Chapter 23: Anime Festival

  A/N: Hello my fellow readers and my fans. Thank you for the reads and  the follows. Even though my story sucks and i update the story pretty late. I didn't mean to be lazy but you know school, fight, economy, and depression until my psychologist told me that i had depression, and anxiety which is why i cut often. But don't worry, things get better especially Valentine. I got a lot of chocolates and presents from my family and my best friends. Their name is Vera, Natania, Tesa, Hadasa, Gaby, Ester, Eugene, Clarissa, Belinda, and Jesseline.

For my best friend, thanks for all the presents and all the chocolates that you gave to me. The chocolate and the cupcakes very delicious!! A lot of you supports me when i'm down and when i was sad. Some of you listen to my problems and i'm very happy about that. Thank you for all your kindness, anyway. I hope you enjoy~


  At the last day, you were hanging out with Error Sand. You though he was cold and mean until you were hanging out together. He teased you a lot but he was being sweetheart to you and he was being gentleman to you. You didn't think he will be like that, you didn't think that you will play together with Error by running around and splashing each other face, you didn't think that he will let your head lay on his lap because you know he's afraid of getting touched. You were glad for everything until the day was over and you must go back to the mansion.

At the next day, you woke up from the bad and saw the time table at your wooden table. You took it and scan the papers until you looked down and today is your last day of hanging out. You are going to hang out together with Cross. From what have you seen, he seems quite and little bit creepy because you saw him talking to the air but Ink told you that he was talking to 'Chara' but you cannot see Chara because Chara looks like ghost but his soul are together with Cross. He didn't know how because Cross never tell him.

"Today, i'm going to hang out with Cross but...i hope he's nice like the other Sanses in here," you said.

You went to the bathroom and then took a short shower, the water getting warmer every second until it becomes really warm and the smokes everywhere. You stepped inside the bathroom and took the shower while ignoring the footsteps. You didn't hear any foot steps until someone knocked on the door.

"(Y/N), are you in there?" The new voice asked.

"Yeah, who might you be?" You asked.

"It's me Cross, you are going to hang out with me," he said.

"I know, i will get ready after the bath. Just wait for 1 hour okay, i will get ready," you said.

"Alright, anyway. You should use anime costume because we will go to the anime festival," he said.

"Okay, i will. Thank you for telling me Cross," you said. He nods and then left you to get ready meanwhile. After you take a shower, you went to the dressing room and looked all the clothes you have. You have costumes too, even the anime one. You choose to be Hinata Hyuga from Naruto Shippuden. You wore a make up and contact lense to change your eye color to grey color.

You smiled and went to the downstair after you used your costume. "Cross?? I'm done.." you said as you went to the living room and saw Cross was wearing Naruto Uzumaki. He looked cute with little whiskers on his cheeks and with his messy wigs. You giggled quittely and smiled at him.

"You look funny but cool," you said.

He blushed and scratched behind his skull "T-thanks (Y/N)."

You smiled hold his hand "Shall we go to the Anime Festival? I can't wait to take the pictures with other cosplayer. It would be fun," you said.

He nodded and he hold your hand back "Yes, we should go to the Anime Festival. Just hold on tight to me okay?" He said as he suddenly picked you up gently and you squeaked when he suddenly picked you up. You blushed and looked away. He chuckled and teleported away to the Anime Festival together with you.

______________At the Anime Festival_____________

Things were great, a lot of fangirls and fanboy asked you and him to take a picture together. You were having fun with him by buying some snacks, talking about anime and cosplay stuff. Peoples and monsters likes your costume and Cross costume too. He even do the service fan by he kissed your cheeks and hugged you. You were getting flustered when he kissed your cheeks or when he hug you but it felt nice when he hugs you. He feels warm and cuddly. The fangirls and fanboys getting excited when you both hug or kiss on the cheeks but suddenly there's a strange fan boy who are cosplaying as Toneri.

"You look pretty," the guy said.

"Thank you," You said and smiled but you didn't see Cross glaring at him menacingly.

Suddenly the guy hold your hand and pulled you closer "Wanna ditch this place and have fun?"

Suddenly a giant knife almost hit him "Hands off from her," Cross said.

The guy growled and charges up at him "You will pay for that!" He screamed and punched Cross but he able to doe the punch and kneed the guy on the stomach. The guy grunted and sent another punch to his face, he fell off and grunted painfully. Suddenly a guy with white skin and black eyes appear, even though hie's little bit transparent. "Hands off,punch Cross again and i will kick your butt," he said. When he raise his hands, 5 glowing knifes appeared and thrown at the guy. Cross saw what happened and helped Chara by attacking the guy. The guy screamed when one of the knife almost cut his head off and he ran away.

You helped Cross up and hug him"Thank you...Cross," you said.

He smiled and hug you back "You're welcome (Y/N), let's go back to the mansion.

You nodded and went to the mansion together with him.


  Hello everyone, thank you for reading this chapter. This is the end of the hanging out and the next part will still remain mystery because i don't want to ruin of the fun. It wouldn't be fun when there's no mystery right~  
