Chapter Thirty

Holding on tightly.

"Someone tell me what is wrong with my legs or I'll rip this Iv needle off my wrist!" Moon shouts.

Momo sighs and steps up.

"Moon, dear. When Rosé stabbed you, it penetrated your nervous system and left your legs paralyzed for a year." Momo says.

"You mean I won't be able to walk!?" Moon says loudly.

Moon takes of the blanket, she sighs in relief that she still has both of her legs, but she was disappointed that she would be able to walk for a long time.

"You'll be using a wheelchair for the next year, but if you get therapy, you could be able to walk sooner." Momo says.

"Yeah, and there's more good news!!" Amy says.

"What's better than me not being able to walk?" Moon lays back down on the bed.

"Surprise shawty!!! You're pregnant!!" Momo says.

"Say what now?" Moon blinks her eyes several times.

"I thought you knew baby." Her mom says.

"How did I-? Pfft!! Moon stutters.

"If I knew I would of given the surprise! By the way, where is ZiTao?!?" Moon looks around.

"Honey? You need to answer us a question? Who is your baby daddy?" Her mom asks.

"ZiTao. I met him a month or month in a half after the death my husband. I quickly then fell in love with him." Moon says.

"Where is he? Has he started his surgery?!" Moon asks.

"He heard about your assault and collapsed in the waiting room.." Amy says.

"So they had to proceed with the surgery." Momo says.

"And?! How is he?! How did the surgery went? Is it over!?" Moon says.

"The doctors haven't said anything yet. But Luhan and Lay will update us whenever they say anything." Momo says.

"Only a miracle can save him." Moon thought.

"I need to see him." Moon says.

"Moon. You'll rip your stitches!" Her mom says.

"I need to be by his side. He has to know that I'm caring his baby." Moon cries.

"Moon lay down. His brothers will keep us updated." Her mother hugs her.

The doctors and nurses soon come in and check on Moon and they draws blood from her. They also do an ultrasound on her.

She was at least 2 weeks pregnant and her baby was extremely healthy, despite her mother being stabbed in the stomach.

After few hours, Lay and Luhan visit Moon and check up on her. A couple of minutes later the doctor walks in her room. He had a blank expression.

"What is it man?" Lay says as he stands up.

"I just do know how, buts always impossible. No one manages to survive a risky heart surgery. I'm surprised a miracle has happened." The doctor says.

"Does that mean that in that 45% chance, he survived it?!" Luhan asks.

"He did, but he fell into a coma..."

Luhan fell down on his knees. Moon and Lay were shocked.

"Its not one of those coma where it takes him years to wake up. Its best for the next few months for him to rest. Its an estimate of 4 to 6 months."

"What matters is that he is alive. I just don't know how grandma will make it." Luhan says.

Moon takes deep breaths but turns to the other side and silently cries.

In theses difficult times, Rosé was still on the lose and no could be able to locate her. It was hectic. The next few weeks, Moon was discharged from the hospital and needed to rest for her baby.

Everyday, she would visit ZiTao and tell her baby how amazing he is. ZiTao was literally an angel that fell in her path. He made her believe in 2nd chance, Moon gave love another chance, he made it worth her while, and he even blessed her with a healthy baby with no health problems.

About 2 or 3 months later, Moon took therapy and hopefully she could be able to walk soon. It was stressful for her and her physical and mental health.

With each passing month, Moon really misses him. It was pain for her not be able to hold him in her arms. She wanted him to wake up. She wants to the first one he sees when he wakes up.

Moon was in her 2nd trimester of her pregnancy. She alone went to her baby's appointment. It killed her that ZiTao wasn't here to see her baby's heart beat.

She also hand an ultrasound and she found out the baby's gender: a baby boy. Moon felt a tear fell down her face. She was having a baby boy.

7 months later. (Moon is now around seven months pregnant."

There was a knock at Moon's door. Moon's pushes onto the wheel and opens the door. She see the police standing.

"May I help you officers?" She says.

"Rosé, your ex-sister-in-law, we caught her and her hit man also confessed to another crime."

"What other crime?"

"Rosé killed her own brother Kevin, she hired a hit man to run him over because, apparently Kevin was suppose to inherit his father's business and of course she killed him. She paid him a a lot of money, but looks like her own hit man got tired of holding it that he confessed to everything that Rosé has done in the past." The officer says.

Moon gaps and sighs. She had to be strong for her baby. She couldn't show any signs of stress, no matter how much it killed her.

"Thanks officers, for informing me.."

For the next few hours, after the visit of the officers. Moon calls Momo and asks her if she could take her to the hospital, so she can see her beloved ZiTao. Momo takes Moon, to ZiTao's room.

"I'll be in the cafeteria, if you need me."

Moon nods and Momo leaves the room and shuts the door behind her.

"Hello baby. How have you been?" Moon moves the wheelchair closer to ZiTao's bed.

"Guys what? Our baby kid finally kicked. I know you're anxious to know the gender of baby, but I won't tell you until you wake up. I miss you so freaking much babe. There are so many things I wish I could tell you. Like for example: I love you so much ZiTao."

Moon gentle squeezes his hand. She bends down and kisses his hand. She immediately feels a slight movement. She sees his pointer finger moving.

