Chapter 17: trαíníng

Sasuke tapped his finger to the wooden table as he consecrated on the scroll in front of him as he tried to add more kanjis inside.

"Knock knock."

Clear sharingan eyes locked in ocean blue. Naru grinned, "Your consecrating too much teme. Both you and I know that the six of then can take care of themselves."

Sharingan eyes morphed to onyx as Sasuke dropped the brush he was holding and rubbed his eyes using his right hand.

"I know they can, dobe."

Naru rose her eyebrow then frowned, "I actually know what you meant. From what happened yesterday, the kids really need training. And I can feel it, fear."

Sasuke didn't said anything as he let Naru do the talking, "They may be high chunnin to low class jounin but they still can't fight head on an S-rank missing nin like the one you fought."

"The said man........... Is he him?"


"Zabuza's........ "

Naru pursed her lips as she remembered the chakra she felt on the man Sasuke fought, the way his voice sounds, the face, and god even the mask. All of those pieces including the sword and chakra all coming together.......... He really is Zabuza's dad.

Sasuke didn't wait for an answer as he stood up and walked to the silent blonde, "We need to prepare as best as we can. Even we may be high kage level, we won't be in one place at the same time."

Naru mutely nodded as Sasuke mentally frowned, "What's wrong?"

"It's just............. Do you think the kids....... Do you think they're ready? I mean if this is what happened on our mission when we were genins with Kakashi-sensei........ Do you think it will be like this one?"

Sasuke didn't answer as he lets Naru fix her thoughts. He can wait, he might not be the guy that's good for comfort but he's patient. He can wait for her to be done and things will be planned.

"We'll train them then."

Naru looked up as she looked dead-on on Sasuke's onyx eyes as her eyes gleamed in something that Sasuke always saw when they were still at the battlefield.


Sasuke lets out a small smile grace his lips as he looked at the blonde woman he saw as his lover.

>>Time Skip<<

Kushina, Mikoto, and Hina was in a room as they all recollect their thoughts. They battled two chunnins and confronted an S-rank missing nin in just one day. And...... They just stood, well maybe they fought the chunnins but with the man.......

They couldn't, they weren't fast enough, and if it weren't for Team 7's Sensei, they would be swipe cleaned by the sword.

They also felt fear, the three of them. They felt like a burden to the two powerful senseis and even maybe even to the three boys.

"Hey Kushina............. "

"Hmm....... "

"What do you think......... "

"Hell no!!! Don't even think about saying that word Hina-chan! ttebane!"

"But Kushina.... You know what happened."

Mikoto nodded, "It is, we couldn't even move an inch. The killing intent that I felt........ It's...... Deadly. And if it weren't for Sasuke-sensei interfering we wouldn't be talking right now."

"Yes! That's why this time, I'm going to talk to Naru-sensei about it. I'll even drag her if I have to just sit that she could train us!"

Mikoto and Hina widened their eyes as they looked at their teammate... Maybe she's right.......

They looked at each other as they matched Krishna's grin, "Yeah let's do it!!"

Outside their door, they didn't notice that someone was eavesdropping as Naru lets out a proud smile appear on her face.

'Don't worry girls, I'll promise. Next time this happened, all of you will be strong enough and grow to the remarkable shinobis that all of you are in the future.'

>>Somewhere Else<<

Fugaku gritted his teeth as he kicked again making the dummy he was training with fly through the yard hitting a tree in the process.

God! What was wrong with him?!! He should've fought yesterday and yet...... He couldn't move!

Damn it! And he even relied to the man he was trying to uphold to finish the enemy off while he just stayed at the background mentally scared!!

"Katon:Gokakyu no jutsu!!"

A ball of fire covered the whole tree turning it into ashed as he panted on the spot.

"How foolish of you Uchiha."

Great, he's not in the mood right now for the guy.

"If you want entertainment, go and find Namikaze for all I care... Hyuuga."

Hiashi stared at the panting boy in front of him as he looked on the destroyed yard, he gritted his teeth.

"Entertainment is not what I'm finding."

"Then if it isn't, then you would know that leaving game alone would suffice?"

Hiashi didn't answer as he looked on his teammate. Then he activated his kekka genkai as veins started to appear around his pupil less eyes.

Fugaku saw this as he also activated his kekka genkai turning his eyes bloodshot red with two tomoes appearing around.

They both smirked as they faced one another, "Training?"

They both looked sideways as the blonde boy they felt moments ago jumped from the tree to the ground, a smile marring his face as he looked at his battle stance teammates.

"Care to join Namikaze?"

Well Minato didn't have to respond as he leaped away avoiding two kunais throws his way by the two clan heirs.

"Raiton:Lightning Senbon Jutsu."

Minato pointed his finger at Hiashi's direction as electricity like senbons shoot out from his finger to the Hyuuga as he leaped in every direction clearly avoiding the incoming electricity. Unfortunately, his thigh was hit by one jolting it with electricity in a second unable for him to use it in just 5 seconds, but Minato took this moment to also block the kunai from Fugaku as they engage on a taijutsu battle.

Fugaku narrowed his eyes, 'He's good. Much more stronger than the last time we fought.'

Minato gritted his teeth as he pushed Fugaku away to also avoid Hiashi's punch from the side as the three of them moved their distance and formed a triangle like form.

The three of then was panting with various reactions. Hiashi was mentally scolding himself for not being fast enough while Fugaku had a smirk appear on his face glad that he landed a solid blow to the blonde as said blonde was grateful, grateful for the fact that he was having a perfect training with both of his stoic and anti-social teammates.

They were suppose to move but stopped when someone appeared in the center with a blue flash as their Sensei also appeared looking at the three of them.

Until a smirk appeared at his face, "Good, your taking things seriously from now on. Now, attack."

After the word left his mouth, the genins all moved in synch as they attacked their sensei as said sensei just moved his body in different directions looking bored making the three of them all riled up on injuring him more.

"Doton: Iwa Tounyuu no jutsu!"

Rocks floated from the ground as it sailed in the direction of their sensei as said sensei used his palm to stop each Roch using it as a kunai to also stop the others breaking it into pieces.

Immediately, the genins distance themselves from their sensei as they wanted knowing that they couldn't beat him.

Sasuke nodded approved by their actions.

"Rule no. 1:If you know that your opponent is much more stronger than you, retreat immediately."

"Training is over, tomorrow the three of you will be joining the others to train. Am I understood?"

"H-hai sensei!"

Sasuke nodded as immediately, the genins all falls down extremely exhausted from their training not even moving except for the heavy breathings.

Sasuke nodded as he walked at their directions and effortlessly lifted them up to his shoulders and walked to the direction of the house they were staying as he felt the three of then to welcome sleep.

Sasuke sighed, 'Things will be harder tomorrow.'


Yo everyone, hope you like the chapter and enjoyed. Now the following pole is as follows:




Sand sibling-1


Please comment some more as tomorrow will be the last poll.

Ja ne~
