Chapter Eighteen - Action Plan

Noah Jackson's P.O.V.

I take a seat next to Faye in Hunter's home office while he closes the door behind Roman. Everyone had finished breakfast and the girls wanted to spend some time with Faye so I had signaled to my brothers that we needed to discuss before Faye left with them. I had explained the situation over the phone briefly before coming yesterday and Hunter pulled in Roman too for his advice.

"Noah told me a little bit about what's going on but can you explain further Faye?" Hunter asks and I nod at her reassuringly when she glances at me with an unsure look.

She delves into the events that have occurred while I add in a few things she misses. I watch as my brother's expressions switch from concerned to furious within seconds. Roman's eyes dart to mine when she mentions that her father knows about me and isn't the biggest fan. Because of how fast things progressed we didn't have time to get Ryder involved either with a new partnership.

My phone buzzing with a text notification diverts my attention though and I scowl at what Abel has messaged me with.

"How could they think of going through with this?!" Hunter snaps once she finishes. "That's fucking illegal!"

"But common even in this day and age." Roman sighs heavily before shooting Faye a reassuring look. "We'll make sure they're dealt with Faye, you have our word."

"Thank you." She smiles gratefully before her eyes flicker from me to Hunter. "I imagine I'm going to have to appear in court when we open this case. I don't have much evidence apart from a few recordings of my dad...I had a feeling that he wouldn't budge."

"Abel got the police involved the day of her...wedding...so they know that Faye was being forced. She just needs to provide an official statement as soon as possible." I add before curling my hand around her knee to stop her from bouncing it anxiously. "Abel also texted me with some news there."

"Is he okay?" Faye asks worriedly and I nod at her.

"He's fine but...Ryan is missing." I reveal and hear her sharp intake of breath. "He disappeared during the commotion. The police are trying to track him down but they're having difficulties."

"What if he goes back to campus and hurts us? Or someone else?" She worries her bottom lip and my heart goes out to her for being this overwhelmed.

Roman leans back and glances at Hunter. "I'd be happy to connect with Louis' team to keep an eye on you when you go back and Hunter here is a great lawyer with an even better team. We can assure you that they won't be getting away with this."

"I'll get started on the paperwork with my team. Hopefully we'll have a trial date set before your exams so that you can study in peace." He smirks and I watch Faye immediately become relieved.

"Thank you so much! This means a lot." She smiles brightly and her eyes are light when she turns to me.

"Thank you guys." I nod at them with a grateful look, feeling lucky to have them.

"Just don't stress over this okay Faye? Focus on college and we'll keep an open line of communication between the four of us." Hunter winks at her which quirks her lips.

"Okay, I really appreciate your help." She smiles sweetly before glancing at the time. "I better get going though so I'll see you all later?"

"My team is keeping an eye on you girls while you're out so relax, enjoy yourself and please don't tell my wife anything about this otherwise she'll go hunt down Ryan herself." Roman rolls his eyes playfully which makes us all laugh.

"I definitely won't now!"

"Have fun sweetheart." I murmur as I brush my lips against her knuckles when she passes me.

Once the door closes behind her I turn to my brothers and release a deep exhale. We sit there quietly, lost in our thoughts and I feel slight anxiety over Faye being out without me but I quickly force myself to relax. My sisters-in-law are tough and badass so I know she's in good hands. The Ohlsens or her father aren't anywhere near New York anyways.

"Keep a close eye on her." Roman brings me out of my thoughts as he utters quietly. "I want to know straight away if there's a change in her behavior no matter how small."

"In case Ryan contacts her and she's being threatened or blackmailed?" I ask and he nods which only makes me swear heatedly. "Will do. Thank you for helping her out, truly."

"Anything for your future wife." Hunter smirks and I smack Roman when he repeatedly nudges me. "She's a keeper Noah so if you hurt her we'll personally set you straight."

"I wouldn't dare. Besides, her brother would murder me for even making her cry so you've got competition." I grin which makes them laugh.

"Come on, let's go before Jude gets nosy and wonders where we are." Rome rolls his eyes as he stands.

His words prove to be true when we get downstairs to find the rest of our brothers and dad watching a game. Judah's eyes narrow at us in suspicion and I realize we should've come down separately. I grab a cushion from the couch and swing it hard, hitting him in the face to distract him before cackling loudly when he wrestles me to the floor.

I eventually break free and settle down beside dad who puts his arm around me for a hug before ruffling my hair. "How's college going bud?"

"Great yeah, grades are up and I'm killing it on the field. As long as I keep coach happy life is good." I grin boyishly and get gruff laughter in response.

"You're coming back after exams right?" He questions as he focuses on the television while I share a look with Hunt and Rome.

"Why? Miss me already?" I nudge him with a playful smirk. "I imagine Theo and the ranch hands don't do my duties as well?"

"Oh, fuck off! I do them better and quicker than you ever could thank you very much!" Theo huffs but smiles regardless.

"Just miss seeing you around kid." Dad replies with a soft smile. The house is emptier and quieter now with me gone and the rest of my brothers moved out. Sure, Theo and Charlie are close by but it'll never be the same now that we're all grown up. "We can take the boat out and go fishing too."

My smile drops and I shake my head. "You wish old man. Leave the fish be."

Ever since I was younger my dad would take me on fishing trips since we have a lake at the end of our land. He knows I hate fish yet drags me along anyways. So, as he catches the fish I throw them right back in the water within seconds and his pissed off expression is comical every time even though my actions are predictable.

"Uncle Noah? Can I do your makeup?" Mila runs in excitedly with the other kids following behind her.

Everyone else takes off and I glare at them for leaving me alone. A dramatic groan escapes me as I pick her up which makes her squeal. "But why me Mimi?! What about your dad?"

"Dad's not here sweetie, have fun with Uncle Noah!" Ryder yells as he disappears outside.

"I want to paint your nails!" Ariel giggles as the little monsters pounce on me.

"Good luck bro." Theo snickers before leaving like the rest of my brothers. "If you're alive by the end of this then we'll see you later."

"Guys! These are your children!" I protest to no avail.

"Will I build them a fort? That should keep them busy." Aria suggests and I quickly nod at her, relieved that I have someone who's willing to help me.


"We're home!" Elena sings as the girls walk in and I'm so glad that I washed the makeup off my face before they returned otherwise I'd be blackmailed for life. "Hi babies!"

The kids swarm them and become extra excited over their attention as the women shower them with hugs and kisses. I glare at my dad and brothers who walk in moments later and mouth "traitor" to them. They've also picked up dinner and I grab the bags of food from them to take into the kitchen.

As soon as I turn though I notice Faye peek at me from the kitchen and wave me over. A chuckle escapes me as I walk over and set everything down before turning to her with an expectant look. "How was it?"

"Good, I really like them!" She grins happily as she tells me about their day. Zoe had shown them around New York, mostly for Faye, before they grabbed lunch and did some shopping. "I'm so glad I got to see a bit of New York too!"

"We'll come back soon so you can explore a little more. Sound good?"

"Sounds great! Um...I also got you some new sweatshirts and hoodies from that brand you like." She hands me the bag nervously before grabbing a box of donuts. "And this. They had some Avengers themed ones."

I'm taken aback but quickly recover once I notice her fidgeting anxiously. God, the things this girl does to me. I smile happily as I take my time to look at everything. "I love them! You didn't have to Faye."

"I know but when I saw them I thought of you so..." She trails off with a half-hearted shrug only to yelp in surprise when I tug her against me.

"I adore you my sweet little fairy."

"I adore you more gorgeous." She whispers with a quick kiss to my cheek just as Judah walks in with the rest of my family trailing behind.

"What's that?"

"Faye got me stuff!" I show off proudly knowing he likes the same brand.

"Mar! You didn't even get me anything! Look how nice Faye is!" Judah whines only to receive a light swat to his back. "Ow! Other than violence you brute!"

I hear Faye chuckle before she grabs the rest of her shopping and the bag of my new clothes. "I'll go put these in our room. Be right back."

I nod before moving towards the dining room and helping to set the table with food. The girls tell us about their day too before moving onto expressing how much they like Faye. Truthfully I was worried that they would think she's just a brief phase in my life and that I'm not serious about her considering how quickly I got into a relationship with her after my breakup. I listen with a proud smile as they gush over her, happy that they got along and that she fit right in.

"Noey's in love!" Theo sings and I lunge across the table to stab him with my fork but luckily for him Ryder pulls me back.

"Shut up!" I snap which he ignores. "Theo, seriously! I don't want Faye to hear that shitty –"

"Hear what?"

"That Noah's nickname is Noey." Theo grins evilly before sticking his tongue out at me.

"Really?" She sits next to me with a chuckle as I slouch in my chair. "That's so cute!"

"The cutest nickname for the cutest boy!" Hunter snickers while I shoot daggers at him.


"That's enough boys!" Mom hushes them but I lock eyes with her just as she smirks playfully. "We don't want to upset baby Noey."

Everyone bursts out laughing at that and I've never blushed so hard in my life. I refuse to look up from my plate even when Faye leans down to catch my eyes. She giggles and I lift my head to scowl at her playfully but she soothes my anger away with a caress to my hand before intertwining our fingers.

"Faye, I'll show you some of Noah's baby pictures after dinner if you want?"

"Dad! Do you all hate me today or what?!" I exclaim in horror.

"That'd be great Evan." She chuckles with a cheeky wink to me.

I shake my head before thankfully everyone stops teasing me and digs in. My current favorite nephew, Federico, comes over and I haul him onto my lap before feeding him some food. I watch him stare at Faye before hurriedly shying away into my chest as soon as she catches him. She waves at him when he looks back at her and eventually warms up to her after a few funny faces.

I frown when he struggles to escape my grip, wanting to go to Faye instead but I pull him back. "Okay no, she's mine buddy so back off."

"Noah!" Faye whispers with a smack to my arm before she takes Rico from me. He cuddles up to her happily while I narrow my eyes at him.

We soon move to the sitting room to watch a movie and the girls come down after putting the babies to bed early. I pretend to tip my imaginary hat at them when they thank me for tiring them out. My smile slips right off my face though when dad calls Faye over to sit beside him and starts showing her some of my new-born pictures on his phone.

"Aw! You were so chunky! How adorable!"

"Don't remind me." Mom fake grimaces before laughing and pulling me back into her embrace when I move to stand. "I'm only joking Noah! My little baby's all grown up now."

I'm about to protest and move away but the brief flicker of sadness in Faye's eyes makes me pause. I realize she just remembered her mother and I relax in my mom's arms for once, not taking it for granted like usual. Faye smiles at us before her gaze returns to the pictures.

By the time we're halfway through the movie most of my family have turned in for the night. I catch Faye nodding off too and say goodnight to Judah and Mar before guiding her upstairs. I take a quick shower before slipping into bed beside her, chuckling when she's already fallen asleep. With a lingering kiss to her forehead, I drift away too.

Hours later though I wake up only to find her side of the bed empty. Frowning in confusion as I rub the sleep away from my eyes I get up when I notice she's not in the bathroom either. I walk downstairs in search of her only to stop outside the kitchen when I see her standing with my mom and hear her mention her mother. Her skin is slightly sweaty as she holds a glass of water and my face falls when I realize she had a nightmare about her.

"I blamed myself for her death but I'm okay now. I got some much-needed help."

"Oh, sweet pea." Mom murmurs gently as she pulls her in for a hug. "I promise you that she wouldn't want you beating yourself up over something that was out of your control. A mother's love is unconditional and I know she'd do anything to protect you."

"I know that now." Faye's voice is slightly muffled but the undertone of sadness remains.

"I lost my mom too when I was around your age."


"She died of a heart attack and I couldn't get over it. It was just her and I so there was no support system for me to lean on. I started to fall into the wrong crowds until I met Evan." She smiles fondly and I end up leaning against the wall with crossed arms. "He helped me grieve properly instead of numbing the pain like I was doing. The more time we spent together the harder I fell for him. Without Evan I don't know where I would've ended up."

"I'm glad you had him." Faye murmurs and I notice a small smile quirk her lips. "It's certainly easier to heal when you're not alone in the thick of pain."

"Whenever you need me, I'm here okay?" She strokes Faye's hair gently while rocking her. "You can always come to me."

"Thank you. You're so sweet." Faye's voice cracks as tears slip down her cheeks and the sight alone breaks my heart.

I quietly make my way back upstairs and after a few minutes Faye returns. She slips into bed beside me and I hold her tight, peppering soft kisses to her skin until her breathing evens out and she falls asleep. I watch her for a moment before settling down to sleep myself and right before I go under I deem it safe enough to whisper something to her.

"I love you Faye. So much."

Update schedule is: two or three times a week whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡
