CHAPTER NINE Kayla's party

In Lily's room...

Lily sat on her bed while Diana sat on a chair close to Lily's bed holding a photo of Lily's dad.

   "How did he die?" Diana asked

  "He was involved in a ghastly accident and he died on the spot. He wanted to surprise us" she said as a sad smile flashed on her face.

  "This is so sad. I'm so sorry Lily"

   "It's going to be really difficult to live without him. He was the person that understands me the most. He loved books, he loved being all by himself just like me and I really admire him. I don't know how If I will ever be able to cope with his absence"

   "Don't worry. Things will be better okay? You just have to keep hope alive"

  "Thank you for coming Diana" Lily smiled and hugged Diana.

  "I'm always here Lily. That's what friends are for right?"

   "So...were friends?"

  "Yes Lily. We are friends. And as your friend, I have a friendly advice for you" Diana beamed.

"Really? Tell me"

"Okay. Why don't we go out together. You know, something to get your mind off the pressures"

   "I really don't..." Lily didn't complete the sentence before Diana interrupted.

"You'd love it! It's Kayla's party. You know Kayla in our class right?" Diana smiled.

"Don't you think it's gonna look kinda weird that I lost my dad few days ago and I'm in a party today?" Lily frowned.

"They're not going to think like that. They'll understand that you are trying to take your mind off your troubles"

  Even though Lily didn't like the idea of going to Kayla's party, it wasn't such a bad idea. She had to do something to take her mind off everything even if it was just for an hour right? Now that she thought about it, it didn't sound bad. After all, who cares about what anybody has I say about her attending a party after she lost her Dad? Her dad had always wanted this though. He had always wanted her to come out of her cocoons and live her best life. Maybe this will make him proud.

"Okay. I'll come with you" Lily said.

"Yes! Yes!" Diana smiled and hugged Lily.

"So let's get ready" Diana grinned as she opened Lily's wardrobe to pick Lily's outfit.


    Lily stood in front of her mirror, fidgeting with the hem of her dress. She hadn't worn something so bright and cheerful in years. But tonight, her friend Diana had convinced her to come out of her shell and attend a party. Lily's heart raced at the thought of all those people, the noise, and the attention.

   Just as she was about to chicken out, she remembered her dad's words from the last time they talked. He tried to encourage her to be free and live her Life to the fullest. He said: "Life is for living, kiddo. Don't let fear hold you back." He'd always encouraged her to be brave, to take chances. And he was right. She should try to give herself life's best experience because nobody knows tomorrow. After all only God knows when a man is going to leave this world. Just as only he (God) knew that her dad was going to die that day. And now, with him gone, she felt a surge of determination to make him proud.

   She took a deep breath, grabbed her clutch, and headed downstairs. Her mom was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and her eyes widened in surprise as Lily entered the room.

"Lily, you look... stunning!" her mom exclaimed, setting aside her shock. "I haven't seen you dress up like that in a very long time"

Lily's eyes prickled with tears, but she forced a smile. "Thanks, Mom. Diana's waiting for me, and I promised I'd go she's outside."

Her mom's expression softened, and she rose from the couch. "I know how hard this is for you, sweetie. But I'm so proud of you for facing your fears. Your dad would be proud too."

Lily's mom enveloped her in a warm hug, and for a moment, they held each other, both thinking of the man who was no longer there to see his daughter spread her wings.

"You go out there and have fun, okay? You deserve it," her mom whispered, releasing her.

Lily nodded, took another deep breath, and headed out into the unknown, feeling a sense of courage and pride she hadn't felt in a long time. All she wanted to do was make her dad proud.
