Chapter Eighteen

Heart warming experience.

(In this chapter, Moon and ZiTao will open up to each other and their feeling for each other will start to grow in this chapter.)

"So does this mean we stuck here until the blizzard is over?" Moon says.

ZiTao nodded.

"I hate these times. It's so ridiculously cold for no reason!" She says.

"Just know we live in the northern hemisphere." He says.

"Wish we could turn on the heat but that will cut our gas short." Moon signs.

ZiTao then has an idea and he takes of his scarf and wraps it around her neck. She looks up in a shock.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

ZiTao looks out the window and hears the wind howling louder as the snow falls rapidly.

"This doesn't look good. I don't think the snow is going to stop soon. We may be here for a while." He says.

"Since we are going to be here for a while, why don't you ask me why you leave the hospital this morning?" Moon asks him.

"Your sister told me to go home and rest, bit I insisted on staying by your side." He says.

"You should of insisted on staying. I wanted you to dive me home that day instead of my annoying sister." Moon says and ZiTao laughs.

"Oh and by the way, your ear piece is still at my house." Moon says.

"I know, you can keep it. It's your Christmas present from me to you." He chuckles.

"Really? You don't want it back?" She asks.

"Nope. Its all yours." ZiTao says.

"Aww thanks." She smiles.

For the next hour or 2, Moon and ZiTao chit chatted about random things to pass the time. He actually enjoys her company a lot.

"ZiTao? Isn't your grandmother worried about you by now?" Moon asks him.

"I'm pretty sure she is, but what can she do? Literally entire city probably under a blizzard and can't do anything. I just hope her blood pressure doesn't drop unexpectedly. I really hate making her worry." He says.

"Ohhh. My poor baby cat must be lonely and hungry. Or probably she's tearing through the cabinet and already found the treats.." Moon then starts to get worried.

"Ah shit. How long until it is over? I really despise these types of harsh conditions. I don't mind it being chilly but this weather is just ridiculous." ZiTao says.

Moon starts shaking from the cold. As she was breathing, she could literally see her breath. ZiTao notices her shaking from the coldness.

She only has a coat and scarf on her. She didn't know it would get this severely cold. Huang ZiTao then crawls to the backseat and Moon is in confusion.

"Come to the back seat." He gestures her.

Moon gets up and goes to the back seat and sits next to ZiTao. He takes out a face mask and covers her mouth.

"That should keep your nose and mouth warm." He says.

"Aren't you going to wear one?" Moon asks.

"I'm fine."

Moon also notices him shaking from the cold. She also remembers that he just had a heart transplant recently.

"I'm fine my foot." She says.

So, she takes off the scarf he gave her and she wraps it around his neck and covers his mouth and nose.

"You also need that. I can't let you freeze. You need to do everything you can to protect that heart of yours." She says.

"Whatever the lady says." He smirks.

"Its been said we are both freezing from the cold. If we don't warm up soon. We will get hypothermia before we even know it." He says.

"Well I can't risk losing your life again. What do you think we should do?" Moon says.

"Do you have any suggestions on how we could warm up without emptying the gasoline?!" He asks.

Moon has an idea. It seemed pretty absurd to her, but was the only way to warm up and to keep him alive in this cold harsh conditions.

"I do have one in mind." She says.

"It's a bit crazy but I hope it will work." She says.

"I'm listening." He says.

"Lay down." She blurts out.

His eyes widen.

"Uhm...Did I hear that correctly?" He asks.

"You are so dirty minded. We need to keep warm." She rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"Just do it."

Moon scoots aside and ZiTao lays down. Moon sighs very deeply and then proceeds to lays down next to Huang ZiTao.

"We are going to cuddle up with each other. I need you to wrap your arms around me and hold me tightly against your body." She says as she blushes.

ZiTao was blushing extremely hard as a tomato. He then pulls her towards his chest and gently wraps his arms around and holds her tightly like her life depends on it.

Moon then wraps her arms around his waist and it sends him butterflies in his stomach. ZiTao never wanted this feeling to go away. He wishes he could slow down the time.

"My heart needs to calm down." He says in his mind.

Moon felt his heart beating rapidly. She smiles because she senses a familiar yet warm feeling in her.

Even thought they were wearing winter clothes and they were cuddling up, they could feel the tension between them. An unexplainable one.

Moon knew this was completely wrong in her point of view, but she liked it. A lot.

On the other hand, ZiTao was in pain, from the moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew that his heart would beat rapidly for her, and only for Moon.

Even though it is hard to accept it, ZiTao has already fallen for her before he even knew that he liked her. ZiTao gently strokes her back with both of his hands. Moon took a deep breath.

His hand felt like a massage to her. She wanted more. Moon could literally see Huang ZiTao's breath. So, she then looks at him in the eyes.

"ZiTao.." She barely manages to says but it literally made ZiTao explode on the inside when she said his name.

"What am I even do doing?! Why did I even suggest this?!? This feels so wrong..." She then gets up but ZiTao wraps his arms around her tightly and puts her on top him.


"This was your idea. Why are you regretting it now?" He asks.

"I well... I really don't know..." She says.

ZiTao was laying on his back and Moon was on top of him as if she never weight a thing. Moon was shocked, but at the same time she loves it.

"Like you said, "this feels so wrong....yet so right at the same time." He says.

Moon wasn't going to lie. He was very correct.

Moon also knew they were best friends. She also wondered if best friends who cuddle up and feel a deep attraction towards that one friend, are actually friends or something even more.

Moon was also glad that the snow trapped them alone together in the car during a horrible blizzard.

"Thank you for showing up in my life ZiTao. I really mean it." She smiles.

He holds her firmly.

"No problem. I'll always be there whenever you need me."ย  He gives her a small peck on her forehead.

