{T} {Thinking}

This Will be a chapter for Nina, so enjoy

'Can't you see that i'm falling, Falling for you?'

- Nina -

'Miss Avery, are you paying attention to this class?' I look up. The teacher looks at me, just like all my classmates.

'Eh- Y-yes..' That was a lie. I wasn't paying attention at all. 'I- I'm sorry, I got distracted for a second. It won't happen again.' The teacher looks to me for a few seconds, but then he continues his lesson. I sigh.

'Nien, Are you okay?' Christel asks me.

'Eh, no.' I answer. 'Zach just disappeared, Chris. I have no idea where he is. I'm scared that something happend to him.'

'I don't think so.' she says. 'We're talking about Zach. He's quite strong.'

'Yes, he is. Except when my father is fucking shouting at him.'

'Miss Avery, Miss Jones, do you have something to share with the class?' I roll with my eyes and look to my teacher.

'No. I'm sorry.' I say, with a lot of sarcasm.

'Miss Avery, Don't speak to me with that tone.' he warns me. 'If you can't talk normal to me, you can leave this class.'

'Oh, thanks.' I grab my stuf and stand up. Everyone looks surpised at me. I walk to the door and slam him behind me. I walk through the halls and grab my phone. I don't know who I want to call. But I want to talk to somebody. I don't know who. I scroll through my contacts. Then I stop at a name. I hesitate for a moment. But then I click on call. I hold my phone at my ear and wait.

'Hey, Nina!'

'Hey Jonah.'

'Why are you calling me at... three o'clock? Oh, wait, not that I mind of course. My god...'
I chuckle.

'I just needed someone to talk to.' I say. 'You're not busy are you?'

'Well, actually I am. But I can always make time for you.'
That makes me smile.

'Thank you.'

'No problem. Hey, where are you? I can pick you up, I think I real life talking is better then over the phone.'

'I'm at my school.'

'Okay, I'll- W-wait, don't you have class?'

'Well... I have been sent out of the classroom... So I ditch the next couple of lessons.'
Jonah starts to laugh.

'My gosh, Nina. Why?'

'If you come I can tell you.'

'Okay, deal. Wait there. I'll pick you up.'

'Thank you.'

'No problem, Nina. I'll see you in a few.'

I hang up and walk to a bench. I sit down and grab my earbuds. I put them in and scroll through my songs. I put the song 'Just Hold On' on form Louis Tomlinson and some DJ of which I do not know the name of. A lot of thought are going through my mind.

Where is Zach?! He won't answer my messages, doesn't call me back. I'm getting worried about him. What if something bad happend to him? Or, he just doesn't want to talk to me... Did he called Jack back? Did I do something wrong? Was it wrong to make him talk to mom and dad? What if i didn't said anything, would he still be here? With me and Jack? Oh god.. It's all my fault..

'Nina!' I look up. Jonah stands in front of me.

'O-Oh, Jonah.' I put my earbuds out and put it in my bag.

'Deep in thoughts, huh?' He says.

'Kinda.' I say.

'Did you called me to think about something else?' He asks.

'No! Well.. eh- y-yes, m-maybe a little. But I wanted to see you! I haven't seen you in a while.' Jonah smiles.

'So, actually, you just missed me?' He asks.

'Eh..- Yes..' He chuckles.

'Come on, princess.' He laughs. 'I want to take you somewhere.' He grabs my hand and pulls me up.


'Hey, can I ask you something?' I ask after a while. We're walking to the park. I don't know what he wants to show me, but I trust him. I really do. And that's actually crazy. Because I don't trust people fast. Jonah was one of the first persons who I trusted completely after a few days. I do trust all Zach's friends... Only not like I trust Jonah. Daniel and Corbyn, they're both really nice, but I just don't like the thought of being with him in one room. I've been a few times in the same room, and I immediately walked out the room again. It's different with Jonah.

'Sure.' he answers.

'Tell me if i'm wrong, but you were dating Kim, right?' A smile appears on his face.

'I was dating Kim.' He says. 'Let's say that she replaced me for someone else.'

'Really?!' Jonah nods. 'Who wants to replace you?' I think out loud. 'You're amazing.' Then I realize that I said it out loud. Jonah starts to laugh. My head turns into a tomato, so red do i get. 'I never said anything!' I say immediately. 'I never said anything.'

'Sure you didn't.' he laughs. 'But thank you for thinking that.'

'Y-yea, n-no problem...' He chuckles.

'Hey, no I have a question.' he says.

'Sure, what is it.'

'Kim has a boyfriend right now, but he's twenty-two.. And she's eighteen.'

'Yea, what about it?'

'Isn't that weird?' he asks. 'I mean, there is four years age difference.'

'I think that's not weird.' I say. 'I mean... There are people who have a age difference of six years.'

'True, but that isn't weird?' I shake my head.

'No,' I say. 'I mean, we also differ four years.'

'So you are comparing us to Kim and her boyfriend ?' Jonah asks.

'Yes, why? Is that weird?' I ask. I look to Jonah. 'Oh wait..- Oh,- I- eh- Ehmm..-' Jonah starts to laugh. 'My gosh, this is so awkward right now...'

'No, It isn't.' Jonah says. 'Now I have some other questions.'

'Okay, ask.'

'You have Athazagoraphobia, right?' I nod. 'What does that mean?'

'Well, Athazagoraphobia is a phobia that you're really scared for being ignored and forgetting things by yourself.' I explain. 'My therapist told me that I have trustissues. I'm not really good at trusting people which I don't know. I'm also really scared of losing people. Like Zach... Jack... You know? Loved ones.'

'Am I one of the loved ones?' Jonah asks. I giggle and put some hair behind my ear.

'You're one of my loved ones, Jonah.' I say. He smiles. 'Are we almost there, by the way?'

'Almost.' he says. 'Oh, and do you want to come eat dinner at us tonight?'

'At your house?' He nods. 'Eh..- Sure... Seems fun.'

'We're almost there, just wait.' Jonah walks to a wall. 'We have to climb over this wall. He says.'He grabs the wall and climbs on the wall.

'I'm not that good in climbing.' I say. 'I'm totally not good in this things.'

'I'll help you.' He says. He reaches for my hand. I hesitate. 'I promise you. You won't fall af, and I won't let you fall of the wall, okay?'

'Okay..' I grab his hand. His hand is warm, soft. He pulls me up. I climb on the wall and look down. 'Oh, this is so high..'

'It's about two meters high.' Jonah laughs.

'Shut up!' I say. 'I'm afraid of heights, okay! Just like Zach.'

'Okay, then I understand.' Jonah laughs. 'Wait a second, I'll help you down.' Jonah jumps off the wall and looks at me. 'Do you want to jump of by yourself or do you need help?'

'If I don't break any bones, I think i can jump of by myself..' I say.

'I promise, you won't break anything.' Jonah laughs. 'Well, jump down. I'll caught you.'

'you promise?'

'I promise!'


'I'll count,' Jonah says. 'Three, two, one..'

Jump!' I jump of the wall. Just before I hit the ground, Jonah catches me, but kinda clumsy. He trips over his own feet. We both fall to the ground and roll a few metres further. Jonah lets us stop and we both burst out laughing. Then I realize that I lay on Jonah.

'Eh, sorry..' I say. I stand up quickly and pull him up.

'Oh, I don't care.' Jonah laughs. 'It's my fault. I didn't caught you good. But are you okay? That matters the most.' Oh god.. That was to cute..

'Yes, Yes, I'm fine.. I say.

'Good!' Jack says with a smile. 'Follow me!' Jonah walks in front of me. I smile and walk after him.

'Can i know where we are going?' I ask.

'Almost...' Jonah says. 'We're almost there. I just know you'll like it.'

'We have to climb over this wall,' Jack says. He grabs the wall with his hands and climbs on the wall.

'I'm not that good in climbing..' I say. 'I'm totally not good in this things..'

'I'll help you,' Jack says. He reaches for my hand. I hesitate. 'I promise you,' Jack laughs. 'You won't fall af, and i wont let you fall of the wall. Okay?'

'Okay.' I grab his hand. His hand is warm, but rough to. I don't care that they are rough. They are so warm that you forget about the roughness. He pulls me up. I climb on the wall and look down. 'Oh, This is so high..'

'It's about two meters high,' Jack laughs.

'Shut up,' I say. 'I'm afraid of heights, okay.'

'Okay, then i understand,' Jack laughs. 'Wait a second, I'll help you down.' Jack jumps off the wall and looks at me. 'Do you want to jump of by yourself or do you need help?'

'If I don't break any bones, I think i can jump of by myself..' I say.

'I promise, you won't break anything.' Jack laughs.

'My bones break faster then yours, remember?' I say.

'Really?' Jack asks suprised. 'I didn't know that.. Well, jump down, I'll catch you.'

'you promise?'

'I promise!'


'I'll count,' Jack says. 'Three, two, one..'

'Jump!' I jump of the wall. Just before I hit the ground, Jack catches me, but kinda clumsy. He trips over his own feet. We both fall to the ground and roll a few metres further. Jack lets us stop and we both burst out laughing. Then I realize that I lay on Jack.

'Eh, sorry..' I say. I stand up quickly and pull him up.

'Oh, I don't care.' Jack laughs. 'It's my fault. I didn't caught you good. But are you okay? That matters the most.' Oh god.. That was to cute..

'Yes, Yes, I'm fine.. I say.

'Good!' Jack says with a smile. 'Follow me!' Jack walks in front of me. I smile and walk after Jack.

'Can i know where we are going?' I ask.

'Almost...' Jack says.

'Okay, If you're so sure.' I say.

'Did you know that were sitting in the park for like... two hours?' he asks.

'What?!' Jonah nods.

'We were talking in the park for three hours and It's now almost six o'clock.'

'Wow, that's crazy.' I say.

'I know, But I think we are, right?'

'True.' I laugh. 'Are we almost there?'

'Yep, almost.' he says. 'Oh wait.' He stops and puts his hand in front of my eyes.

'Oh, no, Jonah!'

'Trust me.' He says. 'It has to be a surprise, okay? But, you trust me right?'

'Well.. Yea, i trust you, yea...' I say.

'Amazing.' Jonah leads the way. 'You're shaking.'

'I told you, I'm a little scared.'

'Don't be. I- Okay, just wait.' He stops. 'Take a deep breath, and trust me, okay? I won't let you trip over something, I won't let you fall. I won't let you go.' I take a deep breath, but then I nod. 'Wow, you really trust me..' I giggle. 'Just give me your hands and close your eyes, okay? It goes easier that way.' I close my eyes and grabs Jonah's hands. He gently pulls me along with him. 'There is a branch, watch out.' I step over the branch, still with my eyes closed. 'Look out, a hole.' I try to step over the hole, well, I thought I stept over the hole. I step into the hole and almost fall. But, Jonah catches me. I hold him tightly. 'I can lead the way like this, if you want.' Jonah laughs.

'I actually feel saver this way, for some reason.' I laugh.

'Okay, then i help you this way.' With a arm over Jonahs shoulder, with my hand of the other arm i hold Jonahs hand tightly, he leads the way.

'But you trust me, right?' Jack asks.

'Well.. Yea, i trust you, yea...' I say.

'Then close you're eyes and grab my hand,' Jack says. He reaches for my hand. I hesitate a little, but then I grab his hand. 'Close your eyes..' I take a deep breath, but then I close my eyes. 'Wow, you really trust me. O- Okay, give me your other hand.' I search for his hand. Then he grabs my hand. 'I want that you take a deep breath,' I take a deep breath. 'And trust me. Okay? I won't let you trip over something, I won't let you fall. I won't let you go.' I nod. 'Okay, step for step.' Jack gently pulls me along with him. 'There is a branch, watch out.' I step over the branch, still with my eyes closed. 'Look out, a hole.' I try to step over the hole, well, I thought I stept over the hole. I step into the hole and almost fall. But, Jack catches me. I hold him tightly. 'I can lead the way like this, if you want.' Jack laughs.

'I actually feel saver this way, for some reason.' I laugh.

'Okay, then i help you this way.' With a arm over Jacks shoulder, with my hand of the other arm i hold Jack's hand tightly, he leads the way.

'We're here.' He says. 'Okay, sit down.' I sit down carefully. Jonah sits down next to me.

'Can I open my eyes now?'

'Yes you can.' I open my eyes.

My eyes have to get used on te light for some seconds, but then i see where we are. We sit on a hill. Jonah sits next to me. The sky is blue, but the clouds are almost purple above us. I don't know how late it is right now, but it has to be around six o'clock. How long did we drive? The clouds round the horizon are orange, and between the clouds, you see the sunset.

'In some seconds the sun will be exactly on the skyline,' Jonah says. 'That's beautiful to see! You can't see it with your camera, only with your eyes. There! Look!' I look to Jonah's pointing finger.

The sun is sighing for some moments different colors. Orange, yellow, but then purple, pink and blue. And then the sun goes down.

'I saw it!' I say. 'Oh my god! The sun changed from color! Did you saw that?!'

'Of course I saw that!' Jonah laughs. 'It's amazing!'

'I don't feel any ground under my feet,' I say. 'Where are we, Jack?'

'Open your eyes,' He says. I open my eyes. MY eyes have to get used on te light for some seconds, but then i see where we are. We sit on a hill. Jack sits next to me. The sky is blue, but the clouds are almost purple above us. I don't know how late it is right now, but it has to be around six o'clock. How long did we drive? The clouds round the horizon are orange, and between the clouds, you see the sunset. 'In some seconds the sun will be exactly on the skyline,' Jack says. 'That's beautiful to see! You can't see it with your camera, only with your eyes. There! Look!' I look to Jacks pointing finger.

The sun is sighing for some moments different colors. Orange, yellow, but then purple, pink and blue. And then the sun goes down.

'I saw it!' I say. 'Oh my god! The sun changed from color! Did you saw that?!'

'Of course I saw that!' Jack laughs. 'It's amazing!'

'How did you discovered that?'

'With Esther.' Jonah says. 'We look at it a lot and- Are you cold?' When he says that, I realize that I'm shaking.

'Oh, just a little, don't mind.' I say.

'Here, take my jacket.' He takes off his jacket and puts it over my shoulders. 'I don't know if it will help, but.-'

'I'm sure it will help.' I say. 'Thanks Jonah. Really.' He smiles.

'Okay, Nina.' He says after a few seconds. 'I have to tell you something.'

'Okay, what is it?' I ask.

'Eh...-' He goes with a hand through his hair, what is really cute. 'I'm actually scared that this will ruin our friendship...'

'It won't.' I say. 'Just tell me.'

'Okay...' Jonah looks at me. 'I really like you. Nina. As in..- I love you. I actually never told you how I feel, because, you're still the sister of one of my best friends. But I really like you.' I put some hair behind my ear.

'Really?' Jonah nods. 'Well..- Ehm..- I like you to, Jonah.'

'Really?!' I nod and laugh because of his face. 'Wow, I never thought that.'

'Why not?'

'Because I thought a girl like you already had a boyfriend.'

'Well, no.' I say. 'Nobody likes me.'

'Well I do.' Jonah says. I giggle. 'So... Do you want to be my girlfriend?'

'Yes! Yes!' I laugh. We both stars to laugh. I put again some hair behind my ear and look to Jonah.

'You're beautiful.' he says.

'Thank you...' Jonah smiles. It's quiet for a few seconds. I look at Jonah. He looks at me. Then he leans forwards. He pulls me closer to him and kisses me.
