Chapter Two - Desperate

Noah Jackson's P.O.V.

I clutch the bouquet of roses tightly in my hand as I reach my floor and look down at them with a smile knowing they'll make my girlfriend, Evie, happy. She's a hopeless romantic and I try to be the best boyfriend. Tomorrow's her birthday so I've already taken the day off to celebrate with her and these flowers are just the beginning.

Stopping the music on my phone I take out my earphones only to frown when I hear a muffled groan from my dorm. As I rush to take my keys out I hear loud moaning and my heart pounds in horror. I open the door quietly and the flowers drop to the floor once I take in the sight before me.

Evie is on the couch fucking a guy who I recognize as the captain of the basketball team. Her eyes shoot open and dread fills them when they meet mine. Trevor stops thrusting, thank God for that, and looks over his shoulder before his expression drops too. Well, at least they're shameful about it.

"N-Noah, I-I can explain –"

"Really? You seriously think you have a good explanation for why you cheated on me?" I scoff as I push past them trying to cover themselves up.

"I-I was drunk! And I wasn't thinking – please don't leave!" She begs and tries to stop me from packing my things.

"I'm going to go. Sorry man, she said she wasn't taken." Trevor admits guiltily and glares at her before leaving.

"You're pathetic Evie!" I chuckle humorlessly as my poor heart aches. "Being drunk isn't an excuse! And you're telling everyone you're single?! Have you lost your fucking mind?!"

"I barely see you Noah! You're always at practice, classes and then working until late every weekend. I got lonely." She trails off into sobs as I stare at her in disbelief.

"That's fucking life Evie!" I snap as I zip my bag shut. "You got lonely? You got lone – are you kidding me?! I always make time for you because I know I'm busy! I'm the one planning date nights, getting you flowers and shit, giving you attention and just overall being the boyfriend that you want me to be so don't give me that bullshit!"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry just – p-please don't leave me! I won't do it again! I'll make it up to you!"

"Why the fuck would I want to stay with a cheater?" I fume as I swing my duffel bag over my shoulder.

"Noah!" She gasps with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Why didn't you just break up with me?" I ask as I move towards the door. "If you didn't want to date me anymore why not just tell me?"

"I don't want to break up with you!" She sobs loudly as she throws herself at me desperately. "Don't leave! Please, I'm begging you! Let's talk about this!"

"My parents raised me to be respectful and I would never say this but you're a cold-hearted bitch Evie." I seethe and I don't know how I have the patience to but I gently pry her off me. "I'm so fucking glad you showed me your true colors but unfortunately that's two years of my life wasted with a pathetic excuse of a girlfriend."

"Noah, please! I'm sorry! Please, just talk to me!" She shrieks as I open the door.

"Here." I pick up the roses and throw them at her. They land at her feet as she starts crying again. "You can scatter them across the bed to make your next hook up more romantic."

And with that I slam the door shut and march out of the building. Thankfully there's less people out in the halls, most of them out partying, so barely anyone heard our argument except a few stragglers. I make it into my car before roaring heartbrokenly. My hands slam the steering wheel a few times as traitorous tears escape my eyes.

Evie is – was my high school sweetheart. I thought she was it but today proved that she didn't feel the same way. I sit in my car for a while staring out at the dark night sky and streetlamps casting warm glows onto the street. What do I do? I think to myself as I drum my fingers on the wheel. I need a new place to live. All the dorms are probably taken by now!

I take out my phone with a heavy sigh but hesitate, my thumb hovering over Hunter's name in my recent contacts. He's the closest to me, living in New York, but he's not who I need right now. I wince when I check the time before throwing caution to the wind and tapping another name. My leg bounces anxiously out of time to the rings before he finally picks up.

"What the fuck mate? It's two in the morning!" A sleepy voice groans.

"I know...I'm sorry Jude."

"Listen I know I said you can call me whenever but if this isn't serious I will take the next flight out and kill you. Ma and Pa will just have to deal with losing a child." He yawns loudly and I hear him get up to leave the room.

"Evie cheated on me." I blurt and the line becomes silent. "I-I just found her hooking up with a guy in our dorm."

"What a fucking bitch!" He replies almost dazedly which makes me laugh.

"I know, that's what I said to her."

"That's my boy!" He cheers albeit quietly and I roll my eyes in amusement. "Okay...hold on."

I wait patiently thinking he's checking on Lucia but at some point he starts singing lowly. "Jude?"

"Alright...I've just booked you a hotel and I'll send you the location now. Not too far from college so I better not find out that you skipped classes –"

"Judah! I didn't call you so you could book me a hotel room!" I sputter in disbelief.

"So, you'd rather go back to the dorm where the stinky cheater is?" He deadpans and I face palm.

"No! I-I just wanted to...I don't know...talk. I didn't really think about not having a place to live that much yet." I reply quietly as I lower my seat and lean back. "She said she was drunk."

"Was she slurring and shit?"

"No." I frown as I realize she wasn't that drunk or at all. "She...she wasn't even tipsy and I know how she is when she's tipsy or shitfaced."

"So...what? He fucked the alcohol out of her?" He snorts which makes me groan. "My oh my, what a bad liar."

"Wow." Is all I can muster. "How could she do this to me?"

"I'm sorry bud." Judah sighs and I clench my jaw tightly.

"I don't even know if the college has any other dorms left!" I worry my bottom lip as my leg starts bouncing anxiously once more.

"I can buy you an apartment. Just find one that you like and send me the details."

"Judah...no." I mumble as I rest my head back. "You can't do that for me. It's too much."

"Look Noah, you have a big family to take care of you and the sooner you realize that you're a lucky bastard the better. We're always here and you don't need to pay us back. That's what family does. It doesn't make you spoiled because you weren't raised that way and you certainly didn't catch any arrogance from the Wheelers next door." He chuckles and that makes me smile. "If you get a dorm fine but if you don't then we'll get you an apartment. And if you're so adamant on chipping in then you can pay some rent and manage your own utilities alright?"

"Alright, thanks Jude." I smile gratefully even though he can't see it.

"Now tell me more about what happened. Who's the guy?" He asks and I hear him turn the kettle on.

I roll my eyes but welcome the opportunity to rant. "Captain of the basketball team, his name is Trevor."

"What a fucking douche!"

"She told him she wasn't taken." I admit a little hesitantly.

He becomes silent again and I almost think he's hung up but then he shouts. "What?!"

"You're going to wake up Mar and Lucia." I grin and hear him chuckle in return. "How are they?"

"They're great...well, Lucia's a sweet angel. Mace is healing and she's doing quite well considering she gave birth literally last month. Obviously tired, sleep deprived and snappy sometimes but that's expected since she pushed a tiny human out of her." He blows out a big breath while I laugh at his words. "I don't know how women do it."

"Yeah you looked so shocked in the video Mar sent me. I forgot that you're an ugly crier too." I grin as I roll down the window when they all start to fog up.

"What video?"

"Huh?" I pretend to be confused.

"Whatever. And I look like an angel crying thank you very much!" He snaps playfully which makes me burst into a fit of laughter. "Seriously though Noah...you dodged a bullet."

"Only took two years." I sigh as I stare up at the sky.

"Yeah but imagine if you found out when you were much further down the line. What's worse?"

"I guess you're right."

"Please mate, I'm always right!" He replies before taking a loud sip of his tea knowing the sound is one of my pet peeves.

"Hey Jude? What if I wasn't a good boyfriend? I mean...she told him she was single. That means I wasn't good enough for her." I rub my chest as if it'll ease the pain somehow.

"That doesn't mean shit!" He scoffs and his tone is heavy with anger. "We've all seen you with her and you were a great boyfriend. It's her loss not yours. You put in the time and effort. What did she do?"

"She planned some dates and surprises sometimes." I mutter as I pick at the rip in my jeans.

"That wasn't really a question Noah." He deadpans and I can just imagine him rolling his eyes. "And you're defending her because?"

"Right, sorry!" I laugh and shake my head. "She always complained that I was too invested in soccer and getting a scholarship so I always went the extra mile to do something nice for her."

"Noah...one day you're going to find someone who puts in as much effort into the relationship as you do. Who loves you as much you love her. That's what you deserve." He reassures me softly. "I promise you that you'll find her. Just keep your chin up and don't you dare go back to Evie otherwise I'll break your legs."

"Trust me, I'd chop 'em off myself if I ever did that." I snort and he chokes on his drink before laughing loudly.

"When are you going to tell everyone? Want me to break it to them?"

"I don't know. I feel like just texting in our group chat and leaving it at that." I sigh heavily.

"You know Ma's going to call you straight away." He laughs before gasping. "Let's do a group call with just us boys!"

"Don't you have to go to sleep?"

"You've ruined it and Lucia wakes up for her next feed in an hour anyways." He mutters while calling the rest of our brothers. They pick up soon enough before Judah instructs them. "Get to someplace quiet so the girls don't hear."

"What's going on?" Ryder frowns in confusion as he steps into his office and closes the door. The others do the same and get to a quiet corner in their homes.

"Evie cheated on Noah! Always knew she wasn't the one!" Judah blurts before I can say anything.

"What?!" The rest of my brothers collectively whisper-shout.

I tell them about everything that happened just like I did with Jude. After I'm done it's silent and if I wasn't in such a terrible mood I would've laughed at their gob smacked faces. Hunter is the first one to break with a loud sigh and a shake of his head.

"Hey! First year of college Noah. I say go get drunk, have some flings –" He starts with a grin but is soon interrupted.

"No!" Roman raises his voice and cuts him off with a glare to the camera. "That's just stupid."

"He'll forget about her!"

"Temporarily." Ryder snorts before Theo adds, "Yeah, then he'll come home drunk out of his mind and a sobbing mess blubbering about Evie."

"I'll take you up on the drinking part though Hunt, thanks for the suggestion." I grin half heartedly and laugh when he cheers.

"How about you come down to my place soon? Being away might cheer you up a little." He suggests and the rest of my brothers make sounds of agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds great. Thanks Hunter."

While we talk about my accommodation situation and Evie I put my phone in the holder and start driving towards the hotel Judah booked for me. By the time I've reached my brothers have successfully cheered me up and I sit in the car after parking thinking about how lucky I am as I watch them laughing.

"Alright, head on in and we'll speak soon." Roman states and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks guys." I grin appreciatively and wave, watching them disappear from my screen until it's just Judah and I again.

"Don't stress and get some rest. We've got you kid."

"Thanks Jude. Don't know what I'd do without you guys." I smirk as I get out of the car and make my way inside the hotel lobby.

"You'd be a hopeless little shit." He grins before waving. "I'll talk to you later...Lucia's up so I've got to go. Bye!"

"Bye Judah." I wave back before pocketing my phone.

I'll be okay, I think to myself and with a deep breath I walk up to the reception desk feeling a lot lighter than I was a few hours ago.

Update schedule is: two or three times a week whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡
