{S} {Scars}

"I am drowning.
God, please don't save me."

- Zach -

I knock on her door. I wait. I don't know if she wants to see me. I don't know if she's even home. I wait. The rain drops are dripping out of my hair. I keep waiting. Finally, I know that she isn't home. I turn around to walk away. I don't know to where. Maybe to Daniel, Maybe to Jonah, Maybe to Corbyn. I have no idea.

'Zach, what are you doing here?'
I turn around. My mother stands in the doorway.
'You're soaked! Oh my gosh! What happend to you?'
I walk to my mother. She sees that my eyes are swollen and red. She doesn't care that I'm standing in the pounding rain, she walks out side and hid me tightly.

'I- I- I mi-missed you.' The tears are rolling over my cheeks. 'I- need you.'

'Come on, sweety. Come on.' My mom walks with me to the door and closes it behind me.

'Zach, what's wrong sweety?' She gives me a steaming cup of tea. I hold it in my hand. My cold hands are slowly warming up. 'You look really unhealthy! What did he do to you?! Does he even cares about your scheme?'

'I never want to go back to him...' I whisper. 'They all hate me...'

'Zach, please, please tell me what happend?'
I shake my head.

'I did everything wrong. W- why does anyone hate me?'

'Zach.' I look to my mother. 'I can't help you, if you don't tell me what's going on. So please, tell me.'

'I'm gay mom..' my mother stays quiet.

'Okay, So? What is the bad part?' She asks when I stay silent.

'You don't care?' I ask. 'Do you seriously don't care that I'm gay?'

'Of course not!' She says. 'Why would anyone-' when she sees my face, she knows what's going on. 'Did your father..- he didn't accepted it?!' I shake my head. Her jaw drops. She mumbles a few things I can't hear, she's probably swearing.
'Who's your boyfriend?'


'If you're gay, you probably discovered it because your in love with someone.' She explains. 'So, Who's your boyfriend?' I stay quiet for a while.


'Jack Avery? Kristin son?'
I nod. She stays silent for a while.
'Yea, I can see something.'

'What do you mean?'

'You two together.' Mom says. 'I think it's cute. But...- I'm your mom, I can worry about those things.- he isn't forcing you to anything, right?'

'What?! Oh my god! No! Haha!' I burst out laughing. I can't help it. How she says it and with the face she has, you just can't not laugh. Mom smiles.

'Finish your tea.' She says. 'I will make your bed ready.' She stands up and walks to the stairs.

'W-what?! Mom, you moved. Why do you have a room for me while I'm not even living with you anymore?'

'Because I knew you would come back one day.' She answers. She smiles to me and walks up the stairs. I smile weakly. I feel sick. Really sick. I don't know if I just caught a cold, or that's my anorexia. I think I have to go back once for a control...
I look to my phone. A lot of unopened messages, missed calls. And I don't feel like calling back. I shut my phone completely and take a zip of my tea.

When I'm done, I walk up the stairs.
'Mom, isn't it crazy that I have something with Jack?' I ask her.

'Why would it be crazy, dear?' She asks.

'Well... he's actually my brother and-'

'He isn't.' She interrupts me. 'It's not your fathers child, Nina is. Jack has a father who died before he was born. He's Kristin's son, but not Josh's son.'
I look to her.
'Look, Nina's the daughter of Josh and Kristin. She's related to both of you. But you are not related to Jack. So, it isn't crazy. I have spare toothbrush in the bathroom, in that box are some clothes do you. Sleep well dear.' She gives me a kiss on my forehead and walks out my room. 'Oh, and you're not going to school tomorrow.' I shake my head and sit down on my bed. I go with a hand trough my hair and sigh.

'I fucking hate my life...'


The next day I wake up at 10 am. I needed rest. I want to be alone. I want to fucking die. I step out my bed and walk to the mirror. When I look into the mirror, I see myself. A ugly child. Someone who has to die. Someone who's hated by everyone. I grab a hoodie and pull it over my head. I hate my fucking body. I walk downstairs and look around. A letter lays on the table. I grab it and read it.

Hey Zach.
I had to go to work. I wanted to wake you up, but you where sleeping so deeply. You need your rest. I'm sorry that I didn't if you wanted it, but you where sleeping. I love you Zach. Remember that. There is food for you in the kitchen. Love you.
Ps; I should call Nina and Jack back if I was you. :)

I smile. I walk to the kitchen and grab the plate with food who lays there. But I get distracted really quickly. Sharp, silver knifes are a few centimeters away from me. I keep looking at it. I put the plate down and grab one. My reflection is really clearly. I put it on my wrist. I hesitate for a while. But then I lay the knife down.

I won't.

I grab the plate and walk to the living room. I sit down and grab my phone which is on the table. I put it on and take a bit of my breakfast. When I look on my phone, I see a lot of messages.

'Jesus Chris!'

All the messages are from Jack and Nina. But one of them, one of all the hundred thousand messages, is from my father. I open it directly.

Dad: Zach. I have to tell you a few things. The first thing is that I'm really disappointed in you. I can't believe it. My only son is gay, no. I don't want a son who's gay. You don't have to come home anymore. Never again. And something else. I don't want you close to Jack anymore. You guys are not together anymore.

I look at my phone. Then I jump up and throw it to the other side of the room.

'FUCK YOU!' I scream. 'FUCK YOU DAD! DON'T MAKE MY LIFE WORSER THEN IT ALREADY IS!' I walk to the kitchen. I grab the knife, I put it on my wrist and cut. The blood is streaming out of the cut.
'Let me fucking die..'

The chapters will until letter {Z}


What is the age limit that people can have in a relationship?
What do you guys think?
