πŸ¦‰ Hogwarts πŸ¦‰

Gender Neutral
Child of Hecate


"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" Annabeth asked, stepping through the hole that the bricks had made.

You glanced behind you and nodded. You stuffed your wand into your pants pocket and grabbed her hand.

The Hogwarts school year was going to start again and you needed supplies for the new year. Chiron had allowed each Hecate child to go out separately and now it was your turn to go.

Just like the Percy Jackson books, written for other demigods but was regarded as fiction, the wizarding world had it's own series. Sadly, the Harry Potter series had been written by a women that you currently dislike. It was sad to know that she brought some sort of shame on to the wizarding world that you had grown up in.

As the two of you continued walking, more shops and people came into view. You looked down at Annabeth, who's eyes were open wide with amazement.

"Is this your first time in Diagon Ally?"Β You asked, pulling her closer when a couple kids raced by you.

Annabeth glared up at you, letting you know that your joke wasn't funny at all. You simply smiled down at her before looking around the street.

"Are you trying to look for someone?" Annabeth asked, trying to look above the crowd that had gotten bigger in the short amount of time.

You nodded. "I'm looking for Teddy. He said he'd meet me in front of the joke shop but I can't see him."

Annabeth looked back up at you. "You mean Teddy Lupin, right? The guy from that bread story you told me about?" She asked, pushing herself through the crowd, dragging you behind her.

"Yeah, him. He's the one that punched me in first year after I startled him on the train."

Annabeth laughed at the memory of reading the letter you had sent her about that moment. Teddy was a constant character that showed up in your letters and Annabeth was glad you had someone at school to be around.

The two of you made it to the front of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The store itself was packed full of children, trying to buy items that were definitely going to be on Filch's forbidden list.

"How are we going to get in? There's obviously no room for us to get through unless I punch a few people," Annabeth asked.

She definitely looked like she was about to throw hands with a fourth year before a young redheaded girl ran up to you. You had to catch yourself before you fell back with the little girl on top of you.

"Be careful Lily," You said, patting her head. "Wouldn't want you to get hurt. I'd get yelled at by your grandmother for hours."

Lily laughed and clung on to your shirt as you lifted her up in your arms. You held her on your hip and reconnected your hand with Annabeth's.

"Wasn't James supposed to look after you today?" You asked, bringing the two girls into the crowded shop. You had been in the store so many times that you could walk through it with your eyes closed.

"He left me to go out with a boy," Lily said, pouting. Since you had picked her up, she was busy braiding pieces of your hair.

Annabeth noticed how close the two of you were and smiled softly at the thought of someday having a family with each other.

You and Annabeth had a long history with each other, starting from the moment when you had met her at the age of 10 when she arrived at Camp Half-Blood. You had been there when she had been injured during the fight against Kronos and when Percy had left to become a god. You had become a member of the Argo 2, the last one of the seven to be found since you were lost after the battle of Kronos.

Now that the battle with Gaia was finished, you finally had the time to bring Annabeth to Diagon Ally. It was one of the few times you could go to Hogwarts without any worries and life-threatening injuries.

"Is James still with Dean's and Seamus' kid?" You asked, going into the backroom to try to find one of the two Weasley men.

As you continued to talk to Lily, Annabeth was lost in her own head as she looked around the backroom. She knew that the world of a Halfblood was filled with weird things and what could be considered magic, but the wizarding world seemed more magical. She was amazed that the people in the books that she had read were not simply characters, but living people.

"If it isn't my favourite godchild," You heard George say when you walked into the room.

You laughed and placed Lily on the ground so you could hug the older man.

"I'm your only godchild so I automatically win," You said, pulling away from George's embrace.

"Speaking of godchildren," George said, using a beautiful segway to show off a piece of paper with messy black writing across it. "Teddy says that Harry was making him weed the garden and that he was sorry he couldn't meet your girlfriend."

You sighed. You should have known that something was going to come up. The day seemed to be too perfect.

"It's fine. Annabeth and I will just have more time to spend buying my supplies!" You said, trying to find a positive in the situation


At end the day, you and Annabeth stopped at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. It was nice to sit down and relax after a hectic day of getting school supplies.

"Did you get everything you needed?" Annabeth asked, taking a bite of her mint chocolate chip ice cream. You nodded, patting the backpack that rested by your feet.

"Yeah, despite stopping at the joke shop earlier, I managed to get some more quills and ink before the other shops closed," You replied, finishing the cone to your own ice cream.

The two of you were silent as Annabeth finished her own cone. She looked over at you and smiled.

"Thank you for bringing me here today."

You smiled back and grabbed her hand from across the table. "I was planning to introduce you to this part of my life anyways. Its something I wanted to do before we got married."

Annabeth's face flushed after hearing the last part of the sentence. "What do you mean, before we got married? We've only been dating for a couple of years."

You laughed at her embarrassment. "I've gotten top marks in astronomy. I've been told that I could be a decent prophet and our marriage is something I can foresee."

Annabeth shook her head, her ponytail whipping back and forth with the movement. "Say that when you actually propose."

You felt the ring box in your backpack and looked up at Annabeth.

"About that."


If y'all want, I could always write about the quest to find the lost Y/n. But that's only if you want it.

{Date Published: 5/18/18}
{Latest Edit: 6/26/20}
