Chapter 24: Revina The Bully

A/N: Hello my fans and my followers. I'm Updating the story again, and it will be more epic. Every story need a villain and that's why i add a mean girl in this story. So, i add the bully girl and her name will be Revina Lamsey. Yes, i add one of my bully name but the last name are fake. I won't tell you her full name and i don't want my followers or my readers being mean to her. So, please don't ask the bully name.

Anyway, the bad luck struck me again, my fingers wedged in the door and it hurts so bad so it's kinda hard to wrote or typing quickly.

Thank you for reading this A/N, i hope you enjoy~


After hanging out with the Sanses, you thought everything will be better because you didn't see your bullies until yesterday.


You were sleeping peacefully until someone knocked on the door. It was Ink, he opened the door gently and then looked at you "Good Morning (Y/N), sorry for waking you up," He said. You shook your head gently "It's alright Ink, you don't need to be sorry just because i ever screamed at you," you said. He got embarrassed and looked down "P-please don't remind me," he said and you giggled quietly.

"Sorry, i cannot help it. Anyway, why did you wake me up?" You asked.

"We have a guest and Blueberry brought her. We want you to introduce her to you," he said.

"Alright, i understand. Thank you for the information Ink," you said.

He nods and left your bedroom meanwhile you went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After having a quick shower, you changed all of your attire and then looked in the mirror. You smiled softly.

   After changing your attire, you went to the downstairs and then greet Dream, Blueberry, Ink, Dance, and other Sanses expect G Sans until you saw your bully Revina Lamsey. Yes, she was your bully. She was snobby, rich, bratty, mean, and manipulative.

"Hey (Y/N), long time not see," She smiled innocently but you know she was smirking evilly.


You were making a cup if coffee until Revina came up and then 'Accidentally' nudge you and made you spilled the hot coffee. She fake gasped and looked at you angrily "What Have You Done?!?! You spilled the coffee all of my shirt!! Don't you know how expensive this is?!?!?" She said. You rolled your eyes at her "Revina, i didn't spilled it. You nudge me and made me spilled it," you said simply.

Nightmare came up and looked at both of you "Wow wait, What's going on in here?"

"She spilled the Coffee to my shirt!!" Revina said.

"You nudge me, you made me spilled the coffee," you said.

"LIES! Why are you so mean!!"She said as she fake cried.

Nightmare put his hand on Revina and glared at you. You looked pretty hurt, why he thrust her more than you? You cannot believe Revina being manipulative again to Nightmare Sans. "Nightmare, please listen to-" before you could defend yourself suddenly Nightmare interrupted you "Enough, i don't want to hear you," he said as he pat Revina back. Revina looked at you secretly and smirked at you.

You growled and throw the cup away and you went to the bedroom to calm your anger. You need a plan to make Revina reveal her mistakes in front of everyone. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. It was Fell, he spoke "Hey sweetheart, ii heard that you spilled the coffee on Revina. I think you should apologize to her." You were shocked and disbelieved for what Fell just said. You cannot believe Revina spread the lies again.

"This is getting worst, i need them to trust me. But how? Revina being manipulative, she manipulate Nightmare, Blueberry and Fell!" You whispered to yourself.

"Doll, please. I don't want to use force," Fell said.

You began think and you had a plan. But you will use it later, when the time is right. You know Revina didn't manipulate G Sans yet. You will tell them quickly before Revina could manipulate them. You stood up and leave the bedroom, you followed Fell and looked at Revina who are looking at you with her 'Innocent' Smile again.

"Revina.....I'm sorry that i accidentally spilled the coffee to you, i didn't mean it because it was an accident," you said as you forced the fake smile.

"Hmmmm, fine. I forgive you, but don't do that again okay~" she said.

You nodded, the Sanses let you go and you didn't saw Revina smirks at you again. Meanwhile, you secretly went to G Sans room and knocked on the door.

"G, it's me (Y/N)," you said.

"Come in," he said.

You opened the door and then get inside the bedroom. You saw G sans reading a book while smoking "G, i had a problem. Blueberry brought a new people again," you said.

He quickly sat up when he heard that"What? Again??? What does the person look like?" He asked.

"Her name is Revina Lamsey," you said.

"And?" He asked.

"She was my bully in the school other than (B/N)," you said.

"Are you sure,she is the bully? I don't think she's a bully," he said.

"How do you know if she's not a bully? Let me show you," you said and you show some scars of Revina beating you before you met the Sanses. His pinpricks widened and he hugged you gently "I believe you, sweetheart," G sans said. You nodded and smiled "Thank You Sans, but the problem is. No one believe me expect you, i know she will manipulate you someday. That's why i decided to tell you everything...please trust me. Don't believe what Revina said," you said.

"Alright, i have a plan but you must trust me. But don't tell anyone okay?" He asked.

You nodded "Okay, i won't tell anyone," you said.

"I will record her every move and i will spy on her. Just believe me, don't attack her or do something bad because i'm spying on you and Revina," He said.

You smiled and nods "Thank you, G Sans. I owe you," you said.

He nods and pat your head gently "Your welcome, now let's go and i will record you in the shadows," He said.

You nodded and left.

