CHAPTER ELEVEN I have her phone!

Diana stepped out of the noisy party room, answering her phone. "Hey, Mom, what's up?"

"Where are you, Diana? You've been out for hours, and I've been worried sick," her mom replied, her voice firm but concerned.

"I'm at a party, Mom. I lost track of time," Diana explained, knowing she was in for a lecture.

But before she could continue, she saw her mom's car pull up in front of her. The door opened, and her mom beckoned her over. "Get in, Diana. We need to talk."

Diana hesitated, trying to think of an excuse. "Mom, I need to go get Lily -"

"No, Diana, now. Get in the car," her mom insisted, her tone brooking no argument.

Diana reluctantly walked over to the car, trying to think of a way to sneak back inside for Lily. But her mom was firm, and soon she found herself sitting in the passenger seat, the door closing behind her.

As they drove away, Diana quickly pulled out her phone and dialed Lily's number. But to her surprise, the phone rang in her own bag - she had accidentally grabbed Lily's phone along with hers!

Diana's eyes widened in panic.

"I have her phone!" She whispered.


Lily swayed slightly, her vision blurry from the wine. She looked around, disoriented, and suddenly realized Diana was nowhere to be seen. Panic set in as she patted her bag, only to remember she didn't have her phone - Diana had accidentally taken it.

With a determined effort, Lily stood up, her legs wobbly. She needed to find Diana and get her phone back. As she stumbled towards the exit, she collided with a solid chest.

Oliver's hands grasped her arms, steadying her. "Whoa, careful there Little flower. You okay?"

Lily's eyes narrowed, her mind foggy. "Oliver. What are you doing here?"

Their last encounter had been a disaster, and she wasn't thrilled to see him again. Especially not in her vulnerable state.

Oliver's smile faltered, and he released her arms. "You seem a bit...tipsy."

Lily's face flushed, and she tried to brush him off. "I'm fine. Just need to find Diana."

But Oliver's grip on her elbow tightened. "Let me help you, Lily. You're not exactly steady on your feet. And Diana left about 30 minutes ago let me take you home"

Lily's eyes flashed with annoyance, but her body betrayed her, leaning into his support. She hated being so vulnerable, especially around him.

"Fine" she said. She has no choice but to give in. She couldn't possibly go home in this state of hers.

Lily's resistance slowly wore off, and she reluctantly agreed to let Oliver take her home. She felt a bit uneasy, but his firm grip and gentle guidance reassured her.

As they walked out of the party and into the cool night air, Lily's stomach began to churn. She tried to fight it, but it was too late. With a mortifying gasp, she leaned over and vomited all over Oliver's shoes and pants.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Lily cried, her face burning with embarrassment.

Oliver quickly pulled her away from the mess, holding her steady. "Hey, it's okay. It's not a big deal, Lily."

But Lily was devastated. She had never been so humiliated in her life. And to make matters worse, it was in front of Oliver, of all people!

"Let me go, Oliver. I can take care of myself," Lily insisted, trying to wriggle free.

But Oliver's grip remained firm. "Not in this state, you can't. I'll get you home safely, Don't be stubborn"

Lily's eyes welled up with tears as she realized she was at his mercy. And to her surprise, Oliver's expression softened, and he gently brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey, it's really okay, Little flower. We've all been there. Well, maybe not exactly there," he chuckled, "but you get the idea."

Lily's embarrassment slowly gave way to gratitude as Oliver's kindness enveloped her like a warm blanket.

Why was he helping her? She couldn't think of any solid reason but she knew that something about him had changed. He helped her get inside his car and they drove off.
