Chapter 4: A Bad Day

You were sleeping peacefully in you're room but you have woken up by a sudden knock "Hey Sweet heart, wake up. It's 6 Am and i want to talk something important to you," he said. You slowly woke up and sigh"Wait G Sans, let me just get ready," You said. You washed your face, brush your teeth, dressed up, comb your hair and got out from the bedroom. He looked at you and smirked"Morning doll~ looking cute like a real doll~" he said as he put his hand on her chin and made you looked at him.

Suddenly, someone was slapped his back head and glaring at him "Back off G, she is uncomfortable enough when you flirted with her. Don't make her uncomfortable," it was Fell. You didn't know why but Fell just defending you from Gaster Sans.

"Aww you're no fun Fell, by the way. Ink and Sans wants to talk with you, i don't know why." G sans said as he took you away from Fell and gave him a smirk as Fell glared at him with jealousy. He looked at you"They want to meet you in the living room, i'm not sure what they want to talk about. But if anything happened, just call me~" he winked at you. You blushed and looked down. He chuckled and lead the way to the living room.

_________At the Living Room______

You saw Sans and Ink waiting for you in the living room but it seems Sans already dozed off like a lazy cat meanwhile Ink was looking at the clock. You walked up to them and smiled"Hey Ink, Hey Sans. Did you call me?" You asked.

"Yes we indeed, we need to talk you about something but before that." Ink stood up and picked up a Trombone, he blew it so hard that it Surprised Sans. You almost laughed when Sans almost jumped from the couch"Ink, no need to blow the trombone loudly..." he said. Ink laughed a bit"Sorry Sans, but if i shook you. You probably still sleeping," he said. Sans rolled his pinpricks and looked at you.

"Sorry about that kiddo," he said.

"It's alright, it's actually pretty funny," you said.

"Anyway, we're here to call you because we want to speak with you about who will you be hang out with but if the evil Sanses hangs out with you. We need to give you this," he said as he gave a small remote. You were wondering, why would Sans give you a bell remote. Sans saw you're confusion and then sighed. "You wonder what is it for right? This bell for aramed us to save you before the evil Sanses try anything harmful to you. The example, Dust is trying to kill you but before he can killed you, you must press the alarm and then this remote will tell us that someone is attacking you," he explained.

You nodded and smiled"Thanks Sans, I'm glad you want to warn me about this, oh and Ink. What is that?" You asked Ink. He was holding a paper with data inside of it. "Oh this? This is a timetable of you to hang out who with who. Tomorrow you will hanging out with Blueberry and Today you will....oh no," he said.

"What is it Ink? Is there any trouble?" Sans asked.

"I-i think G sans was crazy or something," he said.

"What do you me-" Sans eyes become pitch black when he looked at the data paper. "Oh hell there no way to change this timetable?"

"I don''t think so Sans. I don't know if i can change this, G sans probably going to be pretty mad or angry if we want to change the timetable," Ink said.

You were confused what are they talking about. "Guys....sorry for interrupt you both or something but..... what are you guys talking about. You both looked like...there's something bad happened," you said.

Ink sighed and looked at you sadly. "I'm really sorry for this information. This is going to be hard to tell you're going to hang out with Horror..." Ink said. You were shocked, you didn't believe for what you have heard but you're going to spend a time with a blood lust psychopath.

DUNDUNDUN!!! Cliffhanger~

Sorry for the short story and suddenly cut the fun moment. I was running out of idea, sorry for the sudden Cliffhanger. I promise for the next chapter, it's going to be epic and fun. Stay determined!!
