Chapter 24- Hold the fuck up.

Jeremy's POV

Brooke took Princess outside to talk or something. And I saw Becky picking at her food. So I got up and went to sit next to her.

"Hey Becca" I said.

"Hey Jeremy". She said back .

"I can see that you are still mad, I'm sorry about everything , when I found out I was Bi, you were the first person I wanted to tell " I said.

I really did want to tell her but the conditions weren't in my favor .

"Then why didn't you " she asked.

"I was embarrassed, and I didn't want Princess to know about it , and I knew that if I told you about it , you Would have told her " I said .

"I would have kept your secret if you told me Jeremy, she's my best friend,yes, but I'm your sister not hers" she said.  "When and how did you find out?" She asked

"I noticed it at the time I first had a crush on Princess in junior high, she was my first love, but I noticed that I found guys cute . I mean it's okay to think a guy is cute but I found myself wanting their 'member ' in my mouth, or  similar things, I really thought I was tripping. So I became rigid. Started fucking a lot of girls and shit. And I left the school football team because I got hard when I see Ronnie naked or any other guy in the locker room. Then Princess kissed me and it was beautiful but I was curious about my sexuality ,that was the main reason I didn't tell her I loved her. I knew I loved her . So I told dad I wanted to be a Marine , I really tried to fix myself Becky. I thought being a soldier would toughen me up enough to come back to Princess and remove all the questions I had but there I met Brooke and I fell for him immediately. I struggled everyday to keep my emotions at bay for a year but one day I couldn't hide it any longer and I told him, then we got together.  

I know I should have come out then but I didn't because I didn't want To ruin my chances with Princess in the future. I thought what I had with Brooke was gonna be temporary

That's everything Beck" I said .

"Wow, I'm so sorry for being selfish and not thinking about what you must have gone through.  I need you to know that I love you and you have my support. I'm happy as long as you are . Also you never have to try to change anything about yourself " she said.

Then we hugged .

Then I noticed Brooke was  back and he was talking with Riley.

I went to sit down beside him and pulled him in to kiss him. I suddenly felt confident about us.

Now I think I love Brooke a little bit more ,  but is it weird that I still  really want Princess too?.

"Hold the fuck up" I heard a familiar voice say.

I snapped out of the kiss and saw that BB was here, holding Princess's hand.


"What is going on here Jeremy" he asked me with a frown. And I felt my blood boil. I was angry that he saw me like that, kissing Brooke when  I told him  that I was gonna have her .

"What are you even doing here ?" I asked  weakly

" So You are gay now?" He asked  with a smirk on his face , and he started walking towards me.

I felt like punching his pretty face to wipe that smug look off his face.

"Sam, stop it, don't talk to him like that" I heard Princess say pulling him back.

I got up and left .  I saw Brooke run after me.


Sam's POV

"HOLD THE FUCK UP" I said. Wait. What is this?
That dude Jeremy was kissing Riley's brother . Isn't he supposed to be in love with Princess or some shit?

Oh now I get it. Brooke introduced himself as Jay's boyfriend. I was wondering who the fuck Jay was but I get it now. Jeremy Jay.

So he is gay? Then why did he threaten to take her from me then?

My subconscious was really happy about this.

"What is going on here Jeremy" I asked seriously.
"What are you even doing here " he said .

Is he joking? . I know some deep shit went down these past few days for him to be out here openly kissing a dude .

"So you are gay now ?" I asked almost laughing. Phew ,The weight has been lifted, I'm glad that I have no rival, that makes me really happy. I was walking towards him to annoy him more because I saw that he was getting angry . He couldn't even say anything , which made me happy.

"Sam, stop it, don't talk to him like that" Princess said , holding my hand.

He just got up and left. And Riley's brother ran after him.

I really need to know the details about all of this.

Princess led me to a chair and sat beside me .

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"Can we not talk about that here, right now? And I didn't like how you were being with him " she said to me.

"I know, I'm sorry, but he really got under my skin back in NYC " I said back.

"BISEXUAL " I heard Becky say out of the blue.

"Huh" I asked .

"Bisexual , Samuel, he is bisexual" she said.

" oh, not gay, got it." I said in a mocking tone .

"You know you don't have to be a jerk about this right? " Princess said . "And I would pretty much appreciate it if you would apologize to him " she added.

"Really? I should apologize to him?" I asked .

"Yes " she said . I noticed she was already getting irritated and I really don't want her to be like this now.

"Fine , I will but I don't have to do that now right? ." I said .

"Yeah, just do that when you want to . Firstly you have to apologize to everyone on this table because you created a scene" she said.

Is she serious? . I did create a scene but do I have to apologize?.

She's lucky I love her so much .

"I'm sorry guys, I was shocked , that was why I reacted like that, sorry for creating a scene " I said .

I noticed Caroline and Riley didn't say a word at my outburst.

"It's fine " Riley and Becky both said in unison.


Princess's POV.

With Sam here I actually feel happier. Like I can't control it.

I'm really glad he came though.

But I'm not exactly sure if I'm gonna tell him that I and Jeremy had sex , or not.

He doesn't have to know , but how do I tell him what happened without him knowing we had sex.    

'You could just tell him the truth though, it's better you tell him than for him to find out from someone else ' my subconscious warned.

I would tell him eventually .

We were all walking back to our cribs now. Becky and Derick parted ways with us.

"Where would you be staying ?" I asked Sam who was walking beside me.

"I got a place close by "  he said.

I was shocked to find out that he was directly next door to Riley's . I thought some people occupied the place already?.

I was gonna go in with Riley but Sam held my hand.

"Ca.. can we talk?" He stuttered.

"Yeah sure , what do you need?" I asked .

"Can we talk? back at my place ?" He asked.

"Sam I'm kinda tired and I need a hot shower " I said. Is he asking me to come over cos he wants to have sex?

"You can shower at my place " he said.

"Uhm, no, I'm good" I said . I mean I would love to but I'm a little scared that things would be so magical with him while we are here, then some shit would happen when we get back to nyc .

"Princess, I don't want to be far from you anymore , please , stay with me for the rest of this trip" he said.

"You can't just ask me to move in with you, just because you want to have sex" I said.

"I don't want to have sex with you Princess" he said raising his voice in frustration., " I mean , I do , but that's not why I'm asking you to move in with me, and you know I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do" . "Look I really missed you, I wanna lay next to you, I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up, please baby"'. He said.

"Just for tonight , and only to catchup" I said. Another reason I don't want to be with him rn is that I'm not sure I want him to know about I and Jer, yet.

"But I need to go and freshen up, I'll come see you in a bit" i added, then went inside .
