Chapter 9 [Lost]

Figure POV:

After everybody had their breakfasts, I went to where Seek and I sat this morning. But I didn't hear Seek's heartbeats when I approached the seats. He must have left.

"Hey, Figure." A pitched sound filled my ears. This must be El Goblino. I turned to him and lowered my head implying I was listening. "Yes?"

"Should we explore the hotel now? I really don't want to get lost, so I don't want to go alone."

"Sure." I said, we got out of the cafeteria. And me, Jeff, El Goblino and well, Bob started exploring The Hotel. (QUICK REMINDER: The Hotel was always the same - like it had that Hotel+ update places and rooms etc. from the very start, but the new entities came later.)

"I'm really excited to visit room 100 even though I won't get to see it." Only if Seek was here, he would've described every single thing to me. Wait, we had a promise... We were going to visit room 100 for the first time together. Crap, what have I done? But I can't go back now... I already started walking with them.

I'm so stupid. Why would I even decide to hang out with different people, and not invite Seek? I wanted alone time to think about my feelings for him by staying away from Seek, but now what am I doing? I'm literally hanging out with new entities that just came to The Hotel today! I'm not even alone right now, it just looks like I'm ignoring Seek. I'll mess everything up. He won't accept my feelings when I confess to him. Stupid Figure.

"Uh, Figure? May I ask a question?" Jeff said, getting me out of my thoughts.

"Go on."

"I don't want to bother you but, I'm really curious. Is there something between you and that ink guy? I suppose his name was.. Seek." 

He caught me off guard. I started stuttering." Uh, why, what made you think that?"

"Well, I heard some entities talking about you guys."

I was mad people were talking behind me. "What did they say." I asked in a serious tone.

"Uhm... They found it quiet weird you suggested us to hang out together, and well, as what they said, leaving Seek there alone."

El Goblino joined the conversation. "Yeah, and I also heard that they were feeling bad for Seek."

"It's none of their business, why are they gossipping behind our back?" I said in annoyance.

"Okay, no need to get angry. Sorry for asking." Jeff apologised. But they were right, I was a terrible person.

El Goblino POV:

From the sudden change of Figure's feelings when Jeff mentioned Seek, I could tell something serious happened between them. But I wasn't going to ask nothing no more, no matter how much I wondered what happened. 

"Your hotel is really cool! And this place is really comfy to live in, not like our old living spaces." I said trying to change the conversation and get Seek off of Figure's mind for him to relax.

"I know right? I usually hang out in the library, and it's the most comfy place to live in for me. What's your favourite room so far, guys?" 

"Uhh, I would say the hangout place." Jeff mumbled.

"You guys should see the courtyard, it's a really cool place." Figure said and we kept walking until we needed some rest. We reached the room, where there were 4 paintings on the walls, and a fireplace.

The red square painting seemed interesting to me and Jeff, we made Bob sit in one of the chairs and we started discussing about the painting, whether if it was Rick Astley or just some random bad quality painting.

Figure POV:

I was randomly standing, listening to El Goblino and Jeff. Until I heard something familiar.

This was Seek's hearbeats. I turned to where I supposed Seek was standing at. The sound of his hearbeat wasn't getting closer or fading away. Was he staring at us?

"Hey Seek!" I said and I walked to the direction where I supposed Seek was. I think this was the right time to apologise, and ask him if he wanted to hang out with us. I was now standing in front of him, but he wasn't making any moves at all. He was breathing stabelly, and probably staring at me.

"Seek?" I said curiously and I heard his hearbeat and footsteps fading away. Was he ignoring me? If he was, he had many reasons to ignore me... 

Jeff POV:

I saw Seek standing in front of Figure. I suppose Figure was thinking Seek was looking at him, but he was glaring at us instead. He stared at us for a long while disturbingly. Well, I was the only one who noticed it. El Goblino was still arguing about the painting supposing he was talking to me but he was talking to himself actually. After a while he noticed I wasn't listening to him and he turned his head to me. Then he saw Figure coming towards us. He was looking disappointed.

"Aye, düd. Did something happen?" El Goblino asked, curiousness in his voice could be easily told.

"No." Figure said in a rather cold tone.

El Goblino looked at me and I shrugged. We made it to door 100 and after we explored the place a bit, we decided to go back. Figure didn't even smile once as we walked around the place. I thought he was excited. 

"We walked 50 damn doors, düd! How the heck are we going back now? I'm so tired!" El Goblino whined.

"There's a way going to the hangout place in some unchangeable rooms, like 50 or 100. I suppose there was one secret place here..." 

El Goblino shrugged. "Welp, looks like we have to search for it."

El Goblino was still carrying Bob on his shoulder. Figure, me and him parted ways and started moving closets to see if the way going to the hangout place was behind them.

It took us like 10 minutes.

"I found it!" I shouted and the others came. We all headed out to the hangout place.

Screech POV:

The other entities were sitting at the couch, and watching TV. Seek was alone in his room again, while everyone had their friends near them. This made me want to beat the shit out of Figure. After I heard their footsteps and laughters, and I saw them in the distance, my anger just grew out more inside me. But Figure wasn't really laughing with Jeff and El Goblino... I think. He was just walking straightforward. 

After Jeff and El Goblino left to go to their rooms, I approached Figure and pushed him slightly to make him stop in place.

"Look who finally decided to come."

"What is it Screech? I'm so tired."

"We have some talking to be done." I grabbed Figure's arm and dragged him to a place away from others.

"You almost made me fall! What do you want?"

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me, Figure."


"I am the child of your 'love' which you threw away in a day."

"Have some respect to the older ones!"

"You don't deserve 'that'."

He slapped me with anger. I pushed him to the ground and held his collar.

"You have no permission to lay your hands on me. You are nothing to me unless you are Seek's lover. Now, listen close to me. You are losing the game, Figure. You are losing someone, that you would give your everything for. You don't deserve Seek, and you still won't until you are worth it. Think twice about the things I said now, before you lose."

"You don't know nothing, Screech! I care about your father so much, I'm just really confused at the moment. I'm already hating on myself right now and you're just here, making me feel guilty even more!" Figure coughed. "I promise I will talk to him, please just let me go."

After waiting for some seconds, watching Figure breath heavily, I got up and left him laying on the ground. I would anything for Seek. Even if it means to hurt someone almost 13 years older than me.


Figure POV:

It was already night time. Everybody was probably asleep, but I was still thinking about what happened earlier. What did Screech mean? What was I going to lose? Was I going to lose Seek? Yeah, yeah of course I was. I just messed up everything. We were so happy, why didn't I just confess that night? If he was going to reject me, then he would've rejected me and we would've just kept hanging out together like we always did!

What was going to happen now? What was I going to do tomorrow? What was Seek feeling at the moment? In what way everybody was going to look at me tomorrow?

I thought "fuck everybody" to myself and I fell asleep after.


That boy with pitch black hair was looking at me in the distance. I felt happy seeing him again, I felt happy SEEING again. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hello!" All of a sudden he pushed me to the ground and the wind started to blow. It was so cold and I felt the wet weather. I hugged myself trying to block the cold air, but it was no use. The air was making me shiver more than I ever did.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, tears started forming in my eyes. My cheeks and nose got red with the cold weather. I started seeing fog when I breathed. I started feeling weak. I was feeling like a loser in front of him. 

"We are not friends anymore." His voice was colder than the weather. Tears started falling down my cheeks, but it wasn't noticeable because of the heavy rain that poured on us.

"W-What do you mean by that?" I muttered, scared that this was going to be our last talk together. This can't be our last talk, can it be?

"I said, leave me alone."

His words stuck to my heart like a sharp knife. "D-Did I do something? H-How can I make it up to you?" I was stuttering so much, scared of losing my only friend.

"Do you not get it? I HATE YOU!" he held my collar and started punching me.




"DON'T COME NEAR ME AGAIN. I. FUCKING. HATE. YOU!" He gave me one last punch and started walking away. I got up holding my stomach and strugglingly tried running after him.

I tried to scream out his name, but my own voice got suppressed.

"Wait, don't go please!"

"I beg you!"

I fell to the ground with pain. "Don't leave me..."

I started crying more than ever. I've lost my only friend, because of some childish actions. I can't fix anything now, our years of friendship is over, because of me.

Someone put its hand on my right shoulder, I didn't know who. I couldn't turn my head around and look. It was as if my whole body was being controlled. It whispered... 

"̷Y̸e̴s̸,̶ ̵e̷v̵e̵r̸y̶t̶h̸i̷n̶g̴ ̶i̶s̷ ̴b̶e̴c̸a̶u̷s̷e̶ ̵o̷f̴ ̶y̵o̶u̶.̷ ̵Y̴o̸u̵ ̸g̵u̴y̶s̵ ̷a̸l̸r̸e̸a̵d̷y̵ ̶d̷i̴d̵n̵'̵t̴ ̸h̵a̶v̴e̸ ̴m̵u̵c̷h̸ ̴t̶i̵m̸e̷,̷ ̶t̶h̴e̸s̶e̴ ̴f̴e̸w̸ ̸m̵o̷n̴t̸h̶s̴ ̶w̷e̷r̶e̷ ̶g̴o̷i̴n̶g̷ ̶t̴o̷ ̷b̴e̶ ̸y̷o̷u̴r̴ ̶l̶a̵s̴t̴ ̷m̶o̶n̸t̶h̵s̷.̵ ̷B̶u̶t̸ ̸n̵o̶w̶ ̴b̶e̸c̴a̴u̸s̶e̷ ̵o̴f̵ ̷y̵o̴u̵r̶ ̷c̸h̸i̵l̷d̸i̸s̶h̶ ̷a̸c̴t̴i̴o̴n̷s̶,̷ ̶y̶o̴u̸ ̴j̷u̸s̶t̶ ̶d̸e̸s̸t̷r̴o̷y̸e̸d̴ ̷y̷o̸u̴r̶ ̴l̵a̶s̸t̷ ̶f̵e̶w̸ ̶m̷o̵n̵t̷h̸s̴ ̵t̷h̴a̸t̸ ̶y̸o̷u̶ ̷c̶o̷u̶l̸d̸'̸v̵e̷ ̷s̷p̴e̵n̷t̵ ̷w̸i̸t̷h̴ ̶h̵i̷m̷.̶ ̶I̵'̶d̵ ̴s̴a̸y̴ ̴d̴o̵ ̵w̸h̸a̶t̸e̸v̸e̷r̷ ̴y̶o̷u̸ ̷d̸o̷,̶ ̸b̶u̴t̴ ̷m̶a̶k̴e̷ ̷h̷i̵m̶ ̷f̸o̴r̴g̷i̵v̴e̶ ̶y̷o̸u̵.̵ ̸B̴e̷c̵a̸u̶s̸e̵ ̶y̶o̵u̶'̸r̶e̸ ̴a̸l̴r̸e̷a̸d̷y̵ ̸g̴o̷i̴n̶g̶ ̴t̶o̸ ̵l̶o̵s̸e̷ ̸h̶i̵m̴ ̸s̵o̶o̴n̷.̶.̸.̸ ̸B̴e̷ ̷a̷w̵a̴r̸e̸.̸"̶ ̵

Something about its voice made me feel a feeling I've never felt before. I couldn't properly understand what it said.

Much time...




My head was forced to look in front of me. I saw chains... 



I stood up in the bed and I realised I was sweating so bad. The pillow was so wet. I know for sure, if I had eyes, I would've been crying right now. 

Was it all a dream? Of course it was...

I leaned my back against the wall. I pulled my legs closer to my chest. I was shaking because of the cold. I was still under the influence of my dream.

"Don't leave me... Don't leave me... Don't leave me..."

While repeating the same word over and over again, I got up and reached out to a cup of water. I breathed heavily. I was feeling a bit better now. But... who was the person that the corrupted voice belong to? 

Was Seek really gone?

The sudden thought of Seek leaving made me panic even more. What have I done! I wish I had just asked him to go out that day when I came to his room and suddenly left! I'm so stupid! What if he is forever gone now? I CAN NEVER TALK TO HIM AGAIN!

It's all my fault!

I silently opened my door and went to Seek's room. I stood in front of the room and I tried hearing his heartbeats.


Wait, nothing?

I got worried and slowly opened the door. I got in but still I wasn't hearing anything. I got near his bed and I slowly moved my hand around on the bed.

Seek was gone.


Figure lost.

Word Count: 2177
