
Percy's POV

    Returning to school was my greatest fear, I hadn't gone to work during break because both jobs allowed to to break for about a month and a half. I was going back to work in a week. I stood in front of the school nervously. We had an extra long break because we needed a new principal, after what happened. Kids will either make fun of me or ignore me, last time they saw me in person, I was about to get arrested.

   "Now or never." I sighed nervously, walking into the school with my hood down. During break, people have been finding my number and have been sending me apologies and that shit. They are the last of my worries, I'm worried about how my friends will react, and how Jared and his group will treat me.

    "Did you hear about-"

   "Is he still-"

  "Why didn't anyone-"

     "Did he get-"

        "No wonder he is starved."

   Most of the things I heard were muffled, and I didn't even bother with yelling at people, I just don't want to deal with them. The stress from the world is to much, I felt like I was carrying the sky; and a part of me knew what it would actually be like in Atlas' shoes.

     "Percy?" I heard someone say, I shut my locker, looking to see who said my name. It was Annabeth. "I wanted to talk to you about something." She said confidently. I knew she use to like me, but she obviously doesn't now. I looked around and saw Pipers face, who was scarlet red, staring at Piper.

    "Yeah sure. I'm pretty sure your friend is giving you looks, so you better hurry." I smiled jokingly. Annabeth didn't laugh, or smile, or show any emotion on her face. I sighed, this was going to be bad. The worst thing is that she didn't want to be friends.

    "We can't be friends. You are a depressed kid that's been abused your entire life, raped by a man! I don't think I want you in my life." She said simply.

    "Well, when you put it like that, it makes me seem like a freak. No worries, you are free to leave, I'm a ticking bomb, ready to ruin everything. See ya." I said, walking away, carrying my binder and textbooks. I sat in the back corner desk and slammed my head into the desk top.

    "Perseus, are you alright?" My teacher, Mr Blofis (sp?) asked. I was early to class, no one would be here for another five minutes at least.

   "Yeah, yeah." I said, nodding to myself. I knew that my friends wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of my home life. That's all it is though, a home life.

    "I saw the news, I think everyone has. If you ever need a roof over your head or need a ride or anything, just call me." He said, smiling. He picked favourites on me, and I pick favourites on him too, no secret. I've called him a couple times before, once because I was drinking, and 3 times because I was to injured to walk home myself, and I stayed at his house a night because Gabe had to much to drink.

   "Yeah, thanks." I said quietly, but he heard me. He continued doing his paperwork, and I held my phone in my hands.

J- Hey, How is school so far?

   A message from Jason. He has been checking on me, but hasn't come over in a while. I said I wanted space, and he gave it to me.

Me- day barely began. No one talked to me but Mr. Blofis and Annabeth

J- Well, I'm just in the hall, I'll see ya in our class together, okay?"

Me- Yeah.

J- What did Annabeth have to say?

Me- she said she doesn't want me in her life because I'm depressed and was abused my entire life. And raped by a guy.

J- that bitch! How dare she!! She was no real friend if she treated you like that

Me- some people can handle other people's shit, some people can't. I understand her decision, it was her choice, not mine. Besides, I think your ex girl is crushing on her

J- Yeah, she is. When I broke up with her, apparently she lied about liking me too. We were both gay so I'll party to that

Me- that is some serious luck, very, very serious luck. Well, we'll talk later, bye

J- luv ya😉

    I blushed at his message, but I didn't respond, I don't think I need to. The bell rang and students came piling in, most people talking about me. I sighed, did they really have to put everything up on the news? And did this have to be such a big story? Well, I guess I am well known, jobs, and stuff like that.

"Hey punk, are you okay?" I heard someone ask, and sat in the desk closest to mine. I looked over and saw it was Clarisse, and she seemed genuinely concerned.

"As okay as I can be after my life story was on the news." I shrugged awkwardly. No use sugar coating it.

"So all of it was true?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Mostly. Except the rape part, he probably had way more victims then me." I smirked slightly, and I heard her snicker.

"I'm sorry about every thing I've done to you." She said with an apologetic voice.

"And you wouldn't have done it if you had known? I'm not looking for pity or a therapy. I'm just waiting for my life string to be cut, sent the the underworld to the fields of punishment." I grumbled slightly. I don't know where the Greek mythology came from, but it came out of my mouth like a second language.

"Why fields of punishment? Isn't that a bad thing? Why not the Elysium?" She asked in confusion. I shrugged.

"Like the gods would pick favourites on me. It seems that anyone could go there now anyways. Someone does something for the gods, boom, easiest way to repay them." I shrugged simply. I looked at Clarisse who has a contemplating look on her face.

"I guess so. But why hell? Why punishment?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I deserve it, don't I?" I laughed sadly. "Now, this is no therapy session, so I'm not asking for comfort of any sort." I shrugged, and Clarisse never said anything to respond.
