
I walked out of my new shift. I was drop dead tired, and I was dizzy. I was surrounded by food in the restaurant and it didn't help that I was forced to clean because the janitor had quit. So I'm stuck being tormented with this for about a week. I barely made it to the apartment, but as soon as I got to my room, I passed out on the floor, right beside my bed.

I woke up to the sun coming up, Wednesday, no work. But I knew I over slept. Gabe wouldn't care. Unless he got a call from the school. I tossed on a new hoodie, not caring about my dirty jeans or top, I just needed to get to school before I was extremely late. I hopped out of my window, free falling. I grinned, grabbing hold of a laundry line, which I trusted with my life. I continued to drop down slow, but as fast as I can(if you see what I did there, u r amazing).

I bolted to school on my skateboard, then suddenly I got a text. It was almost 8:30. I ignored the message, I had to get to school on time. When I arrived, my normal 15 minute ride was now a 7 minute ride. I had 5 minutes! I bolted all around, to grab my stuff and get to my stupid class before the late bell rang.

"Perseus Jackson, just on time." My L.A teacher smiled. He didn't hate me at least.

"Shockingly." I replied, placing my things on my desk. I copied the notes about literature, and some famous pieces of writing. I was enjoying this, just dyslexia made it more difficult than it needed to be, but it wasn't that bad. I pulled out my phone discreetly, and looked at the message. It was Gabe.

Smelly Gabe- I'm leaving town for the next two weeks, if I find the place a mess, I will hang you, got it!

Me- Yes Gabe. Anything you need for when you come back?

Smelly Gabe- restock my fridge

Me- Yes sir.

He didn't reply after that, but I sure was about to get in trouble. "Mr Jackson, any reason why you are texting in class?" Mr. Andersen asked with a raised eyebrow. He stood right before my desk, and he could've read my messages easily. I hope he didn't. He would see the past ones of him just texting insults, although I just got this phone.

"It's my stepdad, he had to let me know he was leaving town." I shrugged, putting my phone in my pocket. He held his hand out and I knew he was asking for the phone.

"Show me the messages." He challenged. I shook my head. He was not reading the messages.

"I'll show you the contact, not the messages." I said simply. Of course most of the class noticed. At least Mr. Andersen was talking quietly.

"Just give me the phone. You can have it back at the end of class." He sighed. He knew that I was too stubborn. I gave him my phone, that I turned off. He wouldn't try figuring out my password, it wasn't worth it.

"Jackson and getting himself into shit lately." Clarisse snickered from behind me. I realized that she and I had quite a few of the same classes. Of course she always had to make sarcastic remarks whenever she could. Her and picking on people smaller than her. To be fair, I was smaller than almost everyone.

"It's others that get me in shit. Especially Jared and my drunk ass step father." I mumbled for the last sentence, so no would would hear me. At least Gabe was gone for two weeks. It's not often he is gone. Maybe I could call the police. I shook my head at the thought, it would be wasteful, Gabe has his friends. The second Gabe gets thrown in jail, he will want my head. I decided not to think about it and just continue copying notes.

"Perseus Jackson, please come to the office." I heard the secretary say through the announcements. I groaned, if this is about me stealing the ring, I'm going to be annoyed. And if Gabe's here for some mysterious reason, I'll be mad. I scurried out of the class before anyone could start teasing.

"Yes?" I asked as I walked into the office. She pointed over to the office with a smile on her face. Mrs. Smith wants to talk to me. I braced myself and knocked on her door, opening it. I walked in silently, sitting down at the chair in front of her desk.

   "I need the ring within the next week. And I also need this. Your father asked me to get you to retrieve it for him." She said, handing me another photo of a ring, and it seemed like an engagement ring. Beautiful carvings were engraved into it, and it had a diamond on the centre. It was beautiful, why would Gabe want something like this? The thought terrified me, would Gabe marry? Would it be a person who hates me? I shivered at the thought.

    "Yes. Any specific due date you want them?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. She nodded, flipping the photograph around. I nodded, stood up, and walked away.

   "And Perseus?" She asked and I turned around, addressing her with a questioning look. I just want to leave right now before people get suspicious. "If you get caught, get the ring to me no matter what. My address is on there." She snarled. I nodded simply. The thought of me getting caught was terrifying. I walked out quickly, returning to my class that only has fifteen minutes left.

     "What were you needed for in the office?" Nico asked when we walked into lunch together. I had tried not to think about it. From what I hear, the place is closing at 7, so the earlier the better. I would have to be there around eleven because I work again.

     "Oh um, Mrs. Smith needed to talk to me about detention dates and what works with my jobs." I lied simply. He seemed to believe me, because all he did was nod in acknowledgment. Not to brag, but I'm an excellent liar. Not a good thing, but good in my situation.

Once school was finally over, I headed to work, I was working at the gas station until 10 and then I got to do my 'stealing a ring because some boy tried to fight me' thing.
