after 2 days, it was sunday , aalia knew that her brother would wake up late and mostly stay at home . abhay hadnt visited her yet . she decided to go to his house . she got ready and also dressed up piya .

when aalia reached there , she could see alot of body guards along the ground of mansion . it wasnt new for her . she was the princess of raizada empire , she was used to bodyguards and attention . their family had been ruling the country behind the scene from decades . mumbai was their head place . police worked for them , politicians came to them for support .aalia knew that her brother was the cruelest leader raizada family had even seen and she knew why .

abhay got angry way too quickly , even though with piya , he tried to be patient . aalia saw abhay sitting in the garden ,having breakfast . she went towards him .

she greeted him and took at seat . abhay smiled at piya and pulled her in his lap . aalia knew that abhay would never hurt piya , but sometimes , his dark , soulless eyes scared her .

" i thought i should visit you . since you didnt seem to know the way" aalia said sulkily .

" it was you who told me not to come to your place " abhay reminded her . she sighed and told piya to go and play . piya got down from his lap and went inside ,

" we had just returned with myra . she needed to adjust . you being there on the first day could have caused problems. she isnt used to our lives , she gets scared very easily . " aalia said.

" i hate such cowards. i dont understand , why do they even live if they dont have the guts to face the world " abhay said getting angry . he hated weakness .

" she is really beautiful and wears her innocence like a charm .not getting attracted towards her is diffcult, be aware " aalia said teasingly and abhay only smirked as if there was no chance of it .

it was right for him  to believe it after the life he had lived . he was used to having the most beautiful models , actresses in his arms which others couldnt even imagine of seeing live . not the epitomes of beauty were able to hold his interest for more than a night .

they spent sometime talking and then aalia left for home . arjun had decided to stay with myra . they both enjoyed their time together .

myra was feeling better with passing days . she still missed her dad , but she was settling down in her new routine .

