{A} {Anorexia}

- Zach -

I look to my school. Summer high. I sigh. Then i grab my bag from the bag seat and step out the car. I walk to the entrance and walk immediately to my locker. I see a lot of people. Thankfully, they don't see me. I'm surprised that i still know my code. 2705.

'Hey Zach!' I turn around. Fleur stands behind me. She's my only friend in this whole school. 'You're back!'

'Yea, i'm back.' I say.

'Where have you been?' She asks.

'Anywhere and nowhere.' I say. I'm not gonna tell her that i was at home the whole time.

'What happend to you?' Fleur asks. She studies me well. 'You look skinnier. Not that you where fat, but you look much skinnier. Are you good? Do you eat enough?'

'Of course I'm eating enough,' I say. 'I was sick for a long time you know, i couldn't eat much, but i'm okay now!' Fleur still looks a bit worried at me. 'I promise, Fleur,' I say. 'I'm totally okay.'

'Well.. Okay then..' She says. 'I have to go to my class. Are you gonna be okay?' I nod.

'See you later,' I say. I turn me around and walk to my class.

First, I have math. I walk into my classroom and look around. Shit. They're still here.

Ethan Brown.
AKA the bully, AKA The hook-upper, AKA the boy who thinks he can get everyone.
He has amber brown eyes, a skin without any pimples or whatever, he has earrings and a piercing in his ear. He changes his hair a lot, but right now, It's kinda pink.

Matthew Young.
AKA, the best friend of Ethan, AKA the 'I have another girl every single second' person.
He has brown hair, brown eyes, blond highlights and a piercing in his eyebrow.

Madison Young.
AKA, The twin sister of Matt, AKA the girlfriend the of Ethan.
She has olive green eyes, brown hair, also blonde highlights and a piercing in her ear.

And then, Last, but not least;
Jack Avery.
AKA, the follower, AKA, noodles (Called by his friends.)
He has brown, curly hair, brown eyes, earrings, a piercing in his nose and different tattoo's.

'Zach! Hey! Hey! Zach, come her!' I turn around. I see Daniel sitting. I walk to him, hoping that the bullies won't notice me. Thankfully, they don't.

'Hey Daniel,' I say while i take my seat next to him. 'How are you?'

'I can ask you the same,' Daniel says. 'How are you? Where have you been? You missed a lot.'

'What do you mean with; You missed a lot?' I ask.

'Well..' Daniel begins. 'Jack has been suspended for a time, just like Ethan. I heard some people are blowing and taking drugs in our class. The teachers don't know that, and i won't tell them, if i was you. That is a suicide mission.'

'What?!' I look to Daniel. 'What did you said?'

'I said it would be a unsuccessful mission,' Daniel said. 'Are you okay Zach? You look a little pale...'

'Yea.. Yea, i'm okay..' I say. 'Give me a second.' I grab my bag and search in it. While i search it, i put my math books on the table. 'Got it..' I grab a small pot with some pills in it.

'Wow Zach,' Daniel laughs. 'Are you the one who's taking drugs?'

'Not funny, Daniel.' I say. 'Totally not funny..'

'Who's taking drugs?'

'And thank you..' I sigh. I look at Ethan. He looks at me.

'Herron, are you on drugs?' He laughs. Madison and Matthew begin to laugh. Jack doesn't laugh at al. He doesn't even grin. 'On what are you? Hash? Cocaine? Heroin?'

'No, i'm on Herron.' I say sarcastically. Daniel begins to laugh. Ethan stopt with laughing, just like Madison and Matt, but, in contrast to the others, Jack begins to laugh. Softly, so the others can't hear him. I grin and look at Daniel.

'That one was good,' Daniel laughs.

'Thank you,' I laugh. I open the pot and take on of the pills. 'Ew,' I say after i ate it. 'Believe me, it's disgusting.'

'Why do you need that?' Daniel asks.

'Do you want to know?' I ask. Daniel nods. 'There is a chance I have anorexia.' I whisper. 'These pills give me my potassium, that i can't get out of my food. I have a special eat-plan and this watch,' I show Daniel my apple watch. 'Reminds me when i have to eat, when i have to drink and when i have to take my pills. In these pills are some other things to. Sometimes I begin to hallucinate and hear things wrong. That's why I have to take him to.' Daniel jaw drops.

'You have anorexia?!' He yells.

'Shut up!' I hiss.

'What did you said, Seavey?' Matthew asks. 'Anorexia? Who has anorexia?'

'Your mother,' I say. 'Could you shut up! Could you not interfere with my business?!'

'Your business?' Madison asks. 'Herron, you have anorexia?!' I sigh and look at Daniel. He looks guilty.

'I really hate you..' I say.

'I'm sorry..' he says. Then the teacher walks in.

'Okay guys,' Miss Stone walks in. 'I have some news today, Zach returned to our class. Welcome back Zach,' I wish I was still at home instead of here.. 'Can i ask you why you where gone?'

'You can asks,' I say. 'But i won't answer.'

'Oh..' Miss Stone looks some seconds to me. 'Let's start with the lesson.'

Skip period 1, 2, 3, 4

'Class dismissed.' Our English teacher, James Oliver says. I put my books in my bag and close it.

'Which class do you have now?' Daniel asks me.

'None,' I say. 'I need to go to the school doctor..'

'Seriously? Why?' Daniel asks. I look to him with a are you kidding me face. 'Oh, okay, okay,' He says. 'I'll see you later.'

'Tomorrow,' I correct him.

'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then.' Daniel says. 'I'll send you the notes of science.'

'Yeah, thanks.' I say. I walk out the classroom and walk to the other side of the hall. I wait a minute before everyone is gone, then i walk quickly to the exit. I run over the schoolyard to my car and step in. I start the car while i throw my bag on the back seat and drive out of the street. I have to go to a doctor. Only not the school doctor.

I stop before the hospital and grab the bag, which was in the trunk. I just grabbed a random bag form house and throw some things in it which i needed. I walk into the hospital and look around.
Ugh, why is everything here so white?
I walk to the counter and wait until the girl behind the counter has time for me.

'I'm sorry,' She says. 'I had to write down a few things, but now i have time. What's your name? Do you have a appointment?'

'Yes, Yes I have,' I say. 'I'm Zach Herron.' The girl types my name into the computer system.

'You're full name, please?' I sigh.

'Zachary Dean Herron..' I say softly. God, i hate my full name..

'You have a appointment with Doctor Watson?' The girl asks.

'Yes, I have.' I say.

'On the second floor,' She says, while she points to the elevator. 'Fourth door on the left.'

'Okay, Thank you.' I say. I walk to the elevator, look for a second to it. 'Hé, Hell no!' I walk to the stairs and run upstairs. I'm seriously not taking the elevator! You crazy?

I walk to the fourth door on the left and knock.

'Come in,' I open the door and walk in. 'Ah, Zach, It's nice to see you again.' Doctor Watson stands up and walks to me. She sticks her hand out.

'Likewise,' I say, while i shake her hand. No, it isn't. How is it good to see anyone when they're in a freaking hospital?! That isn't nice!

'Take a seat,' She says. I put my bag on the ground and take my seat on the chair. 'So, Zach,' Doctor Watson says. 'How do you feel?'

'Good,' I lie.

'You following the eating scheme?'

'Yes I am,' I didn't lied this time.

'Good,' She says. 'We have to do some tests again. The usual things. Do you have your pills?' I nod and grab my pills out my bag. 'How many did you took today?'


'Just one?'


'And Why did you took him?'

'I thought my friend said; that's a suicide mission. But he said unsuccessful.' Watson nods.

'Okay, So it was necessary.'

No, I took it because I like it. Okay?

Watson nods again.

'Do you sleep well?'

I nod.

'Which year do we need to do?' I ask.

'Measure your weight,' Watson says. 'You have to donate some blood and we have to calculate your BMI.'

'W-what's BMI?'

'Body Mass Index,' Watson says. 'With your age, height and weight we calculate a BMI number. Out that number we can see if you have underweight, overweight or if you're good. I'll show it to you when I calculate it.' I nod. 'Do you walk with me, Zach?'

'Yes, I'm coming with you.' I stand up and walk after Watson.

'By the way, you can call me Samantha.' She says to me. I grin.
I walk after her though the hallway. We walk around a corner, and then I bump really hard into someone.

'I'm sorry!' I say immediately. I look to the person. I almost can feel the color in my face ebbing away. Jack stands in front of me!

'What are you doing here?' He asks.
I'm speechless. I pass him quickly and walk after Samantha.

'Oh, I didn't realize that you bumped into someone,' Samantha says. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine..' I say. LAIR!

'We're here Zach,' She says. I walk into a room and look around. It's a room where you can donate blood. It's for people who donate their blood voluntary, but also people, like me, who actually doesn't want that. 'Take a seat and don't stress. You did it a lot, remember?'

'Yeah, I know,' I say, while I take my seat. 'But it's still scary when you realize that a needle is in your arm..'

'You'll get used to it.' Samantha says.
Ha! I hope not! That doesn't mean much good.
'Just look away if you still find it scary.' I look immediately away.

After the blood test, I follow Samantha to another room. Here we can my height and my weight. I so don't like to see my weight..
First we have to measure what my height is. 174 cm. And now, my weight. Yay...

'I know you don't like this, Zach.' Samantha says. 'But we have to know it.'

'I just don't look at that meter thingy..' I say. I close my eyes and step on the scale. I hear that Samantha writes something down.

'Good we can go.' She says. I step of the scale and follow her again.

When we're in her office, I take my seat again and put my shoes on.

'Well, Zach,' Samantha says. 'I just calculated you me BMI. It looks like it's going backwards.'


'You really are following the eating scheme, are you?' She asks.

'Yes! Yes, yes, I really am!' I say. Wow, I don't lie this time.. Surprising..

'Last time you where here, your BMI was 15.6,' Samantha says. 'But now is 14.3!'

'What does that mean?'

'Here look,' Samantha grabs a diagram and shows me. 'You are seventeen years old, so we have to look here,' She points at 17. 'I calculated it and you came on 14.3, then you're here.' Samantha points to a field next to the 17. 18 or below. It says. 'You're under 18, Zach. This says that you have anorexia.'


'Zach, I'm going to call your parents,' Samantha says. 'We have to sign you in as a anorexia patient.'


'I have to discuss this with your parents, Zach,' Samantha says. 'You can go. I'll take care of everything.'
I grab my bag and walk out the room.
I'm confused. I walk out of the hospital, step into my car and drive home.
I mean, I know that there would be a chance that I had anorexia, but really knowing that you have it..

I arrive home. I grab my bags and walk to my house. I unlock the door and walk into my house.

'How was school honey?' My mother asks.

'Yea.. was okay..' I say.

'Did you go to the hospital?' Then the phone rings. My mother answers. I walk to the stairs and run to my room.
I throw my bags into my room and lean agains the wall. My legs are like jelly. I tumble against the wall on the ground and look to the ground.

I have anorexia. How?! I followed the plans! I followed my eating scheme!
I'm furious and confused at the same time. This can't be happening! NO! This can't be happening! I jump up, run to my desk, grab my schoolbooks and throw them to the other side of the room.

'WHY!' I grab glasses, books, pencils, everything I can grab and throw it through my room. 'NO! I DON'T WANT IT! I DON'T WANT ANOREXIA!! GET AWAY FROM ME!' I grow a glass against the wall. It breaks immediately. 'NO!' I kick against my chair, that keeps over and lays upside down on the floor. 'NOO!' I clench my hands to fists and hit the wall. The pain is really bad, but I don't stop. I keep hitting the wall, blood strand out my knuckles, but I don't stop! 'WHY ME!!' I hit the wall one last time. A loud crack. I punched a hole in the wall.

'ZACH!' I look behind me. Nina stands in the doorway. She is shocked when she sees my room and me.

'Nina, what's going on?' I hear Ryan.

'Not now, Ryan,' Nina says. 'Just go down and- no! Reese, I said no! Just go downstairs and wait there!'


'No buts! Go downstairs now!!'

'You're not my mom!'

'I'm older than you so I can play your mom. Downstairs, now!' I hear Ryan and Reese sighing, but then I hear footsteps who are walking of the stairs.
Nina appears again in the doorway.

'Oh Zach..' she steps over the books and the other broken things in my room and walks to me. She wraps her arm around me and holds me tightly. 'I'm so sorry,' the tears are streaming over my cheeks, my heart felt heavy, my hands where shaking, still under the blood.

'I don't know how long I will take this,' I say softly. 'I don't know how long I can go through this alone.'

'You're not alone,' Nina looks at me. She whips some tears of my cheek. 'You have me. I'll be always there for you! I promise!' I smile softly. 'Come here.' Nina hugs me again. 'You will never be alone. I'm not a therapist, but I'll promise you this; I will listen, I will care.'
