Twenty two

Jason's POV

    Percy has been making me worried. Everyone at school has been freaking out, and Jared never gave a fucking shit about Percy. He just cares about himself, and I don't get how I put up with him. He has never been a nice guy, don't think he ever will be.

I visit Percy every day, but he seems to always be lost in thought, always in a daze. He must be thinking of his mom, he told me that he promised he that he would live but he must feel like he betrayed her, it must kill him inside. He has always been a type that cares to much, but that's why I love him.

Wait love? I questioned myself, I knew I liked Percy a whole lot, but love? The word came instantly, like my subconscious was saying it, maybe because I actually do love him.

"Hey, Jason, you alright?" Leo asked. He and I have gotten a lot closer since Percy attempted suicide, and I'm really grateful to have Leo has a friend, he is far better then Jared ever has been.

    Leo is incredibly hyper, could probably run the football field more times than I could if he was given skittles. He was scrawny, short, elfish. He had dark eyes that seemed to have a fire inside, which made his glare even scarier than Jared's.

    "I don't know. Percy is being distant, he isn't talking to me, I don't know what to think." I sighed, laying my head down. The teachers had given everyone the day off due to the footballs loss last night. No one has been playing the same, except for Jared. If anything, he is playing better. I pissed me off that Jared could be so inhuman.

     "Well, his entire life was spilled on the tv, he didn't die when he tried to kill himself, he is probably being a big ol' grump." Leo smirked, but I could tell he was concerned for Percy. Leo should have a degree in making people smile at the worst of times. I smirked and shoved Leo lightly.

    "Fair enough." I smiled, which seemed to calm Leo down.

    "Ask him out yet?" Leo asked, nudging my playfully. I sighed, once again laying my head onto the desk.

    "I tried, he avoids the topic." I grumbled. We robbed a place together, got tattoos together, and had drinks together. Why is he refusing to get with me? Because you called him a gay loser you dumbass. I sighed, my inner thoughts weren't helping me.

    "Make him listen. Ask him why he doesn't want to commit." Leo shrugged, and I nodded. I sighed, rubbing my face.

   "Thanks, I'll be sure to try." I said sincerely. Leo smiled his troublemaker smile, and walked away, patting my shoulder as he left. I stared at him as he walked away, pondering his words. Does he not want to commit? Does he think that I will abuse him if he gets to attached?

    I decided to go with Leo's advice, and I'm standing right in front of his hospital  room, but I was to scared to go in. I paced, trying to plan out what to say, but nothing good came to mind. I was shoved out of Percy's thoughts.

    "Are you going to go in or can I see my boyfriend?"
