, and looked over at her. "This really is schlock, isn't it?"

"Yeah," she shrugged, immediately changing back into Ichika,"but I need the part."

Then, she turned back into the demure Hana-chan.

"Promise, Fuji-kun! Promise you'll hold my hand the whole time! I'm scared of the dark!"

"Tch, clingy." I muttered. "Fine, I'll hold your hand, Hana-chan!"

"Ok! Then let's go, Fuji-kun!"

There was a moment's silence.

"Scene change," Ichika said in her normal voice. Then, she let out a small shriek.

"F-F-F-Fuji-kun! I'm so scared, there are monsters everywhere! That's-- that's a zombie!"

"Relax, Hana-chan," I read, pounding my chest with one hand. "I'll protect you from all of them!"

"O-Ok, I trust you, Fuji-kun!"

Another pause. Then...

"A beautiful succubus appears and latches onto Fuji-kun," Ichika read in her normal voice. "She presses her breasts against his arm."

"G-Get off of me, you wench! I won't be swayed! I... I won't..."

Another moment's silence.

"He-llo beautiful," I said, reading the next line in disbelief. I then looked up at Ichika. "What the hell is this garba--"

There were tears rolling down Ichika's face, her eyes puffy and red, and her lips trembling. My eyes widened in shock.

"No, Fuji-kun! Don't-- don't leave me! I don't want to be left alone! I'm scared of the dark!"

I turned back to the script, and read.

"God, you're so annoying. I'm leaving... and taking this buxom babe with me!"

"But... but... I'm scared!"

"That's not my problem anymore," I laughed half-heartedly, in accordance with the direction of the script.

"Fuji-kun -- Fuji-kun! No, don't go!"

Tears rolled down Ichika's face, falling onto her lap. A small hiccup came out, and she wiped a rolling droplet away with the back of her fist. Then, she looked up at me.

"This is the worst," she whispered, the heartbreak and loneliness palpable in her voice. "I'm all alone... the boy I like left me, I'm scared of the dark, and there are monsters everywhere. I wish I'd never come here. I should never have trusted him. I wish I'd never made these choices. I hate this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it so much! I can't go back though. I... I have to stay strong. I can't lose to this fear! If I do, it'll swallow me whole."

Despite the... questionable script, the tears streaking down her face really sold the emotion, to the point where I almost felt a flurry of pity stir in my chest for the fictional girl Ichika was bringing to life.

"...swallow me whole. Why? Why did he leave? What does that girl have that I don't? I... I can't escape. I can't escape. I'm trapped forever!"

Wait, is this a horror script now?!

"And scene," Ichika suddenly said in her normal voice, wiping the tears away with her sweater and smiling. "Well? How was my acting?"

"I think," I said carefully, "that you are far too good for this absolute garbage excuse for a script."

Ichika sighed, but a half-smile lurked on her face. "That's kind of you, Fuutarou-kun, but I'll take what I can get at the moment. The more eyeballs there are on me, the more likely it is I can get my break. All I can do is my best, and hope that eventually something bigger -- and better -- comes my way."

"Yeah... you can definitely do better than this," I said, tapping the script with my hand. "You have a real talent -- the tears sold it for me. I had no idea you could cry on command."

"Well, it's not quite on command," Ichika laughed, embarrassed by my praise. "Sometimes when I'm doing a scene, though, there's this... place inside of me where I can tug, and the tears just let loose. It's not always there though: I was just lucky this time. Maybe it was because of what we were talking about before? I was feeling pretty emotional."

"Well, lucky or not, it turned a frankly shockingly schlocky script into something at least remotely palatable -- so that gets a passing grade from me, at least. Good job."

"Thanks, Fuutarou-kun," Ichika smiled at me -- a genuine smile for once, rather than her usual teasing mask. It was nice to see. "That means a lot to me."

"When your movie comes out, let me know. I'll go see it."

"Oh," Ichika said, suddenly getting a bit red. "That's a bit embarrassing, but... sure."

"Great! I'm looking forward to i--"

My phone buzzed loudly in my pocket, and I frowned.

"Ah, shoot, that reminds me, I was on my way to go play cards. Do you happen to know how to get back to the main lobby from here? I... may have gotten somewhat lost."

"Sure," Ichika chuckled. "If you go down this hall, and make two lefts and a right, you'll be back at the main lobby. This place isn't that big, after all."

"Right," I said drily. "Thanks..."

Not that big, my eye.

"Think of it as my way of thanking you for helping with the read," she winked at me. "And also... thank you for hearing me out, and for keeping my secret."

I shrugged, rising to my feet. "A promise is a promise. Would you like to come play cards?"

"Ah, no, I think I'll stay here and practice a bit longer. Thanks though. Have fun!"

"Will do," I grunted. "See you."

I started walking down the hall, attempting to construct a mental map of how to get back to the front lobby.

Two lefts, and a right...


I turned back around to see Ichika looking at me from the couch, a pensive look on her face.

"Yes?" I asked slowly.

"Can... Can I ask you a weird question?"

"You just did -- but you're welcome to ask a second."

She frowned, ignoring the jibe. "This is going to sound insane, but... I've been wondering this for a while now. Months. It's been really bothering me. You and I... have we met somewhere before?"

"Well, you see, about two months ago, we ran into each other at the school cafeteria, and you made fun of me in front of your sisters..."

"That's not what I mean, silly." she said, shaking her head, though a small smile crossed her face. "I meant before that. Years ago, maybe."

I paused to evaluate. Years ago? I don't think I remember meeting Ichika years ago... unless...

A thought of a red-haired girl, a distant memory, flashed across my mind. That was the only redhead I could remember meeting. But... it didn't fit. Their personalities were too different.

"I think," I said carefully, "I would remember if I'd met someone who teased me as much as you do."

"Hmm," Ichika said, frowning. "I suppose that's true... I just can't shake the feeling that we've met before, though."

Then, she shrugged, and leaned back in the chair.

"Ah, well, there's nothing for it. Maybe it's just deja vu. Forget about it, Fuutarou-kun."

"Sure," I replied, feeling vaguely unsettled. "See you later."


I continued down the hallway as Ichika returned to her script, and turned the corner. Another left, and a right, and I indeed found myself back in the front lobby. Pulling out my phone, I saw that Yotsuba had simply sent a series of question marks. I quickly responded that I was coming, and then scrolled to the email where she'd sent the original instructions.

Following said instructions, about three minutes later I walked into a common room where Miku, Itsuki, and Yotsuba were gathered around a table, playing cards.

"Ah! Uesugi-san! You're late! Pffffft! Pfffffffffft!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that your attempt to whistle?"


"I taught you better than that," I said, sadly shaking my head. "I'm disappointed, Yotsuba."


Ignoring Yotsuba's indignant whistling attempts, I sat down at the table.

"Hi," I said to Itsuki and Miku. Itsuki raised her hand in greeting, her eyes on the cards. Miku looked at me, nodded, and then looked away without saying a word.

Wow. Cold. Did I do something?

"Uesugi-san, I emailed you ages ago!" Yotsuba complained from her chair across from me. "What the heck happened?"

"I got lost, and then I ran into Ichika. We chatted for a bit, and I lost track of time. Then, I got un-lost, and managed to make it here. The end."

A strange expression crossed Yotsuba's face for a moment -- and then it was gone, just like that. If I were to describe the expression, I would have read it as being a mixture of confusion... and worry. However, since that reading made no sense whatsoever, I just elected to decide I was wrong, and ignore it.

"So, what are you playing?" I asked, leaning back in the chair.

"Daifugou," Miku said quietly. "I'm winning."

"I'll steal your spot," I quipped confidently. "I'm coming for you."

"Oh," Miku said, frowning. "Good luck with that, Fuutarou. I'm going to destroy you."

"A-ha! 'Tis a challenge I hear!" Yotsuba proclaimed. "Let the duel commence!"

I played with the three sisters for the next several hours. As expected, I absolutely creamed Yotsuba and Itsuki; however, for some reason, Miku was simply unreasonably effective at this game. Despite the fact I usually had no trouble disposing of her, she seemed especially determined to hold her own. Eventually, however, I managed to secure my continued reign over the table.

"I yield," Miku muttered, splaying her cards out. "I'll go commit seppuku now."

"Eh?" Yotsuba said, horrified. "Isn't that a little extreme for a card game?!"

"No, she's suffered a grievous defeat," I smirked. "She must pay the price. Death is the only option."

"Fuutarou, you're a jerk," Miku pouted at me.

"Tell me about it," Itsuki sighed. "This guy, I swear! He makes fun of me every day."

"Hey," I protested, frowning. "It's not every day."

"Why are you only denying that part?!"

"Besides," I said, shrugging and ignoring the final point. "If you actually had a problem with it, you would tell me, right?"

"Yes," Itsuki admitted. "I would still give you hell over it first though."

I frowned. "Rude. Yotsuba, do you also think I'm a jerk?"

"Uh... uh..."

Yotsuba seemed overwhelmed by the question, her eyes rapidly flicking back and forth from the left to the right. I immediately felt guilty -- I hadn't meant to put her on the spot like that.

"You're allowed to say yes," I sighed. "I won't be offended."

"Well," she said, an apologetic tone in her voice, "I think sometimes you can be a little harsh... and blunt... b-but that doesn't make you a jerk! It's... it's part of your charm!"

Itsuki, Miku, and I all just stared at her. I could feel my face reddening.

"Oh," was all I could bring myself to say.

Itsuki muttered something under her breath, and Miku just reached over and patted Yotsuba on the knee. Her face was turning redder by the second, and I could feel my own doing the same. I decided that a tactical change of topic was in order.

"A-Anyways," I mumbled, "shall we play another round?"

"Yes," Itsuki said definitively. "Please."

We played one more round, but Yotsuba still looked like she was dying. Occasionally, when I was facing away from her, I thought I could see Miku staring at me out of the corner of my eye -- but the staring disease ran rampant with that one, so I didn't make much of it. The thing that was much more suspicious was that she attempted to hide the fact that she'd been staring when I turned back to look at her.

Eventually, I successfully protected my role at the top, and Itsuki threw in the towel.

"I am pretty tired," she said, letting out a yawn. "Have you tried the baths yet, Uesugi-kun? They're amazing."

"Not yet," I said, shaking my head. "I was part of the last group in, got trapped in a delusional love conversation, then trapped in a hallway, then trapped in another conversation, then trapped in a card game -- I'm quite ready for them."

"Hey, you were not trapped in the card game!"

"I wasn't actually trapped in the others either, Itsuki, it was a joke."


"I'm out too, though," I said, getting to my feet. "After all, we've got a pretty busy day tomorrow, right?"

I made eye-contact with Yotsuba as I said the final bit, and after a moment, the grin returned to her face -- her embarrassment forgotten in light of the upcoming activities.

"Yeah! We've got a jam-packed weekend ahead! No lolly-gagging, Uesugi-san!"

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "I won't do even a little bit of lolly-gagging."


I waved goodnight, and then departed. As I left, I could feel Miku's eyes on the back of my neck.

What's going on with her, anyways? She fluctuates between being extremely social, and ice cold. I don't understand her at all.

I managed to navigate back to the front lobby, and from there to my own room. Upon entering, I found Second Place-san and Maeda still deep in their love consultation, with the other boys passed out on the floor. Terrified of the eldritch horror possessing that room, I quickly grabbed my things, and fled for the baths.

As I soaked in the water, I could feel myself relaxing, the heat allowing my muscles to diffuse their tension, and the soreness in my back to slowly dissipate. A deep sleepiness came over me, and as I stared up at the night sky, I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I couldn't allow myself to fall asleep in the hot springs, of course -- but I permitted myself a moment of deep relaxation. As I examined the darkness above me, I could feel the corners of my lips inching upwards of their own accord as Yotsuba's words returned, unbidden, to my mind.

"...Part of my charm, huh...?"

A smile broke out upon my face, and I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself.

"That... certainly is a first."
