day 30

day 30
calum's party

"ky, why aren't you drinking?" calum frowns as he walks towards me, nearly spilling his drink.

"so i won't end up like you are now." i say, rolling my eyes at calum who's trying so hard to stand straight.

"but it's my party," he pouts, "you don't look like you're having fun at all."

"fine," i grumble, "i'll only drink cause it's gonna make you happy."

"yay!" calum says excitedly as he grabs me by my hand, leading me to where the drinks are.

- numerous drinks later -

"fuck." i breathe out, clutching onto michael for dear life as i try to regain my balance.

"i'm having so much fun!" he shouts over the music, "look, ky, they're playing a game over there, let's go join!"

before i'm able to respond, michael's dragging me over to the living room where about 15 people are sitting down in a circle.

"michael! ky!" ashton smiles, "come join!"

more drunk people urge michael and i to join in the circle.

"we don't even know what they're playing." i whisper at michael who's already making his way towards the circle of people.

"it's a party, ky, it's gonna be fun." michael says.

i shrug. yolo. i'm a bit drunk already so i'm just going with the flow.

i sit and take a look at the people i'm playing with. there are some people i don't know, some familiar faces, but one person stood out.

luke hemmings.

his face is red, probably from drinking, too. he laughs as ashton says something funny, probably, i didn't listen.

he licks his lips then takes his lip ring between his teeth as he stares at something on the ground.

to my surprise, he looks up and we make eye contact.

"ky!" michael exclaims, causing me to gasp and look at him.

"what?" i ask.

"the bottle landed on you, dumb dumb." i look down on the carpet, and the bottle really is pointed towards me.

what game are we even playing?

to my surprise, ashton spins the bottle again.

oh no.

fuck no.

everything turns to slow motion as reality hits me as to what game we're playing.

7 minutes in heaven.

my heart beats fast and i feel the need to vomit as the bottle starts to spin slower and slower, meaning it's about to stop.

fuck. fuck. fuck.

the bottle stops, and the people around me make a series of sounds of cheering and excitement.

"alright, luke!" someone i don't know hollers.

i look up at the blue eyed boy, who's already looking at me.

"go on, then." michael says, pushing me to stand up.

luke's already standing up, so i follow him.

"7 minutes, alright? lights off," calum smiles, "and enjoy."

luke and i are pushed to a dark room which i think is a laundry room or something.

"timer starts now!" someone shouts from behind the door.

silence fills the room. everything's happening so fast, i'm not even sure if any of this is real.

"where are we?" he asks.

"i think we're in a laundry room." i answer simply. my heart's beating so fucking fast.

silence fills the room again, and i never wanted time to go faster.

"we don't have to do anything, okay?" to my surprise, he speaks up, "we can just sit here and talk."

"wh-what?" i stammer. my heart's beating so fast.

"we don't have to do anything, you know, sexual," he chuckles, "if you don't feel comfortable, it's okay with me. we can just chill."

"oh," i say, "okay, then."

"i'm luke, by the way." he says.

"i'm ky." i answer simply.

"oh, shit," he chuckles, "my hand was outstretched for you to shake but i forgot we're in the dark. of course you couldn't see it."

we stay silent for a while, since i don't fucking know what to say.

"hey, luke?" i say, grateful he can't see me because i'm probably as red as a tomato now, "thank you."

"thank you for what?" he asks instantly.

"for not, you know," i say as i scratch the back if my head, "expecting us to do something in here."

"oh, no biggie," he says, "consent is a must."

we stay silent again, the faint sounds of the party behind the door fill up the room.

"hey, ky?" luke speaks up.

"yeah?" i answer.

"michael," he starts, "is he your boyfriend?"

"what?" i snort, "michael? my boyfriend?" i'm laughing as i say this.

"if not, do you guys have something going on?" he asks, much to my surprise.

"oh, hell no," i say, still laughing, "i can never imagine being with michael romantically."

"ah, i see." he answers.

"yup." i reply, not really knowing what to say next.

"so if you're not with him," he starts, "do you think i can-"

"times up, lovebirds!" luke gets cut off by ashton opening the door widely.

everyone's looking at luke and i, most of them groan since it's obvious we didn't do anything.

"out you go," ashton says, "time for the next pair!"

"sorry, what were you saying?" i ask luke as we make our way back to the circle.

"oh, nothing," he chuckles, "it was nice to meet you, ky. i enjoyed your company."

"thanks, too," i say, "for being a gentleman."

luke and i take our seats back on the carpet.

i take my seat, and i can therefore confirm.

i have a crush on luke hemmings.

present day
july 16, 2020

"man, luke really respects women more than anything, doesn't he? that's why he's my role model." ashton says proudly.

"especially ky, mate," calum says, "he was so protective over ky whenever we'd be at bars, clubs or parties. he watched her like a hawk."

"yeah, remember that time at the beach when luke punched the dude that was taking advantage of ky cause she was drunk?" ashton says.

"i remember." i say, nodding.

"that wasn't the first time luke did that, though," michael says, "remember senior year?"

my eyes widen as i remember that night.

"luke went wild."

best friends forever ??? BOI

- au
