his POV


Finally, it feels peace. Everything feels real and nice.

It's like my life is completed now, when I have my jaan in my arms.

It's beautiful seeing this site, it's feels like a nightmare.

I'm finally feeling completed, my mind was filled with numerous thoughts of how our life's going to change forever.

God! I love this feeling.

Stupid me! Acting like a teenager in love. Well...I guess there's nothing wrong in feeling this way, is it?


Just as I was busy admiring my jaan, busy in my own world the car came to halt and the driver told us that we've reached to our destination. OUR HOME!

I told the driver to go out and we'll be coming as I didn't wanted araavi to be uncomfortable, if any reason possible.

"Jaan!" I softly said stroking her hair while she hummed in response.

God!! Why is she so cute!

Damn, I'm gonna die! What have you done to me Mrs. Araavi Rajvanshi.

Ughhh that name itself feels so surreal!! It feels like a dream to call her by my surname. Our Name!

"Jaan, wake up, we're home." I said while she was still lying on my shoulder, sleeping peacefully not caring about the outside world. "Hmm. Bas 2 minute aur!" I chuckled hearing her murmer in her sleep.

I waited for 2 minutes and exactly after two minute I again said, "Raavi, utho 2 minute ho gaye hai aur sabh wait kar rhe hai, baccha!" I caressed her hairs and she slowly opened her eyes. After she got up streching her neck and arms.

Looks like she didn't notice me sitting besides her. Okay, that'll be fun seeing how the way she'll react seeing me with her, now.

She yawned and looked towards me, and as she saw me her eyes widened and her mouth hung open.

"Morning!" I said with a smile on my face teasing her. She looked at me from up to down examining me and then she looked to everywhere, inside the car and outside examining the environment and as she realised what was happening she sighed.

"I'm sorry, I wa-" she felt guilty and i know thats because she forgot. But that's normal right? She was asleep and did'nt realise her surroundings after walking up. Oh! Thats compeltey normal!

I cut her words saying, "It's alright! Relax. Abh agar aapki ijazat ho hum andar chale, maharani saa. Sabh intezar kar rahe hai." I said and I didnt stop myself from seeing the red blush that formed on her cheeks, but I didn't tease her about it, rather acting like not seeing it, to not embarrass her or make her feel weird.

I quietly and quickly got out of the car and moved towards her side, opening the door I pulled my hand for her to hold so she could step out easily as her lehnga was very heavy.

Hayee, bhagwan! How much problems she's facing because of me. First she had to leave her family to live with me and had to wear this heavy lehnga when she very well knew she could wear anything and I would still marry her even if she's in her pj's happily, so she could be comfortable but no she had to do the most painful torture of wearing this lehnaga and those heels.

As she got out infront of the main gate, the driver came and took the car away to the parking, and now the show begins,




I was feeling so overwhelmed from all the decorations and welcomed feeling which I felt.

I was looking at my surroundings and believe me when I say that the royal palace is massively big!

The last time I came with my family on the coronation day , we were directly made to go the backyard instead of the front.

And now for the first time I'm getting a full look at the palace.

Just as I was busy in my own world of thoughts. My thoughts broke as I heard a loud crack sound which first made me flinch but when I looked at the sky it made me speechless.

There were firecrackers coming from the back of the palace, blasting in the open black sky.

I felt myself tearing up from the overwhelmed-welcomed feeling.

(The Raj Palace)


(Front yard)

(entrance for the lobby)

After the show ended, we entered inside. But it was so away it was being difficult for me to walk.

Dammit the main lobby is far away! First I had to walk like 100 meters from the entrance then there were stairs.

As we halt at our place near the stairs, I looked up and sighed feeling tired af!

Why does this palace has to be so long?? Like fr? The main lobby is still far away!!!

I feel like crying.

Just as I was about to step on the first stair I felt a touch on my elbow and myself being pulled back.

Before I could even register anything inside my mind, I felt two strong arms pulling me up and in the next moment I was in the sky, while someone was holding me in their arms.

My eyes became wide and i became numb! What the fudge is happening??

After I came out of the shock I looked at the person holding and it was none other then rana saa.

I looked at our position and then at him. I felt my cheeks being hot and turn red!

God! Just not infront of him!

"Aap k-kya kar rahe hai?" I asked feeling shy as from his shoulders I gazed at his back and saw his siblings and like 15 bodyguards looking at us with shock on their faces.

"Hum kya kar rahe hai?" He asked clearly teasing me, while I saw him smirking widely.

This guy!

After saying the words he started climbing the stairs with me in his arms.

"Rana-saa, please let me down I'm heavy you'll get tired!" I said in concern but he was so unbothered by my words and continued climbing the stairs with an emotionless face.

Just as my words reached his ears he looked at me and a grin formed on hai face, "jaan, your husband did'nt go to gym just so he could stand and see his wife struggle climbing the stairs with a heavy 40kg lehnga of hers." He said looking forward.

"Plus," he stopped and looked back at me, "You're not even half the weight I carry in the gym. I feel like I'm holding some cotton in my hands so just rest free in my arms while we reach upstairs and now shush!" He said ending the conversation while I clutched to the collar of his sherwani more tightly trusting him.

After some hardwork of his we finally reached upstairs and to the entrance of the main lobby.

(Entrance for the main lobby which is inside the palace)

After reaching up the stairs, Abhimanyu placed me down gently, maybe because he didn't wanted me to get uncomfortable infront of everybody as all the family members by now were standing inside the entrance waiting for us to arrive so they could perform some rituals.

Abhimanyu after putting me down very gently took my hands in his and started walking with me besides him. I looked at him decreasing his speed as i was struggling to walk besides him in these short legs and heavy lehnga of mine.

He didn't let this act of his, show on his face but I noticed his pace of walking slow. Soon we were infront of the large door, which was already open and his mother was there holding the aarti ki thal in her hand.

As she saw us both a smile formed on her face and she started performing our aarti. After she was done with the aarti, we both bend down to touch her feets and get her blessing and as we stood up she slightly came forward and kissed my forhead while looking at me, lovingly with her beautiful big brown eyes.

After that I kicked the chawal ka kalash and entered inside my new home...my new life.

As I entered there was the big lobby. The same place where I met him for the first time.

Where my entire life changed.

We firstly on entering went inside the temple where a big sculpture of Radha-Krishn was placed along with some other sculptures of other gods.

Oh my god, I'm already in love with this!!


After that we did some other rituals and then it was time to go to his room...our room.

But thank goodness all this is over, I wanna sleep very badly. It's already 2 at night. It's not like I've never woke up this late at night, i've stayed for longer, but today I'm super-duper tired and just want to curl up in bed and sleep.

"Bhabhi maa, here you go." Radhika said showing me the room, "thank you." I said passing a genuine smile to her which she returned to me with her sweet innocent smile and then left.

I entered the room and it was HUGE!

There was a big lounge area, and big glass door leading to the balcony.

(The balcony)

(The lounge area)

Moving a little farther from the lounge there was another door which opened to the bedroom, and then walking a little far from the bed it was the washroom which was attached with a walk in closet.

(The bedroom)

(The closet)

(The bathroom)

Damn! My whole house can fit in this room.

I wanted to change from this heavy outfit but not knowing about the things here I decided to wait for Abhimanyu to come.

I sat on the bed with a sigh waiting for him. But the moment I sat, I heard the voice of heavy footsteps coming towards me.

First I was confused but as the step came closer I felt a fragrance around me....his fragrance.

I know this, this is his perfume. He uses it everytime we met till now.

I looked at the direction of the entrance of the bedroom and there stood him.

On seeing him, a smile came on my lips, itself.

He looked at me with soft eyes and the same smile, he only has for me and I love it.

It makes me feel special....he does!

Without saying anything I got up from the bed and went towards the dressing and sat on the chair placed infront of the big mirror and i started opening my hair pins.

I almost opened many of them, and while I was doing my work. I couldn't resist but look at Abhimanyu who was standing leaning at the door of the bedroom and watching me all this while.

As I was opening my hair pins a pin stuck in my hair, and while pulling it, it hurt so I hissed a little from pain and closed my eyes from the pain.

And when I opened them the next thing I saw was him behind me. I looked up at him from the mirror.

"May i?" He whispered leaning close to my ears and I nodded feeling overwhelmed.

God! What did I do to deserve this man?!!

He then started opening the hairpins and without saying another word I leaned into his warm touch and let him do the work.

I closed my eyes feeling his warmness around me.

"It's done, wifey!" He said in my ears I opened my eyes with a jolt and looked at him so close to me. His words sent a millions of butterflies in my stomach.

God I'm gonna die!!

But not letting my feelings show on my face I got up and looked at him, "thank you." And then started walking towards the closet but couldn't as i felt two strong arms pulling me back from my waist.

I gasped and then looked to find him already looking at me with a smirk on his lips.

What is he planning to do?

"Bas ek thanku?" He said with a pout on his face. I understood what he meant but I decided to play along.

I nooded not saying a word. "Not fair wifey!" He said. God I'm feeling so weak in the knees. If it wasn't for him holding me I would be on the floor by now, I'm sure!

He held me more close to him by my waist. While my hands were on his chest.

"Toh aapko aur kya chahiye, pati dev?" I asked playing along.

He smirked and then looked me deadly in the eyes and without saying another word he came close to my face and tilted his head a bit.

His cheek was near my lips and I understood what he wanted.

At first I felt shy and didn't wanted to do it.

But gathering some courage, I moved a little ahead and placed my lips on his cheeks and my eyes themselves closed at his touch.

After I pulled away he looked at me with a winning look of his, I ignored it and ran from there to the closet feeling shy and locked the closet behind.

And as I did that, I heard him chuckle.

And then i went to change.


I changed into my comfy pj and went out.

(Araavi's outfit.)

I went out and the next thing I saw was my husband sitting on the bed in his pj's, engrossed on his phone typing something.

(Abhimanyu's outfit)

As I saw him the earlier stunt which I pulled came into my mind and I felt my cheeks getting hot.

I stood there perplexed looking at him like my life belongs here.

Just when I was looking at him, his eyes moved up and he looked at me and and the moment our eyes locked I notice a warm smile crepting on his face. Without wasting nay more time he kept the phone on the nightstand.

A smile came on my lips, and I went near towards him and as I did he said, "Araavi, are you comfortable sharing the bed with me?" He asked with seriousness in his voice.

I assured him with a nod and he gave me a smile.

I then pulled up to the bed and curled in the bedsheet.

Just as I was about to sleep I felt him pulling me from my side towards him.

I looked at him with a frown. "What? I'm cuddling with my wife, do you have any problem?" He playfully said and I laughed at his antics.

I moved more closer towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso while my head was resting on his arm while he clutched my waist tightly, as If by any chance if he let go of his hold on me I would run away.

Feeling his fragrance and care over me, I didn't even realised when sleep consumed me.



Quite a long chapter. Took me Two days to write, lmao😭

But yes my hands are dead now🙌

So see you in few days till then stay tuned to know more about them and their *cough* rom *cough again* ance *dies coughing*

Hehe. See you all. Mwah.

