Chapter Thirteen - Ballroom Drama

I finally finish styling my hair when my phone rings and answer Abel's call with excitement only for it to diminish when I catch him in the middle of a coughing fit. I put my phone on speaker as I change into my dress and greet him once he's okay.

"Sorry about that. I caught the fucking cold." He mutters and it's obvious with how his voice has changed.

"I assume you're not coming down then." I frown sadly. Abel was supposed to attend the sports ball today too and then stay with me. "Did you take anything for it?"

"I feel like death so getting out of bed is the last thing on my mind right now." His groan is muffled as he shuffles around. "I took some medicine yeah but it's just going to take a few days to wear off."

"I understand and I was looking forward to seeing you again. I even made a list of where to take you in the city."

"You did that last time Faye." He chuckles which soon turns into a cough.

"Yes but there's so much more to see!"

We chat a little bit more as I try to tie up the back of my dress but it's futile. Giving up, I work on getting my clutch ready with essentials before putting on my heels.

"Get someone to go grab you soup or something. And drink a lot of water too, that always helps." I advise as best as I can.

"Yeah Jay's gone to get me some food. I'll probably take a nap after." He sighs before groaning. "Hey, who's your date?"

"Uh...just this guy I've been seeing." I bite my lip nervously.

"Since when?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Chill! We've only gone on one date so it's very new." I chuckle as I sort through my jewelry, deciding what to wear. "I was going to introduce him to you today."

"What's his name?"

"Noah." I reply while putting on my earrings.

"Hmm. Does he know you have a brother who will kick –"

"Yes, he knows I have a brother. No, I did not tell him you'll kick his ass because Noah's very sweet so there won't be a need for that." I cut him off with an amused smile.

"He better be." Abel huffs before blowing his nose which makes me grimace. "Ugh! Can you believe I got the cold from a hook-up?"

"Gross Abe! I don't need to know that!" I frown as I put on some rings and a thin bracelet.

He only cackles in response before I hear someone speak to him. "Hey, Jay's back with food so I'll speak to you later. Have fun tonight, tell that Noah kid to keep his hands to himself if he doesn't want to lose them and don't send me pictures otherwise I'll burn with jealousy. Bye."

"Bye you idiot." I laugh before we hang up.

"Faye? Are you ready?" Noah calls from outside my room.

"Yeah. Wait...Noah can you come here?" I call and he steps into my room a few seconds later. "Can you help me tie up the back? I can't do it."

I'm wearing an emerald gown with intricate detailing and it's backless with thin straps crisscrossing that I'm currently struggling with. He sweeps my hair over my shoulder that I styled straight today and I watch through the mirror as he concentrates on doing it right. My breath hitches when he presses a lingering kiss on my upper back once he finishes tying the knot.

"What do you think? Is it okay?" I ask nervously as I turn around.

"You look...just...wow –" He cuts himself off with a breathless laugh as he face palms. "Sorry, you look so damn stunning Faye. I'm one lucky guy."

"Thank you." I murmur before taking him in. "You look very handsome. No tie?"

"Time for you to repay the favor." He smirks as he pulls out the rolled up material from his pocket.

I chuckle as I help him with it. "Is everyone else ready to go?"

"Hmm." He nods distractedly as he places his hands on my hips, grinning boyishly when I falter. "They're all coming here first then we'll set out together."

"Oh, cool –"

I'm cut off by the door to our dorm slamming open, hitting the wall with a resounding thwack before Kane yells, "Let's go and party bitches!"

Me and Noah give each other a look before I finish with his tie. He pecks me quickly, murmurs a "you look gorgeous," before leaving to meet the others. I turn to grab my clutch and phone with a blush before walking out too. A wide smile graces my lips at the sight of all our friends dressed up and I'm immediately swept into hugs as we greet each other.

We quickly take pictures before making our way downstairs and into the cars, Lilah and Soren coming with me and Noah. We eventually arrive at the event after a fifteen-minute drive and make our way inside to our table, luckily we're all seated together. Seeing as we've got a bit of time before everything kicks off Noah takes me to meet his brother and sister-in-law.

Noah points them out and I grow increasingly nervous as we walk towards them. Theo spots his youngest brother first and his eyes light up before Zoe follows his gaze and she too smiles happily. I let go of Noah's hand and chuckle when the brothers hug each other tightly before he moves onto his sister-in-law.

"Guys, this is my date Faye West." Noah introduces me as he wraps an arm around my waist. We had discussed that it would be too early to label ourselves as girlfriend and boyfriend. "Faye, this is my brother Theo and my sister-in-law Zoe."

"It's nice to meet you!" I smile as Zoe gives me a hug. "I love your work and your recent campaign was amazing."

"Thank you!" She replies bashfully as we pull away. "Are you and Noah in the same course?"

"No, I study Biology but we do share some of the same classes."

"Is your dad by any chance the owner of West Medical?" Theo asks and I nod which makes him chuckle. "I had a feeling."

We talk a bit more before someone taps on the microphone to capture our attention and it's only then that I realize the number of people in the room has increased. We bid goodbye to Noah's family and get back to our table just in time for the opening speech. I learn that the Warren charity is to help athletes with physical challenges and many speakers come up to present how much work has been done already so that they can continue their passion for sports.

"That's amazing." I murmur to Noah as they show us the equipment they've made.

"They have a lot of partners so athletes get access to the best support for their mental health, injuries and mentorship is provided too." Noah explains with a smile as he leans down to talk. "It's a great charity and a lot of colleges around the world are big partners."

"I'm glad they have such a big focus on helping them." I grin and he only pecks my cheek in response before intertwining our hands.

Next up an auction begins to raise more funds for the charity with a lot of great items. People bid hard and I find my brows often raising in surprise over how much the items are sold for. Overall, a good amount was collected which everyone cheers for at the end.

We then get up for finger food and mingling where Noah introduces me to the rest of his team as well as friends from other colleges. I manage to catch sight of the girls here and there, sending each other tiny waves from across the room. But when I lock eyes with someone unexpected I freeze and the smile slips right off my lips. He makes his way across the dance floor right up to me and smirks as he eyes me up.

"Faye." He nods as he bends down to peck my cheek. "How are you?"

I feel Noah tense beside me and wonder how he's going to react. "Hi Ryan. How are you?"

"I'm good. You look great, green suits you." He grins but surprises me when he takes my hand and brushes his lips across my knuckles.

"Uh...thank you." I clear my throat and recover quickly. "Ryan, this is Noah Jackson. My date. Noah, this is Ryan Ohlsen. He's uh...a family friend."

"Good to meet you." Ryan replies as they shake hands.

"Likewise." Noah smiles as he pulls me closer. "You didn't come with a date?"

"I was on my way to her, she's getting a drink. I'll introduce her to you guys after." Ryan pats Noah's shoulder before leaning in towards me. "Save me a dance Faye, yeah?"

I only laugh weakly in response before he leaves and the built-up tension finally disappears.

"So that's Ryan Ohlsen." I turn to Noah and am amused by the sight of his deep scowl and narrowed eyes as he watches Ryan walk off. He catches me staring and huffs before linking our arms and guiding us back to the table for dinner.

"He can't dance with you if I just break his legs." Noah mutters and I swat his arm lightly.

"Green isn't a nice color on you Jackson."

"I beg to differ. I could wear a bin bag and still look handsome." He smirks playfully.

"As long as it shows off your cute ass I'll agree."

He pulls out my chair for me and just as I've sat down he leans in to whisper, "I'll make a cut out just for you, love."

We smile at each other goofily before catching up with the rest of the group. Dinner flies by smoothly and the food was delicious. Dessert follows and Noah comes back from the bathroom having snagged a plate full of extra sweet treats on the way. I shake my head in amusement before opening my mouth to bite into a macaron he offers me.

"You and your sweet tooth."

"I think I'll be cutting down on sugar now." He replies and I shoot him a skeptical look.

"Really? Coach's rules?"

"No." He shakes his head as he pulls my chair closer to his. "Because you're enough sweetness for me."

"Oh, shut up. You're so cheesy." I shake my head but can't stop a smile from blooming across my lips.

He only laughs while tucking a piece of my hair back behind my ear just to see my blush darken I imagine. As the cutlery is cleared away the entertainment starts with a popular band coming out to play their top hits and an equally celebrated singer joining them. Everyone heads to the dance floor and I'm all too happy to let loose.

I catch sight of Zoe taking pictures and focusing on me and Noah for a little bit. We strike some poses for her which makes her laugh before she sends us a thumbs up and moves on. Theo eventually finds us and I hang back with the small crowd that gathers around the two brothers busting out the dorkiest of moves which has us in hysterics. They drag Zoe in who joins in for a laugh and I make sure to take pictures of them on my phone.

Needing a breather after that me and Noah return to our table with drinks to cool us down. The rest of the group bar Lilah and Soren join us eventually too just as it strikes eleven. I spot Ryan breaking free from the crowd and making his way over, suddenly remembering that he had asked me for a dance earlier. My mood dampens immediately.

"Dance with me Faye?" He asks as he bends down with his hand outstretched. "You don't mind do you Jackson?"

"Not at all." Noah narrows his eyes for a split second before smiling tightly. I make a move to stand up when he gently grabs my chin and pecks my lips. "Have fun sweetheart."

I shake my head at him with an amused smile before Ryan leads me to the dance floor. A slower song starts and I bite my lip, peering at Noah over Ryan's shoulder as he places his hands on my hips. Noah face palms and slides off his seat while the boys laugh at him as they yank him back up. I cough to stifle my laughter as I focus back on Ryan.

"You really do look beautiful Faye." He murmurs and I only nod in response, frowning slightly when his nails start digging into my skin painfully. "What did I say about dating guys?"

"That's rich coming from you!" I scoff before he twirls me around. "Ever since the partnership talks have you hooked up with anyone?"

His jaw clenches tightly and I place my hand against his chest when he tries to pull me close. "Careful Faye. Wouldn't want the media finding out that you were unfaithful to me from the start."

"Don't threaten me with a good time Ryan. The amount of proof I have about you being a man whore will ruin your life." I smirk at his dumbfounded expression.

"Your dad will hear of this from me."

"Like I give a fuck." I snort unladylike before stepping away completely, ending the dance. "Have a shitty night Ryan."

My conversation with him tonight increases the urge to talk to my father about backing out of the partnership but I can already tell that it won't be a pleasant discussion. I walk away with a deep scowl, my night ruined, and look around for Noah. Before I can properly seek him out though Theo asks me for a dance. We move across the dance floor, soon running into Zoe and Noah.

The crowd pushes towards the front of the stage where the artists are playing one last song. I find Noah's hand and intertwine it with mine as we grin at each other, singing along at the top of our lungs and finishing off an otherwise great night.


The Next Day.

Me and Noah return from lunch and a grocery shop when my phone starts to vibrate incessantly with notifications. I frown when I realize they're all from Abel and only one missed call from my dad. I start playing the voice message as I'm walking to my room but what Abel says has me turning around to Noah with wide eyes.

"You're dating Noah fucking Jackson?! Out of all guys in MIT Faye you decide to date him?! Dad's going to freak the fuck out! Call me as soon as you see this!"

"Who's that and how does he know we're dating?" Noah frowns in confusion.

"That's my brother, Abel. You might know him...he plays for NYU." I explain before biting my lip worriedly. "And I think I have a hunch about how he knows."

"Your brother is Abel fucking West?!"

"Yeah...he was supposed to attend the ball then stay with us but he got sick. I was excited for you two to meet." I smile only for it to fade when he shakes his head vehemently.

"No!" Noah immediately refuses.

"Why not?"

"Because!" He splutters as he starts pacing the room. "I...he...well, he already sounds angry enough! He's going to kill me for dating his little sister!"

"We're the same age and I'm older by two minutes."

"You're twins?!" He exclaims in horror. "That doesn't even make sense!"

"I thought you did biology in school –"

"No, I mean he's a fucking prick and you - you're the sweetest person I've ever met. How are you guys related?"

"Well...either two separate eggs become fert –"

"Shut up." He throws a cushion at me with an amused smile.

"Well, if you're that worried we could pretend we're just friends. Or maybe fake breaking up would be more convincing." I joke but my chuckle dies down at his expression.

He stares at me with narrowed eyes as he crosses his arms. "Okay now I'm one hundred percent sure you don't actually like me and want me dead."

I roll my eyes as I take a seat on the couch wondering how to approach this. As I'm racking my brain though I pinch Noah's leg and he cries out, dramatically falling to the floor. "My brother is not a prick."

"Well of course you wouldn't believe that!" He snaps back playfully as he continues to roll around. "Have you ever attended his games?"

"Not many of them."

"He's such a mean fucker out on the field." Noah mutters as he takes a seat on the wooden coffee table once his dramatics are over. "Next time he plays against us you're attending whether you like it or not."

"I'm going to call him."

"What?! You can't tattle on me to – oh...you mean to find out how he knows." He grins sheepishly when I glare at him. "Right, sorry."

"What the fuck is going on Faye?!" Abel shouts into the phone as soon as he picks up making us both wince.

"I don't know, you tell me! How did you find out?"

"Dad got a call from the Ohlsens and Zoe Jackson posted pictures on her Instagram account from the night." He explains and I watch as Noah walks off to finish making his coffee. "There's a picture of him kissing your cheek with his arms around your waist. Ugh, I almost hacked up my breakfast when I saw it."

"So, dad knows then." I sigh, already feeling anxiety creep up my spine to grab control of my thoughts. "This is bad."

"I've never heard him that angry before." Abel confesses as Noah returns to sit beside me and tucks me into his side.

I frown worriedly before I get notified that my dad is calling. "Shit! He's calling me!"

"Tell me what he says after!" Abel says before hanging up.

With a deep exhale to calm my nerves I accept the call only to regret it when my dad speaks. "You've been lying to me Faye. I'm so disappointed in you."

I flinch at his words and feel my heart shatter yet again but Noah's there to pick up the pieces. He sets his coffee mug down, cups my cheek and caresses my skin as he shakes his head. I force myself to put a lid on my emotions, to not care just like my father has never really cared for me. So, his words shouldn't hurt me.

"We need to talk dad."

"I warned you against that boy and you didn't listen. Can you ever do anything right?!" He snaps and out of embarrassment that Noah is hearing this I move to go to my room but he stops me with a firm look. "You've already committed to Ryan!"

"Dad, you –"

"I don't want to hear it! I have a flight booked for you to come home at the weekend. We'll talk further then." He replies before hanging up.

My breath hitches but I hold back, wanting to scream in frustration instead. Noah's eyes soften, not out of pity but from understanding, and he tilts my chin up to kiss me gently. "I'm here."

He wraps me up in his comforting embrace as I think about this upcoming weekend. I don't want to go but I know I must and this time I hope dad will listen to me. My phone pings with yet another notification and I unlock it to see details of a flight leaving Friday night. I respond to Abel telling him what happened before settling back in Noah's arms again, feeling more at home than anywhere else I've been in the world.

"I've got you." Noah whispers as he strokes my head. "Always."

Update schedule is: two or three times a week whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡
