Reception (part-2)


"Papa!" I screamed jumping on papa, while my mumma looked at us with jealously lurked in her eyes.

"Accha ji papa ke milte he mumma ko bhul gayi!" She complained while I laughed and to tease her more I stick to papa more tightly.

"Are, koi baat nahi maa. Agar inhone dad ko le lia toh kya hogya. Apka beta toh hai he aapke pass!" Abhi said stealing our attention, I looked at him feeling a sense of betrayal.

"Accha ji, meri mumma ko churane ka plan banakr aye hai aap!" I said with a teasing tone while my parents clearing were enjoying our banter.

"Kyu ji, agr aap humare maa, baba ko chura skti hai toh tum hum aapke kyu nahi?" He said hugging mumma like a small child.

"Jaiye, jaiye. Yeh sabh bahane hai jalte hai aap humse."

"Aree bhala hum aaapse kyu jalne lage?"

I scoffed playfully.

He chuckled and without using this big head of his, he pulled me extremely close to him by holding me by my waist.

I gasped as I felt embarrassed. Does this man have any shame? I mean, there are so many people including my parent looking at us.

He came close to me and said, "dekhiye Mrs. Rajvanshi, hum equality mei believe karte hai! Aapne humse humara chain, hosh aur dil churaya. Humne aapse aapke maa, baba. Hogya na equal-equal!" He said in one go as a smirk formed on his face.

"Ji, sharam nahi ati na aapko?" I asked pushing him a little away from me while wrapping my arms around my chest.

He looked at me from down to up, while still having his smirk on his face.

"Ji aapke samne to sharam bhi sharma Jaye." He said and when I tell you I didn't understand shit-

"Ji Kya?" I asked. He licked his tongue in a way which totally sent me.

He shook his head making a disgusted face to-for-himself -more likely a look of embarrassment- embarrassed by what he said. Well, he should be!

We looked into each others eyes drowning in them until we heard a deep throat clearing voice, which made my eyes go wide while he remained still, not carring.

I looked back at my parent who were trying their best to not laugh. Yeah! It is defo not funny guys-

I akwardly smiled at them and tried to change the topic, "uhh, mumma, papa. Did you guys met maa and dad?" I asked and their faces fromed in an 'O' shape in a realizing way as they told me they haven't yet and left to meet them.

I looked at Abhimanyu who was smiling at me like a madman trying his best to not burst out laughing. I sarcastically smiled at him and made a face.

"DII!" Another shout came towards me and I looked at the way the voice came from but before I could register anything, a large person dropped their arms around me, caging me.

I was about to fall down, but thank goddness-or thank abhi-I was saved from touching the ground, and making a fool of myself, as he held me by my back preventing me from falling down.

I mean what would the people here think? That their queen cannot even steady herself properly, how will she handle a whole damn kingdom? Ughhh! No!

"Dii, i missed you!" As the words hung in my ear I realised that it was none other than my kaddu (pumpkin), samya!

I hugged her back and said, " I missed you too, baccha!" And pulled away from the hug.

I looked at her face, filled with tears. "Sami, are you crying?" I asked and she nodded her head in a yes while her mouth said, "No!"

I laughed at this and squished her cheeks and gave a light kiss on her forehead.

"Aree, ro mat meri maa. Bas krde!" I said wiping her tears.

"Yar aap kitne bure ho. Ek call bhi nahi kiya?" She complained and I realised my mistake!

I didn't even call her at all since I've arrived here.

But it's not like I'm at fault I didn't get time!

"I'm sorry baccha. I promise abh se roz karungi okay? Chal smile now!" I said and she did as asked.

"Accha where is Arjun and Advishtha?" I asked as I didn't talk to them,too, since I came here.

My eyes were craving for them!

"Advishtha dii couldn't come because she had an urgent surgery to perform and Arjun bhai had gone to udaipur to meet Karishma aunty as she wasn't well!" She said with a pout in a disappointed voice.

I sighed knowing that everybody has their priorities. Advishtha had her work and Arjun had his mother to take care of.

But I did made a mental note to meet them outside the palace some other day. Just the three of us!

She then moved towards abhi and said, "namaste jija-saa" She said joining her hands infront of him in a dramatic way and he chuckled.

Abhi moved his hand in her hairs messing her perfectly set hairs saying, "namaste sali-sahiba." And I laughed seeing them.

God! Their bonding. I love that they're getting along.

After that karan and the entire squad came and took samya with them to god knows where and abhi started to introduce me to his guests and buisness partners.

"Aaravi this is Mr. Ranvijay Verma. My buisness partner." Abhimanyu introduced me to a man, looking to be in his late thirties.

"Hello." I greeted him with a smile, "you must be Dr. Araavi, right?" He said and my mouth slightly opened with shock.

"You know me?" I asked a bit surprised while from the corner of my eye I saw my husband looking at me-eye fucking me-not caring about the man infront of us.

He chuckled saying, "I mean who doesn't. You're the best heart surgeon all around India." He said and I smiled feeling proud of myself.

"Thank you. I appreciate it." I said and then he and abhimanyu got engrossed with their buisness talks.

I excused myself walking away from there as I saw maa calling for me from a distance.

I walked to her and saw some other faces gathered around her. They seemed very much familiar to me.

I've seen them somewhere-but where?

Just as I was zoned out finding the possibility of them to be my old neighbour or some big politicians, a thought surrounded me-'have I've worked with them back in jodhpur?"

"Araavi beta." Maa's voice brought me back to the reality. I gave her a smile and then she pointed her hand at the people there.

"This is Abhimanyu's aunt. Mrs. Aarti Vardhan Rajput, my cousin sister. She and her husband live in the France, handling their buisness of textile industries. They's come here before your wedding as their son- my nephew, had a major heart problem, so to get his surgery done they were here but couldnt attend your and veer's wedding because of their hectic work-related to company and ansh-my nephew who had a open heart transplant surgery. " She said and I realised.

Ohh! They were the same people back in jodhpur, Mr. And Mrs. Rajput!!

How did I not recognize them earlier.

"Well, you'd know better about thr surgery and all, than I do. And, aarti-" she looked at Mrs. Rajput, her sister and said, "this is our abhimanyu's wife, my daughter, and our most loved memeber in the family. Dr. Araavi Abhimanyu Veer Singh Rajvanshi." She said and Mrs. Rajput's mouth was hung open as she looked at me with realization in her eyes.

"Dr. Araavi?!" She shouted a bit louder in shock. "Oh my god! I cannot believe this!" She said and took me in for a hug.

Pulling out from the hug, maa looked between us back and forth and said, "you both know each other?" And I nodded with a smile.

Just as I was about to speak, a voice hung in our ears from the loudspeaker. Looking around- there dada-saa stood on the stage in all his glory- wearing a dashing grey kurta with a green shawl draped around his shoulder same as abhi's was.

I looked at maa and Mrs. Rajput and said, "Maa it's a long story. We'll tell you about it later. Maybe when everybody's together. How does that sound?" She smiled and patted my cheeks nodding her head.

We move our attention back to grandfather as he started his speech.

"I welcome you all with my heart and soul. You all must know the reason why we are gathered here!" He said and my eyes themselves move towards Abhimanyu who stood just parallel to me, just the difference was that there were people all around; in between us filling the gap.

Abhi's eyes find their way towards me and panic surges through me. I look away as fast as his eyes came to me.

It felt a little embarrassed as my cheeks flushed red and my mind filled with many thoughts, and heart pounding with a speed of lightning.

"My grandson, our king and my granddaughter-in-law, our queen and the rntire royal family. Thereby, thank you all for joining us today and presenting us with your great presence and blissful blessings towards the newly married couple." He said and pointed for abhi and me to come to the stage.

We did as he asked and stood on each side-me on the right side of grandfather while he stood on the left side just parallel to me while dada ji drew a line of gap between us.

He took a glass filled with a drink which I don't know what it was inside; he extended his hand in the air holding the glass in a cheering way, saying "to the new couple!" And everybody repeated the same words and actions with their glasses.


It was past midnight and all the guest had left except of Rajput family and the other close families of the rajvanshi clan.

I was introduced to everybody by maa, and i was surprised to know that i didnt even knew the relatives who attended our wedding let alone the ones who didn't!

Right now I was in the kitchen making tea while Anjali bhabhi was making coffee, as some wanted the tea and others coffee.

The workers were about to make those, but Anjali bhabhi dismissed them saying that they would be tired from working since morning and that she can make it, and so, I decided to help her.

We talked about many things while doing our respective work. And I can surely say she's a wonderful human.

"Bhabhi-" she said.

"Hmm?" I asked pouring the tea in the cups.

She gulped hesitating a bit. I felt her restlesness and keeping the tea pot on a side looking at her in concern.

"Kya hua bhabhi?" I asked fearing something.

"I-i know you've never been through this-but..." She hesitated.

I moved towards her and placed my hand on her forearm, assuring her that I'm here.

I feel scared, what happened suddenly? She was so happy just now.

"Uhh, how do you tell your husband that yo-you're pregnant?" My eyes widened.

No way she said that!

"What?" I screamed loud as fuck.

Damn my tongue. "What happened?" Adhrav bhai and abhi walked inside the kigchen, panic all over there faces.

I looked a them and then at bhabhi. I couldn't suppress my happiness. God I love this!

"Are you serious bhabhi?" I asked and she nodded her head while looking down on the floor while playing with the end of her sarree's palu.

"Guys I asked something, Kya hua? Why did you scream like this, kido?" He asked me with concern and fear looking back and forth between me and Anjali bhabhi.

I smiled at him and without saying anything walked towards the kitchen slab where the tray of tea and coffee was kept.

I poured the tea in the last cup and picked up the tea and looked at them with a smile while they stood on their places perplexed looking at me like I'm a ghost.

"Abhi, can you please help me carrying the coffee tray." I asked looking at Abhimanyu, who first shared a confused look with bhai but then without wasting a single second walked towards me and took the coffee tray from my hands while I took the tea tray from the counter and politely signaled him to walk.

I smiled walking towards them, "Bhai. Mai kyu chilai uska reason toh aapko sirf bhabhi bta sakti Hai!" And walked out of there with abhi besides me.

"Bhabhi is pregnant!" I whispered to abhi as we were walking towards the lounge; him holding the coffee tray while I held the tea tray in my hands.

He looked at me, shock and surprise all over his face. "W-what?" He said shocked, halting on his steps.

He stop on his steps and lookeda at me in horror, i laughed "Yes! Aap bade papa banne wale Hai!" His mouth was hung open which made me laugh more.

"Oh my god!" He said and after some time registering whatever just came out of my mouth, we both walked ahead, letting the couple spend their time together.

We walked inside the lounge area where all the family members along with the relatives were present.

"Oh, here they are!" Maa said spotting us and all the eyes moved towards me and abhi.

I smiled keeping both the trays on the table infront and them serving everybody while abhi went and sat with dad and some other relatives, talking about his first love ‐ his work.

I swear I might get jealous of his office someday, as he lives there most of the time.


Hii guyss!

Ik, ik, its been quite a while since i published a chapter. Sorry, sorry sorry, sorryyyyyyy!!!

But I wasn't at fault either- well, not exactly- but it's just that I've been taken up by some work.

And since it's summer break-well for the students below class 9th- so practically i had my school and I had to attend it.

So I just didn't got much time to even touch my phone these days.

I'm really sorry!!!

🎀A million sorriess🎀

But now ya'll surely get the daily updates as scheduled!!

Thank you so much♡

