Chapter 28: Rescue

What Naru felt, she doesn't like it.

"Is this it?"

Naru nodded as both her and Jiraiya were hiding on top of a tree as they looked at a seemingly innocent cave in front of them.

Both had been traveling for over 5 hours when Naru catch the remaining scent of where the place Tsunade and Orochimaru last they saw them. They followed it until they stopped in front of a cave.

Actually, the cave looked so so so familiar. She does not know why, but she knew that this place is something that she saw from their future. Sasuke might know this if she told him this when they got back, yeah she knew there's a small chance that they won't.

Knowing Madara, that bastard of an Uchiha have a trap ready for them inside.

She looked at the toad sannin, "You got the plan or do I have to say it again?"

Jiraiya grumbled on that one as Naru grinned instead of laughing. Well, atleast the old pervert is still the same, past or present.

"Yeah Yeah", Naru gave a last nod as she used a illusion jutsu to blend in more as Jiraiya dropped on the ground silently and disappeared to the North direction.

Naru's eyes hardened as she ran in a speed that might even make a certain future (Or maybe past) Yellow Flash jealous. If their is one thing that she learned while fighting Madara is that he always use everything that he has in an advantage to win, whether he kills or whether he terrorize.


"Now this is worrying", Hiruzen puffed his pipe as smoke flowed out while he frowned down at the paper held in his hands. The white majestic Fox that brought the letter almost made him have a heart attack when he saw the four tails swaying behind its back.

But what made it more weird is that there's three children sitting on it as the giant majestic white Fox gave him a letter, a letter that had the Uzumaki seal engraved on it.

Though, after a little bit of coaxing and friendly smiles, they got the names of the three children. Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato.

He can still remember the content of it.

Hey jiji,

We got a little bit of umm....... let's say....  Problem? Yeah let's call it like that.

So when we're in Ame, we successfully immobilize their army and rescued the hostages so that's well and done. The three children that came with the letter are orphans from the Village so would it be......... Well I'm just going to be straightforward and say that just give them to Sasuke and he'll know what to do (Even though both you and I know that he doesn't like children that much, but I digress)

So the problem that I'm talking about is the fact that....... Tsunade and Orochimaru got kidnapped. By someone that I really don't want to meet right now.

Both of them got kidnapped by Madara.

I know that this isn't the time to finish him so I'll just distract him to give them the time to escape and I'll follow after.

Plus, that egoistical red eyed sharingan bastard need a little bit of a beat down dattebayo!

Naru Namikaze (Uchiha)
From the most sexy Rokudaime Hokage of Konohogakure

Although the last part made him chuckle a little bit.

Though this left him in a predicament as he looked at the twitching Uchiha standing in front of him while the three children was sitting on the chair at the side as they curiously looked outside the window, although the red haired kid looked at them in cautiousness while the violet haired girl looked plain emotionless, but he could see the curiosity as she looked at the whole village.

He took pride in that since Konoha does look amazing from this view, but from the mountain top of the Hokage Mountain is much better.

"There are times that I can only handle one or maybe even two since you saw Minato and Kushina, but handling three others is not my forte", Sasuke said as he glared daggers at the letter clutched in Hiruzen's hands, imagining it to be on fire in Amaterasu flames, making the Sandaime gave out a laugh at that.

"Now now Sasuke-kun, I haven't said anything yet", he looked amused while Sasuke just crossed his arms in front of him. For some old reason he looked like an annoyed child being berated by his parents, the only one thing missing is the pout, but knowing the man well, he doesn't do that.

"Yes you did, but I'm smart to know that your going to say that", and what he said is right as Hiruzen just smiled oh so innocently that fooled no one inside the office, even the children watching their conversation.

Hiruzen really wanted to roll his eyes, but being the Hokage doesn't allow him to do that, so he just opted to the much more professional style, he sigh. Though, he glanced down at the paper, but when he looked at the corner of the paper, he smirked.

He looked at the annoyed Uchiha as he gave his innocent smile once more, "But would you believe me if she said that if you don't take care of them is that......... Your going to sleep on the couch?"

Sasuke's eyes shot wide open as he looked at the not-contained grin of the Hokage, "She wouldn't dare."

Hiruzen hummed, "Oh yes she would."

And to prove his point, he showed the paper where she really did write her threat at the Uchiha.

And if you don't agree to take care of them while I'm not there Teme, your going to sleep in the couch for three weeks.

(For some odd reason, almost all of the wives across the world cant help but suddenly smile that got their husbands scared shitless. Ah, the advantages of a wife)

Now Sasuke looked down right murderous, he opened his mouth to retort but got caught off when the door opened in a loud sound surprising the children while Hiruzen and Sasuke just gave it a glance to see a panting and furious red head while being followed by a nervous blonde.

Sasuke sigh as he punched the bridge of his nose, Kushina is just as relentless as her future daughter. Minato let out a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of hid head, "Gomen Sandaime-sama, tou-san but.......... I couldn't stop her."

'Well the kid did try', Sasuke though as he just shook his heads and looked at the red head. "Why are you two here?"

His question was answered when Kushina's eyes landed on the children at the corner, her violet eyes suddenly locking eyes with the red haired kid. But now that Sasuke looked at the three of them closely......... His eyes widened in just a millimeter as his brain reached a conclusion. He hit his head, Naru's robbing off of her quirks to him now!

DAMMIT! How the hell didn't he saw that he's looking at the past Leaders of Akatsuki?!! Just why?!!

"Nagato-chan?!!", Kushina looked shock as she looked at the red head. Sasuke looked at Kushina with a raised brow, from what he heard from Naru, Kushina and Nagato were cousins. So that's the reason why they might know each other.

(A/N: I don't know if this is true, but from the Naruto Canon timeline, Nagato is older than Kushina right? Cause if he is, then I just made him younger)

"Nee-san?", Nagato looked surprise while Yahiko and Konan looked at the red head in surprise. Their emotionless introvert (He's not shy, mind you) friend actually knew this red head, but after looking at the older girl, they looked like each other.

Minato looked at the three children as his eyes looked calculative. He glanced at his father then to the Sandaime. Something's going on here, he could feel it.

Hiruzen cleared his throat, "Ah Kushina-chan, did you know Nagato-kun?"

Kushina looked at the Hokage, "Know him?!! He's my cousin old man!"

Sasuke looked at Kushina, "Language young lady."

Kushina just pouted while Sasuke sigh, great, she also picked up Naru's crude language over it. Though, he wonders why he even cared correcting what she says, or worrying for her for that matter. Usually he just ignores it and let her be, that's Naru's job anyway.

It might be because of the fact that he started to get soft, yeah that might be it.

He shook his head and now just heard the last bit of information that come off Yahiko's childish voice (It reminded him a lot of Naru's when they were still genin) about being left here from Naru.

He narrowed his eyes, yes, the letter said that Madara kidnapped both Orochimaru and Tsunade. He knew that they would encounter Madara again, but this early, No they can't.

If they fight Madara right now, it might affect the other Elemental Nations to their fight. Both him and Naru have to still finish the seal to form a protective barrier around them if they will fight,he knew that they're still not ready.

His onyx eyes looked at Hiruzen.

"I'm sorry Sasuke-kun, she did say that she would escape", Hiruzen shook his head as Sasuke let out a small scowl from his emotionless face. "Even if she did, she still have Jiraiya with her", Sasuke just merely grunted as he turned and looked at Kushina, who's actually mothering Nagato, Minato, who for his part now lacked the trace of his shinobi seriousness last time and now sported a smile, Konan and Yahiko, they looked surprise to know that Nagato still have relatives though.

"Come with me", he walked out the door hearing rapid footsteps following him out the office and the Hokage tower as they walked to the House.


Naru made sure to keep herself quiet as she silently and cautiously walked through the silent halls and also trying to pinpoint where Tsunade and Orochimarubare by sensing their chakras.

It has been 2 hours since enters and have this bad feeling, a very bad feeling. It looks easy, too easy for her taste that she's sure that there's something cooking up here.

"We're talking about an Uchiha here kit!"

'Seriously you orange snot nosed bastard! You and your hate to Uchihas! I wonder why you even let me marry Sasuke.'

Naru heard a scoff at the back of her head as the Nine-Tailed replied, "The only reason why I even let it happen because he's the only one that could match with you, plus, he's also the only one where I actually feel you comfortable with."

'Ahh~ did the Almighty Kyuubi nō Yoko cares?'

"Shut up brat! Be grateful that I...... "

Naru now completely ignored Kurama full on when he started to brag again. If there is only one thing that she could compare someone to the overgrown Fox is that both him and the other two keka genkai eyed clans, Uchiha and Hyuuga, both really like to brag. And worst of it all, it's almost true!

She was caught off of her musings when suddenly.....


Her eyes narrowed from her position after she successfully avoided being squashed and burned at the same time by the giant rock fireball that headed her way.

She immediately extended her senses to sense anyone around the facility and sensed nothing, it's either they're really good at hiding their chakra that good that even her sensory abilities can't catch it or it's that she's really alone.

She could bet that it could be a former, after all, this was not the first time it happened to her. Though.... Bodies of shinobis littered the ground as the once blue sky turned very dark... She shook her head to remove that vivid memory. She grimaced as her heart ached, because of a wrong intel, over a hundred member of the Shinobi Alliance got killed. But she knew that it won't happen again, after all, that was one of the reasons why both her and Sasuke was at the past.


She was very thankful for her toned senses and instincts as she blocked a blade, or more specifically, the edge of a gunbai. And the only person she knew that have a gunbai as a weapon is......

"It seems your just as reckless as I remembered", Madara Uchiha smirked at the glaring woman in front of her as he jumped back to avoid an incoming kick aimed at his torso.

Naru didn't waste time to engage the madman in a frenzy of taijutsu that left small aftershocks around them, if it weren't for the seals that had been painted at the walls, the cave would have been destroyed by now.

Her eyes sharpened when she saw the Uchiha activate his keka genkai, three tomoes swirling around in red glowing eyes. The speed increased and Naru still matched blow for blow, but she knew that this won't continue.

She have to make this fight longer, to stall time, and Jiraiya would save them.

And so, she increased her speed more and brought out a tri-ponged kunai. She let out the tiniest of bloodlust appear on her face as her already sharp teeth grows  fangs, her face adorned a small grin.

She would now let loose a little, after all, it was a little bit annoying to always hold back on one of her opponents.


Jiraiya let out a sigh of relief when his jutsu work. And so, he swiftly and unnoticed by all, entered an underground room. If what Naru said was correct, they always and always keep their hostages underground. After all, its a little bit harder to sense any chakra signatures when underground, the chakra of the chunks of the earth still have chakra of their own, the only reason why all of the shinobis could even do sense any chakra is because of the fact that it's not over 100 meters deep!

The jutsu that he used actually came from Naru herself, it was a seal, a seal where once placed on top of the ground, it could sense chakra for a much much more larger range than a shinobi, it could sense and stretch for over 10 km at most and 5 km down. The seal would become warmer and warmer if the intended targets, they added drops of blood from their target to know who they're finding, is close or closer.

He pocketed the seal and his eyes sharpened, a far cry difference to his normally perverted and goofy ones he always wore. He knew there's a time for his antics and seriousness, and this are one of the latters.

He expanded his senses and hearing as he quietly walked through the shadows across the dimly lit hallway. The seal on his pockets got warmer and warmer everytime he took a step.

So when he heard shuffles and a few mutters of profanities that sounds oddly like his teammates, he wasted no time to fasten his walking and still kept on sharp of his surroundings or else he might trigger a trap.

So when he opened the door, he was not surprised when he saw Tsunade and Orochimaru chained on the wall, suppressing seals clearly seen visible at the chains.

"Jiraiya?", Tsunade's voice was lower than a whisper but both males cam still hear them. The only thing that Jiraiya did is made a handsign for yes.  And since the shinobis needs sharp eyes to work in the dark, they saw it and their tense bodies, now relaxed.

Jiraiya wasted no time to break their shackles, letting both Tsunade and Orochimaru to ease the frigid state of their body for a minute before he used sign languages for them to hurry up and hold his shoulder.

Though, they did hesitate when they remembered the Team Leader of their Mission as they questioned Jiraiya about it. The only answer they got was a shook of his head and darted towards them, touched their shoulders, and disappeared in a yellow flash, leaving the cell.

Though, a head poked out the ground, revealing a black entity, Zetsu.

He lets out a grin out of his face, just as planned. Now the only thing that they needed to do his find a way to activate it.


When the three of them now touched ground, the three members of the future sannins dropped on the ground and started to vomit.

Though after that, they have comments of their own.

"I don't know how the hell Naru can teleport without vomiting", Tsunade rasp out as she leaned on a trunk of a tree. Orochimaru nodded as he, too, felt the same. How the hell can that woman do this multiples times in a just a few seconds and not die from it?

"Speaking of her though, where is she?", Tsunade asked as she looked at the white haired toad sannin also leaning on a tree trunk opposite her. Jiraiya only let out a small sigh, and sent out a small drop of his own chakra to the seal imprinted at his metal plate.

This was a signal, a signal if the rescuing was successful.

He just hope that Naru was fairing well.


Naru thanked the gods behind and below when she felt her forehead protector heat up as she blocked another strike from a gunbai.

One would say that she was not in a good condition, far from it. She could feel that she had broken ribs, a stabbed wound on her shoulder, a very long gash on her leg, and that her wrist was left in a weird angle.

But Kurama started to heal her injuries, but at a slow rate since fixing bones takes a little bit of time rather than flesh wounds which only last either half a minute or a full minute.

None could be also said to the Uchiha she's fighting though. He was in the same state, a broken rib, a long gash on his left torso, a slight limp from his leg, and an injury on his head which blood trickled down on his face.

So, she grabbed the incoming elbow hit of Madara and finally, used her rasengan to hit the Uchiha back. It worked, but she has her suspicion, as she took this delay as her cue to hiraishin away. 

So, Madara raced her opponent to see her flash away in yellow. Leaving him smirking in victory in his position, the trial had started.


I would say no excuse. Okay maybe I will, but I'm not out of my Writer's Block mood and now presented to you a new chapter.

So hope all of you could enjoy and please forgive for not updating for a month!
