Chapter Fourteen

An arrow against the heart.

(TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Miscarriages will be mentioned in this chapter.)

Huang ZiTao was waiting patiently in the waiting room as his leg flinches rapidly. The hours went by and ZiTao wanted to know what was taking them so long. Being in the dark for so long was making him a nervous wreck.

"I need to know if she's okay or not! The damn suspense of killing me!!"

He couldn't do anything else. He didn't want to check his phone, he didn't want to eat, and especially leave the hospital. He was anxious to know what her current situation is.

People in the hospital would leave and enter and it seems like ZiTao was the only one in the waiting room, besides the desktop lady. People come and people go in his life.

As soon as he gets up, the doctor walks in the waiting room and towards Huang ZiTao.

ZiTao immediately got up from the couch the moment he saw him coming in. ZiTao inhales and exhales as he clenches his fists.

"Would you like to see her?" He asks.

"Yes, please."

The doctor bows down and starts walking and ZiTao follows his lead as he sighs deeply.

ZiTao knew that the doctor's expression on his face was going to mean that there is going to be some bad news.

The doctor opens the doctor then looks at Moon laying on a hospital bed. Moon turns her head and sees ZiTao from across the room.

Moon smiles brightly as she see Huang ZiTao standing there. Moon didn't know whether it was the meds or just her, but as Huang ZiTao entered the room, he looked so attractive.

But for once, she was actually glad to see him. And all of a sudden, ZiTao quickly runs to Moon and hugs her unexpectedly.

Moon's eyes widens from the surprise.

"Did he just hug me?"

His body against her made more calm and relaxed. She slowly hugs him, at the same time he felt happier to see him.

"Moon? Are you okay?" He unhugs her and looks at her directly in the eyes.

"I'm okay, but the doctors won't tell me what's wrong, they told me that if you should accompany me while the doctor tells me the problem." She says in a weak and tired voice.

"You look so exhausted." He says.

"I am." She says.

Huang ZiTao stands up and looks at the doctor.

"I think its something you should both hear from me." He clears his throat.

"What is it doctor?" Moon looks at the doctor with concerned eyes.

"Ma'am. It looks like you had a miscarriage..."

"W-what are you taking about..?" Moon tries to hold in her tears.

Moon then felt a tear drop from her eye. ZiTao's worried expression turned into a shocking expression.

ZiTao then turns his head and looks at Moon who was sobbing very quietly.

"Miscarriage?! Moon was pregnant?" He says in his mind.

Moon then stops sniffing and looks at the doctor as her face becomes red and puffy very quickly.

"How did this happen?" She wipes her nose.

"Its says in our records that you were at least 9 weeks pregnant and due to the amount of stress, anxiety, depression, and not maintaining a healthy image, your fetus was slowly dying until it completely died when the blood ran down your legs. I know its the complete opposite of what women who trying to get pregnant want to hear."

Moon completely knew that several day before her husband died that night they successfully made a baby, but now the fetus was gone.

"I'll give you 2 some privacy. I'll be back to discuss some more detail with you later." The doctor says and leaves the room.

ZiTao turns around and looks at Moon.

"Moon? Did you knew that you were pregnant?" He asks.

She didn't answer his question. Her silence was his answer.

"Oh my god..." He says.

"Do you want me to stay or do you want some privacy?" He asks.

Moon then curls up into a ball. She has her thighs against her chest and holds her legs. He scratches the back of his neck and the turns around and walks to the door and grabs the door knob.

"I'll head out and give you some privacy." He says.

"Wait." She blurts out.

ZiTao stop and drops his arm and turns around and walks towards her.

"Please, don't go. I don't want to be alone. Stay with me..." She grabs his sleeve.

ZiTao was shocked to see Moon grabbing him. He rotates his hand and gently holds her hand. He sees the IV injected in her wrist. Moon then holds his hand back.

He felt a warm sensation in his hand. Her hand was so small, yet very fragile.

"I won't be letting go of that hand. Not anytime soon." He says quietly.

"I'll stay... I won't be leaving your side." He says.

"I know you'll get through this. You are a strong ass woman."

"I was pregnant and I didn't even know it.." She quietly says.

"I don't want to live anymore. I've lost my husband and my baby in less than 2 months....!"

His eyes widen. ZiTao lets go of her hand. Moon completely was shocked. He then walks around the bed and lays down and holds her from behind. Her eyes widen immediately.

"What are you doing?!"

"The more you talk crazy, the more I'll hold you!"

Her words were literally taken out of her mouth.

"You said its painful to loss somebody important to you, but you don't realize that if you do kill yourself, I'll be going through the same pain as you." He whispers.

Moon felt his breath against the back of her neck. It sent her chill up her spine. She even felt butterflies in her stomach.

She even felt his heart beating against her back. It felt strange, yet very familiar to her. She couldn't quite lay a finger on the situation.

"I didn't know you felt like that." She spoke up.

"Do you think this heart will be able to resist it if I lost this beautiful girl in my life?"

"Beautiful? He thinks I am beautiful?!" She thought.

"You called me beautiful?" She asks.

"Mhm. On the outside you are trying to stay strong, but on the inside, I know you are not okay and thats not healthy at all to keep the pain locked in."

"What happened to the old ZiTao? The one I met was a complete jerk to me!" She asked.

"That is what I am asking myself. After I had that heart surgery, it's like I became a new person!" He says.

