days were passing, myra had started to settle down . she spent her time in her room till noon . then she spent some time with piya ( arjun's daughter ) .aalia also tried her best to get her comfortable there . aalia was a nice lady , but  myra knew that she had attitude also .

aalia was really protective of her family and her brother . she could be cruel when she wanted to be .

its been a week since she had been there . myra stayed out of her room more now . she was passing through the corridor , when she heard a servant saying to the cook "isnt there peace from some days now "

" i think you are missing abhay sir " cook said with a smirk .

" whose name are you taking ? i can imagine his anger all the way from my imagination " the servant said with a shiver .

" i think , he is not even human . have you heard about how he can torture a person for hours " cook said .

" he is considered to be the cruelest in their blood line .he had killed his own father at the age of 15 , what do you expect "the servant said .

they were still talking , but myra went to her room . it wasnt first time,myra was hearing such things about aalia's brother .

" that must not be ture . how can someone be as bad as they say " myra thought to herself . she knew that her brother worked with abhay .


a room could be seen , where a guy was bound with chair . blood was dripping from his mouth . there were cuts covering his body .

a guy was busy cutting the fingers of the tied man one by one . his scream could be heard  all around . but it felt like the guy cutting them didnt have any emotions . he stayed busy in his work .

the lights were dim in the room , the stream of blood flowing was causing a shadow . " you should have thought before betraying me " the guy said and started stabbing knife in the tied man's heart .

the other men standing in the room felt their heart beating slower . they were used to voilence , but this man took it to another level . he killed with such cruelty that they started doubting whether he was human or not .

once the tied man was dead , the guy got out of there . ali was already waiting for him in the corridor with a new shirt . he knew that his boss would need it . the guy took off his blook soaked shirt , the light was shining on his perfect scultured body , muscles were covering his body , but nothing bulky .

he pushed his silky black hair away from his forehead and took shirt from ali . his eyes were of beautiful grey color . they seemed to change with his emotions , at this moment they were cold like ice . his thick lips were pinched together , his straight nose showed his arrogance and pride . there was no doubt that he had looks of a greek god .

he pulled on his shirt and went to the front area . he saw arjun sitting there waiting for him .

" hey ! what are you doing here ? " the guy asked taking a seat .

" wanted to talk about the guy you have just killed , abhay " arjun said .

abhay gave him a small tilt of his lips and said " whats there to talk . he was working with the rivals . i didnt see any reason of him living "

arjun sighed " can i  expect that you have taken information from him before killing " he asked .

" ali was investigating , before i entered. he must have gotten some information ." abhay said .

arjun shooked his head and got up . " you havent visited our place from weeks now . aalia was asking about you " he said .

" you know , how was it ? this fucking traitor was causing stress from some days . i will try to visit soon . " abhay said and arjun nodded and then got out of the safe house . it was one of the many places , where abhay liked to teach people some lessons .

arjun remembered the time , when had come to mumbai for studies . but then he got into bussiness with abhay . he had seen aalia , and it didnt took long for him to fall for her . she was beauty , and the attitude she wore all the time attracted him all that much .

arjun was really worried about abhay's reaction , when he had asked for aalia's hand . but abhay was really cool about it . he accepted it and had the whole dream wedding arranged for them .

arjun had told him " you can ask me for anything you want . you have filled my heart's wish today . i will give you whatever you will ask for  "

abhay had smiled and said " nothing you can give me today . maybe some other day,there will be something i want " arjun nodded enthusiastically and smiled .
