CHAPTER TWO What's so special about him?

Moments ago...

The crowds cheer was ear-piercing. Eagles flight basketball team were having a match against the Vikings and everybody was watching. The spectators -which were mostly girls- went wild as they cheered for their favorite player. Most of the girls cheered for Oliver because he was the Star player and captain of the team.Lily just sat down with her elegant legs crossed play watching them without saying a word.

Soon the final whistle was blown and Eagles flight had the win. A very thunderous applause echoed in the gym and everybody walked into the pitch to congratulate their friends who were part of the game. Lily was still seated just watching the whole after game drama because she didn't have a friend. Not one friend.

Tory walked up to Oliver and hugged him.
"Congratulations love. You were amazing!" she grinned and tried hugging him again but this time he moved out of her reach.
" Thank you" he said with a wry smile on his lips and walked away leaving Tory standing there in utter disbelief at his attitude towards her. Lily who was already on her feet and about to leave the gym got distracted by the scene and jolted back to reality when someone bumped into her spilling coffee on her sport wear.

"Oh my...I'm so sorry Lily" Daisy said using her towel to wipe off the coffee she had spilled on Lily.

"It's cool Daisy. I'll go change" she smiled and walked out of the gym heading towards the restroom.

Lily taught about how cold Oliver had treated his girlfriend while she was changing to her school uniform and she could only feel pity for Tory. How could a guy be that cold towards a girl he calls his girlfriend? Did she do something wrong to him?  She sighed in disgust. After all he's always been like that. Her hatred for him could only increase. What was so special about this guy that every girl wanted to be around him? She hated him so much because of his hostility towards girls. He always acted like he is every girls dream.

She could remember the first time they met vividly. She had just started schooling in Marie College and she used to have a crush on him. He talked down on her just because she wanted to congratulate him for their teams Victory. He said she wasn't his type and that she was an unattractive nerd and since then she had hated him and despised anything that had to do with him. He even gave her a dumb nickname she didn't like 'little Lily flower' He was just so annoying. "Little wonder Daisy dumped him" she murmured.

After she had changed back to her school uniform, she was about walking out of the restroom when she saw Tory and Oliver coming towards the girls restroom.

'Are they coming here?!' Lily whispered to herself
"Oh shoot!" She didn't even give herself time to think again before she swiftly ran into one of the toilets to hide.



Lily was speechless. How could she be so oblivious that he was still there? What the hell just happened? How could she not check properly to know if he was gone before coming out of her hiding place? Is he is going to talk down on her again? No! Not this time! She wouldn't give him the chance! She just had to be brave this time and not let him intimidate her.

She heaved a sigh and looked at him with all the courage in the world.
