Chapter 6- I want you

I woke up to a tap on my arm.
"Hey" Sam said.
"Sam?" I said

"Yeah?" He said

"Did you even bother knocking? " I asked sitting up.

"Not really, I knew you would be sleeping , you look stunning even while you are asleep" he said.

"We have a date by 7, I think you should start getting ready now" he said .

"It's not a date " I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Well it is to me , so I'm gonna try to look my best." He said.

I stood up and went to the mirror.
"Sam?" I said

"Yeah?" He said .

"I look like a mad woman" I said ,

"Baby, you need to look at yourself through my eyes, the mirror is lying" he said laughing .

I turned to look at him and said "You are such a flirt"

"I love doing it with you" he said.

I walked to him and pulled him by his arm.
"I've gotta dress up, so please leave " I said.

"Okay babygirl" he said with a smile. "I can't wait to see you tonight" he added.

"You see me all the time , what's different?" I asked

"This time I'm gonna be looking at you, expecting a kiss at the end of the night" He said .
"You wish" I said.
"See you in a bit Princess"
He smiled and walked out.

Thank God I overpacked before we came on this trip because I really wouldn't have picked a gown if I wanted to be reasonable. Not to lie the outfits I just bought are perfect, damn.

I decided to wear a black glitter dress I bought recently alongside the other clothes.

I did a little makeup, Styled my hair into a ponytail, and wore black heels.

I hear a knock on the door, I went to open it and it was Sam, he was wearing a jet black outfit. He looked perfect and I felt a little intimidated.

"Fuck" he whispered.

"You look..." he paused. "Damn I'm lost for words" he said.

"You look great Sam" I said.

"You look more than great, You look fucking perfect baby" he said . He held out his hand and I put mine in his, then he planted a kiss on my hand . And we left.

In about 20 minutes we got to the restaurant.
Throughout the dinner he was stealing gazes at me. We talked about my success today and how Kanye said we would spend 4 minutes and we ended up spending about 12 minutes.

"He was certain that he won't be interested in the questions but once they were asked he couldn't stop answering " he said .
"Yeah, i was impressed, he is actually really smart ". I said.

"So we are hitting Ultrabar tonight , some of my friends are around" he said .

"Okay, any club would do, I haven't been to any so I'm not picky" I said.

"You haven't been to a club before?" He asked

"No I haven't" I said.

"Wow, there's so many things you haven't done. Have you drank before?" He asked

"Yeah, sure, first time was with my mum" I said.

"Your Mum must have been cool" he said.

"Yes she was ",I said.

We finished our food and  went into the car.
In about 27 mins, we got to the club, I could feel the ground vibrating beneath me when we got inside.  Damn the music is so loud. It seemed like he made a reservation earlier because we were ushered to the vip section.

At the table I was shocked to see celebrities there. There was Luka, Jaden Smith , Jacob Elordi, Amandla  and Jace Norman.

Wow, a bunch of popular people. Awkward!!!.

I was uptight for a while but they were actually warm and I loosened up a bit. Zendaya came to meet up with Jacob and Sam introduced us. 

We had fun drinking and talking, well not me in the talking part, they have had a lot of similar experiences so I couldn't say anything. It became awkward  at some point cos they were talking about parties they all attended, Sam noticed this and he held my hand . 

"Yeah okay guys, so I am here to celebrate my girl's success. She just did her first interview and it was a banger. So let's make a toast to her" he said.

He made a toast and we all drank and they all congratulated me. He called me his girl?!

The girls stood up and started dancing while some guys were moving their bodies enjoying the music.

"Come let's dance" Sam said into my ear.

"I can't really dance" I said.

"I don't believe you" he said pulling me up.

He held me really close to him and started dancing, his hands on my waist. I started moving to the beat . After a few minutes I really loosened up and started swaying my hips.

When I looked around us, a couple of Sams friends had left the area, it was just lukka and a blonde girl . I started grinding him. I danced with him this way for a few minutes and felt him harden against me. I stopped immediately.

"Fuck" he said looking down at his pants ." You drive me nuts" he said .

"Sorry " I said
"You don't have to apologize for anything",
he said looking into my eyes.
I pulled him in and kissed him.  I kissed him slowly , savoring every second , for about 15 seconds . I noticed his grip around my waist tightened at some point so I pulled away slowly, looking at him .
"I didn't want you to stop" he said against my lips.
I hugged him and said into his ear "You got a kiss at the end of the night,  you happy now?"

He was grinning from ear to ear. "Yes I'm more than happy" he said.

We stayed for about 5 more minutes before we left for our hotel. 

"You were uncomfortable " he said  ,when we got into the car.

"Maybe a little, I couldn't really relate to what you guys were saying" I said .

"I'm sorry about that" he said.

"You don't have to be sorry about anything " I said.

We got back to the hotel and he asked to come in.

"I wanna take you somewhere tomorrow " he said.

"Where?" I asked

" it's a surprise." He said.

"Can I get a goodnight kiss? " he asked .
"No, no more kisses for you" I said .

"Quick question though." I said

"What?" He said

"What's going in between you and Kendall ?" I asked. It has been bugging me all day especially after our first kiss yesterday. I need to know if I should be worried or not.

"We are just friends " he said .
"Just friends? y'all never kissed or had sex or anything of the sort?" I asked

"We have kissed and had sex but all that was before you " he said.

"When was the last time you had sex with her exactly ?" I asked .

"Monday morning, she slept over at my place "  he said .

"Wow, Wow, that's insane. " I said , my heart was breaking to pieces on the spot . The room suddenly became so hot. If he had sex with  Kendall on Monday , I don't think he should be kissing me now.

"I can't do this" I said.

"No Princess, don't say that, I WANT YOU, more than I have ever wanted anything , " he said

"You are in an entanglement with Kendall, I'm not sure I can compete or deal with that. And also I'm definitely not a thing " I said .

"I already told her about you, I was with her cos I was bored and single and she kept on coming onto me. Tuesday when she came around I told her I liked you, and she was okay with it, we weren't in anything serious I promise"  he said . "And you aren't a thing Princess".

"Damn, I don't know if I can do this" I said

He looked defeated. "Princess, I want you , I want only you, please don't do this "

"Goodnight Sam" I said.

"Fuck" he said and left my room.

I took my clothes off , and went to take a warm shower .  I thought about how I felt and if I would be able to just let him go without giving him a fair chance.

I know I have feelings for him and I think he does too. But what if he's lying just to be in my pants? But then what if he's actually saying the truth. I'm just not sure I can compete with 'The Kendall Jenner'.
And I really really really want him in my pants.

I put my robe on and went to his door.

I knocked twice and he didn't answer so I went back to my room to take his keycard and went in.
He was standing shirtless close to the balcony .

"What do you want?" He asked not looking at me.

"I wanna talk to you" I said .

"It seemed like your mind was made up" he said , turning to me.

"Look I like you okay? But I'm scared that you will hurt me, i feel it in my bones that you will, and I don't know if I'm willing to take the risk." I said, knowing fully well that I was taking that risk already.

"Princess , am I really that bad a person???
I won't hurt you , I promise " he said coming closer.

"I don't know about that" I said.

"I want you, Princess, I want all of you, I wanna hold your hands and kiss you in public, Heck I wanna buy you gifts every time just to see you smile, I wanna do everything people in love do in a relationship because I'm in love with you" he said and my heart melted.  Nothing mattered anymore  . He loves me!!!

I walked over to him and our lips collided. He raised me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He walked towards the bed , his mouth never leaving mine and put me down on the bed. I pulled him down with me ,with my legs still wrapped around him and he moaned into my mouth.

He started kissing my neck and I found myself moaning, damn this feels  so good.

He went on for a while and he stopped.

"No, don't stop" I said . "Why are you stopping"?"

"Are you drunk?" He asked .

"What?, no, I didn't drink too much " I said.

"Are you sober? " he asked " what was the last thing I told you before you kissed me?" He asked .

What's with all these questions right now? .

"You said you were in love with me" I said .

He leaned back to me and continued kissing me, he stopped after a while and just stared at me and I could see his pupils  had dilated.

"I have too much clothings on , Sam " I said . Wow I think I'm feeling too confident tonight.  He untied my robe and took it off,  "fuck, so perfect " he whispered.

He fondled my breast while kissing my neck and I felt like I was floating literally . I started moaning loudly because I couldn't contain the euphoria I was feeling.  He stopped again. He slowly took off his pants and under pants never taking his eyes off me.

"What do you want me to do to you?" He asked . Leaning back to me.
"I want you to take me , Sam, please, make love to me" I said . I really want him right now.

He used his fingers to stroke my inner thigh , then slowly moved it to my sex.
"Holy Fuck , you are so wet" he said , touching me there slowly , he put the finger in his mouth and said "delicious ", he started kissing me on my tummy, then lower abdomen, then thighs, then there. " Mmmmhmmmn You.are .so .perfect". He said against me.

He ate me out, while I moaned hard. He replaced his tongue with his fingers again and started rubbing, while kissing me on my lips.
He started picking up the pace and I could feel myself climbing . He was going really fast now and I was breathing so hard, Something was building in in my lower abdomen and I needed some sort of release. "Faster "  I moaned , and he went faster than before and in about a few seconds I started to shake, coming down from the high. I have never felt that before.

Leaving me , he went to the side drawer and grabbed a foil packet.
I didn't know he had a condom.

He wore the condom and climbed on me and started kissing me .

"Are you ready?" He asked .

"Yes " I said.

He rubbed me there for about a second. Then kissed me again.
He moved down to my sex and spat on it and rubbed. He moved back up and tried to get it in.
"So fucking tight" he said .

I felt a sharp pain when he was trying to get it in. He was going as slow as possible but it kinda hurt. I put my hand over my mouth so I won't scream.
He pulled out and said " let's try another position"

He flipped me over so I was lying on my stomach and said. "Arch your back baby".
I did as told and he put it in. I started moaning because this felt better. It was a mixture of little pain and pleasure.
He started thrusting in and out , making me moan louder.

He went faster and I could hear him moan. We went on like this for a while, then he started going really fast now . His body went rigid and I heard him moan louder as he spilled into the condom. At this point we were both breathing  heavily.

He pulled out and kissed my shoulder and went into his bathroom.

I knew I needed to take a shower again, so I went in after him.

He was under the shower, looking down with his two hands on the wall .

I went in and hugged him from behind. He raised an arm and pulled me to his front and started kissing me .

He stopped after a while and said ,"You make me happy, and I really meant it when I said I won't hurt you. I just wanna be with you, and I wanna touch you in ways only I can. "

"Ways only you can?" I asked raising and eyebrow.

"I know you have never orgasmed before me and that was your first , your body responds to my touch " he said sliding his fingers inside me . I bit my lip. Then he kissed me while his hand was busy.

"I want to be the only one touching you like this" , he said , against my lips

I let out a moan . Damn he really is skilled, I like that he knows what he's doing, he knows where to touch me .

He stopped and planted a swift kiss on my lips. Then  gave me a hug.

We both showered and went back into the room. I wore my robe and said "Goodnight Sam ".

"No you don't, I want to wake up
Next to you tomorrow morning ." He said .

"Uhm no" I said picking up his key card and mine. Wondering if that's the same line he used on Kendall.

"Princess please, or I'll follow you to your room" he said.

"You can follow me if you want, but I'm not sleeping here" I said.

"What difference does it make though, well if you insist I would just put on shorts, one second " He said
We went back into to my room, talked for a while, joked around, made goofy ass videos and eventually slept at 3 am.
