after somedays ,

. myra got down in noon . she saw that there was a lot of hustle in the house . she saw that aalia was also busy ordering servants about food arrangement .

" hey  bhabi ( brother's wife ) ! what's happening ? " myra asked biting her lip .

" abhay is coming on lunch tonight . he hasn't been here for a long time now , piya also misses her , so i invited him . " Aalia explained and myra smiled . she was feeling a bit uncomfortable about the person coming , whom she had heard a lot of bad stuff about .

she just wished that he wasn't as bad as everyone said .

when piya got back , myra got busy with her . they were in piya's room playing some game . piya felt someone's shadow passing through the open door . she looked up but didnt she anyone there . she decided to let it go and took myra outside as it was time for lunch .

they saw aalia sitting with a guy , piya ran to him and greeted . the guy's back was towards myra and aalia was sitting in front of them .

a servant came to notify that the lunch was served . arjun wasnt able to join them due to some meeting / " lets go " aalia said getting up " and let me introduce you to myra " she continued .

abhay got up and turned towards myra , she felt her breath halting at that time . he was standing at the height of 6.4 , myra was looking too small , standing with the height of 5.5 in front of him.the wildness of his eyes , the dark aura surrounding him  made a shiver ran through myra's spine . he gave a nod of acknowledgment and myra looked away quickly , she wasnt able to handle looking at him .

they went towards dining area . the food was eaten with light talks . myra avoided looking at him but she didnt think that he was bad as she had heard .

they were sitting in the living area ,when abhay got a call . he got up and moved towards the corridor to listen the call . myra also decided to go to her room .

she was infront of the stairs when she saw abhay shouting on phone .the cruelty , the coldness in his tone didnt let myra take another step forward . "just get him killed . i dont have time for suchh scumbag . Ali ! send one of our men to kill him " abhay said . ali seemed to say something in reply of which abhay said " i dont care if he is an ACP ,he should have thought before messing with me"

myra felt her heart stopping , she placed a hand on her mouth not to let any sound out and ran upstairs . it seemed like her legs were not willing to move , but she dragged herself away . she didnt have the courage to face that beast .

once she reached her room , she locked the door and fell on the bed . " it means the helpers were telling the truth .is it the reason , dad never wanted me to meet with bhabi's family or come here . did dad know about what these people do ?" alotof questions were running through her mind .

but she had decided one thing in that moment , that he would avoid abhay .she wont come infront of at any cost .  she didnt want to face his darkness , his coldness again .

she couldnt even talk about what she just heard with anyone . she picked up the phone to call shanaya , at that moment , she noticed that her hands were shivering also . she dialed shanaya's number . the latter was able to detect the wariness of her tone . when she questioned myra about it . myra covered it up saying " i am just missing you ll alot . " shanaya didnt seem to buy it , but decided to let it go . they talked for sometime , shanaya's rants took off myra's mind from current situation .

after ending the call , she was feeling much better . she thought about informing police or taking help from someone . " it would ruin bhai . i am not here to ruin his life . " she thought , myra wasnt strong enough to raise her voice about what she heard and she didnt even want to be dragged in all this mess.

abhay had left after sometime , he had some work to do . everyone got busy in their own work .

in the evening , when arjun got back , they spent some time together . she wanted to ask alot of questions but was scared hear the answers of them
