Who's AR?


It's been 3 days since bhabhi's pregnancy news and our reception took place.

And right now, it was me back to work and on my old schedules. I really didn't wanted to leave Araavi and come here, but I had to.

I was in my office working on a important project when my two idiotic best friends who are also my right hand in the underworld work, barges inside my office.

Avinay Suryavanshi &
Yukt Mehra.

They two are my best friends since childhood and had always supported me no matter what.

They both are,too, big buisnessmen and works underworld with me, and often– no, actually, daily– comes to my office to eat my mind.

"What now, guys?" I ask irritated looking up from my laptop and at the both who sat on the couch attached in my big cabin and looked at me.

"A very Good morning to you too." Avinay said with a sheepish smile while yukt chuckled.

I groaned in frustation and move my attention to my laptop but my attention diverts at Yukt as he says, "hey, you know you have a tough competition in the underworld." He says eating a apple freshly placed on the tray on the table infront of the couch.

"Elaborate." I say and put my attention on my work again.

Instead of yukt, avinay answers me, "Well, you see. There's this woman ruling the underworld nowadays. That's another thing that she has been in the underworld like from the last 4.5 years, but was unknown to everyone, till now. And you know like she has her identity hidden and her real name is completely unknown in the underworld. Everybody knows her as AR!!" He said and I was caught off guard. AR, never heard of that!!

Yukt took over and said, "and you know, her work only involves– targetting a specific work, person or illegal buisness . She does not torture the innocent, she tortures the people who are involved in the human trafficking cases." He said and then avinay continued "and she has already killed one man who used to be the leader of a human trafficking buisness in Gujarat and later pictured it as an accident. But the most wierdest part is that the murder was done 3 years back and everybody in the underworld too thought of it as an accident till now! Even we did, too!" He said and I remember the time when that ragav jha died. We also thought It was an accident.

That means she's quite a bold one.
Interesting woman, I must say, killing the people who do their deeds wrongly and even hides her identity.

"I think u guys are right, I surely did get a competition." I say and they nodded.

"Hey, by the way. How's Araavi bhabhi?" Yukt asks catching me offguard and I look at him and say, "Why are you so concerned about my wife?" He gives me a 'are u serious look' and says, "Bro are you serious? I was just asking and anyways me and avinay are coming to your house today as sunaina aunty has invited us for dinner!" He said with a full teeth smile.

I look at them and asked, "Why would my mother call you two idiots at my house?"

Yukt huffed and avinay said, "becuase we are her son's and we have all the right to go there, more than you do!! Plus we met her like a week ago!" He said and I nodded.

After some chit chats, they both left the office, as they had their work to look after and I had a meeting.

I went to the meeting room and couldn't help but think of my wife the entire time. I kept zooning out in between and suddenly the thought of who might be this AR ran in my mind.

Giving me a tough competition?  

Common' there's no one born who could give Abhimanyu Veer Singh Rajvanshi a freakin' competition or match me.

This might be some crazy girl who might want some publicity in the underworld. You know, as in, "the first girl– who has her identity hidden beneath her– to rule the underworld in competition with the king of rajasthan."


But even if she gives me a tough competition I would be proud as it would be the first time a woman competiting Me.

After the meeting was over, I left for home as it was already 6 and avinay and yukt would already be at home.
As they are usually free by now.

I reached my home and entered inside and the first person my eyes fell on was my wife, my araavi sitting gracefully on the lounge laughing with her entire heart.

My eyes stuck on her, as I looked at her from up to down, she was wearing a cotton light red coloured sarree with a Kamar band and small earrings followed by a small bindi with her hairs tied in a bun.

She was magical. And she has this spell on me which takes my breath away everytime I see her. My life, my love, my goddess, my everything....my araavi.

My thoughts about her came to an never ending end, as I heard this bastard friend of mine speak, "areyy, Maharaj aap aagye!" Yukt said sarcastically and I looked at him with frustation.

I failed to notice them as everything goes blank when my araavi is infront of me.

But now I notice all of them. The men of the family are also seated at the lounge having their tea. Wait, seriously tea at 6:45 in the evening?

Anjali bhabhi was sitting besides araavi while maa and chachi were setting the plates on the dinner table while talking and laughing among themselves.

God! Maa looks so beautiful while laughing!

A smile formed on my face looking at maa and then at araavi who moved towards me. My attention went towards her as she stands infront of me and said, "Go get freshen up. Dinner is almost ready." I nodded at her words and left from there, but not before giving a slight peck on her forehead and while going upstairs I could hear my sibling squad and friends teasing her.



fter freshening up and wearing my clothes, I went downstairs and saw the entire family seated on the dining table but araavi wasn't present there.

I greeted the elders of the family and took my seat besides Dada saa- who was seated on the head chair as he's the eldest in the family, followed by dadi saa- who was seated opposite to him on the other head chair.

I looked around for araavi but she was nowhere, but my search stopped at the direction of the kitchen as she came out holding a tray in her hands on which she was holding a jar with some glasses.

I quickly got up from my seat and walked towards her and held the tray from her and walked towards the table with her besides me.

My friends looked towards me with eyes wide and half mouth open. I looked at them and with confusion said, "What?" They turn their face back to normal and say, "Bro, are you okay?" Avinay says followed by yukt who says, "Yeah, I mean the guy who used to want like 10 servants to just pass him a glass of water which would be right in front of him, today helped his wife to carry a tray!! Shocking!" He said in a dramatic way.

I heard araavi giggle at their statement. I looked at her in a calm yet betrayed look and she smiled sheepishly at me. I shake my head at them and looking at my friend's I said, "that was before I was married guys, tum dono bhi shaddi karlo kya pta thodi akal aajae tum dono mei." I say picking up the plate of rice and serving araavi then myself.

Yukt chuckled and said, "Just like you, right." I snap my head at him and he looked away avoiding my gaze. While everybody laughed at us.

I'll kill this fucker later.

It was past 11 and my friends had left for their house and everybody too went to their rooms, while I was sitting on the lounge, working on my laptop seeing some emails I recieved while araavi was in the kitchen.

I closed my phone and walked inside the kitchen as it has been so much long since she's in there.

She told me that she had some work in the kitchen and it would take some time and I decided to stay. I was in the kitchen only then I got a call to check some important emails I've recieved so I went out.

It had been like 15 minutes since she's inside. I walked inside and saw her washing the dishes all by herself.

She was wearing a apron and had tucked the end of her pallu in the front of the sarree. You know, in the desi woman style.

I moved forward and she still didn't look like to focus me, I peeped and found her with so much dedication while she washed the dishes with utter attention.

I wrapped her waist around my arms and heard her gasp loudly as she tried to free herself but soon she steadies herself maybe feeling my presence behind her.

She sighed and leaned a little back resting her face on my chest, while I  hid my face in her neck closing my eyes feeling her fragrance wrap perfectly around me.

"Rani sahiba..." I breathed in her neck while she hummed in reply, "you know that we have maids and servants to do these work and they are in the outhouse, only, just call them. Don't tire yourself." And the next moment her fragrance leaves me as she pulls away from me.

I look at her in confusion who smiles at me and then again starts doing her work. "Abhi, they are human too and they work from morning to night, so let them rest for a little bit and I can do it, it's no big deal." She said and my respect and love for her grew more.

She gives me million reasons to fall for her again and again. Sometimes, by actions, and the other times by words.

I smile at her and started to help her. At first she denied but I was too stubborn to get denied today.

After the work was done we both went to our room and lay down on the bed, while araavi slept in my arms in not more than 5 minutes. While my sleep was far away, I was thinking about this woman AR, who could she possibly be? And what does she get from killing the human trafficking buisnesmen!?

While thinking all this, I didn't realise when sleep consumed me while I snuggled my wife close to me and we both slept.


Okiee guys, that's all for today!!
Hope you all liked this chapter!

And guess who this AR girl is?🤔

Well, you'll find that out soon. Till then ba-byeee!!


