Chapter 10: He's Back

"You've grown.......... Minato."

Minato immediately leaped on his awaiting arms, tears leaking out of his eyes as he felt strong arms wrapping them at his figure.

Sasuke stood up carrying Minato as he looked at him.

'He does really looked like Naru.'

Sasuke glanced at the soft smile appearing at Naru's face as she looked at the duo.

Ikari held a small smile appear on his face unnoticed by everyone. He remembered what happened after the incident.

Sasuke rose a brow, "A cover story?"

Ikari nodded at him, "Yes a cover story, its going to be a little bit suspicious if you just appeared out of thin air not having any background story now do we?"

Sasuke nodded, "Fair enough. What is it?"

Ikari had his chin resting both on his hands as he looked at his future grandson, "Me, The Sandaime, and the other clan heads already talked about this and let it be known to every clan member of the Uchiha know the whole truth while the others have the false information."


"We talked that you were posing as my long lost brother."

Sasuke looked emotionless but on the inside, he was laughing hysterically. Oh another one of this moments again, oh this is rich.

"Our parents sent you to the Sandaime's care and promoted from ANBU when you turned 10."

Sasuke rose a brow, it feels as if Itachi's own info's are being slapped to him.

"And got a 10 year long mission where you met Naru at Whirlpool Country when your just 18 and stayed there for over two years as Naru gave birth to Minato."

Sasuke nodded as Ikari continued, "And you were kidnapped for over 8 years making Naru believe that you were dead."

Sasuke had an amused smirk on his face.

"I-is it........... true?"

Sasuke looked down to meet the watering eyes of Minato.

"Is what true?"

Minato got stunned at the dark and monotone voice but he heard a tone of care at the edge of his voice.

"T-that your m-my............t-tou-san?"

Sasuke stared at his cerulean eyes reminding him of Naru.


Naru sighed and rolled his eyes after, typical Uchiha language. And its a good thing that she already learned the infamous 'Hn' language from the Uchiha Clan. And luckily Minato also understands since he's friends with the Uchiha heir, which said heir don't want to admit it.

So Minato concluded his answer as a Yes.

"It seems you have returned from your 19 year long mission, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke looked and saw the Sandaime who had an amused smile on his face.

"Sandaime-sama, yes I did. Even though I have to wait for 8 years to escape."

Minato looked at his father clearly confused. So he was missing this whole time because he was kidnapped?

Hiruzen stroked his beard, "I see, well then, Welcome Back to Konoha Sasuke Uchiha."

>>Time Skip<<

"You emo bastard!"


Minato looked on sweatdropping. The party already finished 3 hours ago and have to clean the place. He talked with his father and learned that he was a Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu master making him looking at his father in awe. He also learned that he had an affinity of fire and lightning which he concluded as two offensive affinities.

And right now, both his mother and father were bickering like children after his father called his mother an idiot after she finished telling her story on how she became an Elite Jounin and first ever Sannim now know as Lady Kitsune and hiw she almost lit the whole Hokage Tower on fire.

"Hmph, at least I managed to stop the fire before it spreads."

Sasuke rose a brow, "Yes even though you almost drowned everyone from your water affinity. But now that you mention it."

Sasuke faced Minato who was quiet the whole time, "What's your affinity Minato?"

"U-ummm, i-its........ Lightning and Wind."

Both of Sasuke's eyebrows rose up, "Two? That's actually quite impressive."

Minato beamed as footsteps was heard from the 2nd floor until it revealed the grinning Kushina holding a paper with seals written on it.

She held up the paper to the two adults who looked at her curiously, "What is it Kushina-chan?"

"I finally made the weight seal!!"

Sasuke took the paper from Kushina and examined it unconsciously turning on his sharingan which made him look very deadly.

"She did based on my information in seals, but she forgot to dry the ink."

Kushina pouted, "But it always takes time for it to dry."

Sasuke rose a brow deactivating his keka genkai, "Having patience is one of the virtue of being a shinobi."

Minato and Kushina pouted, "But its so boring having to listen to the rules."

Sasuke deadpanned and looked at the grinning Naru, "They're your children alright."

"Oh I tried my best."

Sasuke sipped his coffee as Minato and Kushina went to the living room to try and fix Kushina's sealing.

Once the two children closed the door, Sasuke puts his coffee down and immediately pinned Naru from her chair making her yelp in surprise.

All of the walls immediately flashed as silencing seals were activated.

"S-sasuke what are you doing?"

Sasuke rose a brow, "What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to claim my reward."

Naru was about to retort but got silenced as Sasuke's lips connected with hers as Naru whimpered when Sasuke bit her lip sliding his tongue inside.

Sasuke pulled back as saliva trailed down on their mouth as he looked hungrily at the heavy breathing Naru.

Sasuke immediately turned on when Naru lets out a moan when he bit her neck as he trailed down to her collar bone, biting and sucking it creating a hickey.

Naru whimpered as Sasuke removed her top revealing her red laced bra.

"W-we s-s-shouldn't d-do we it h-here Sasuke."

Sasuke growled, "I don't care."

Sasuke lifted her up and seated her at the table and started attacking her neck again sometimes earning a few moans.

His pale hands trailed to her thigh rubbing it up and down as the other one was secured on her waist holding her down.


Naru breathed as Sasuke then kissed her in a hot and possessive way making her lips swollen and plump as she struggled in his hold.

"Stop shaking Naru", Sasuke whispered on her ear making her back shiver from his dark and husky voice.

"S-sasuke........ ah..."

Sasuke growled, 'Dammit.'

Then there was a knock at the door, "Tou-san, kaa-san, the Sandaime is calling you two."

Naru heived a sighed as Sasuke sent her a look clearly telling her it was still not done.

Naru puts on her top as they fixed their shriveled up clothes.

Sasuke opened the door and saw Minato and Kushina looked up to him.

"While were gone, don't go outside. Do you understand?"


A flash of blue and yellow syndicated that both adults left the place.


Hope all of you like the chapter.

Pls don't forget to vote and can wait for the next chapter.

Ja ne~
