I am...tHe MeSsAgE mAn

Enjoy my little comrades

I watched as Evian led the guys into the garage where the TV was. A moment later, the ones in green and red walked out of the garage carrying the box. As they were walking, I realized that there was a piece of plastic lying on the floor behind the green guy. If he steps on it, he'd probably slip and fall. Welp. That sure sucks for him, like I'd warn him about it.

Oh wait

If he falls,the the TV might break. 


I got up and stood next to them while they were moving the box and waited until he stepped on the plastic. Sure enough, he fell, but before the TV could fall, I caught one side of it and held it up so that it didn't fall. The one in red seemed surprised that the box didn't fall until he saw me holding it.

I saw his mouth move and say something but I couldn't hear him because my ear buds were blasting music into my ears. I made a motion towards my ear that meant I couldn't hear him, then realized that the green guy was still on the floor looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression. I laughed at this and one of my ear buds fell out. The green guy got up and glared at me.

Evian rushed over next to him and said "You okay Edd?" He mumbled out a 'yea' and rubbed his head. I felt the box shake in my hands a bit and looked at the other guy who was holding the box.

"Nice catch" he said. "Thanks, man" I replied with a slight grin. and that was when I noticed his hair. "Whoah, dude your hair defies  every single law of gravity" I said without thinking. He looked at me oddly, his hair was a caramel color, and shaped so that there were two tufts of hair standing straight up, like devil horns. On anyone else, the style would have looked weird and unnatural, but he somehow managed to pull off the look. I suppose he was...what do the teenagers call it these days? Oh yes, hot. Most people would probably classify him as hot...or...attractive.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking that, but just grinned at him and motioned with my head towards the living room. I looked toward where we where going but, out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like a sly smirk on his face. Asshole.

We started moving the box and set it down in the middle of the living room in front of the sofa. I sat back down on the sofa and he sat down too. Not on the complete opposite side of the seat though, about half way from where I was sitting. I decided to play music from the Bluetooth speaker again because I had enough socialization for today so I was about to go up into my room when red hoodie interrupted my train of thought.

"It's Tord by the way. Not red hoodie guy." he said and grinned at me. I narrowed my eyes and said "I never called you that".

" But you were thinking it, weren't you" He replied. I was surprised, that was actually how I had been referring to him as in my head.

He must have seen the surprise on my face because he laughed and said " It's pretty obvious, with us all wearing hoodies, you could pretty much just call us out by color. That's what most people who don't know our names do. Nice dancing back there." He added with a smirk. I was a bit taken back by his explanation and scowled at him.

Just then, I heard one of the greatest songs to have ever been created playing from somewhere outside. Message Man by Twenty One Pilots was being blasted outside in the backyard somewhere. Me and Tord both got up to see what was happening and I was surprised to see Evian holding my Bluetooth speaker and looking frustrated with it.

"What the actual hell are you doing with my speaker?" I yelled at Evian over the music. "I was trying to play music in it but it started playing some stupid song instead. " She yelled back.

I glared at her. "What's wrong with this song ?" I yelled at Evian . She seems to realize that I listen to this song a lot and looked annoyed.

Then the song got to the instrumental part that I very well knew came before the rap part. I nauruto ran to the speaker and started yelling the lyrics.

Hope you're dead 'cause how could you sleep at a time like this?
People they rhyme like this, we're all impressed by this
They rip it, flip it but these are just triplets
Wrote this in three minutes, three words to a line
It's just poetry divided, I'm the kind of guy
Who takes every moment, he knows he can fight it
And music to use it, for others to use it
You're dead 'cause how could you sleep at a time like this?

Life is up here but you comment below
When the comments will always become common motivation
To promote you choose next episode
So your brain knows to keep going even though hope
Is far from this moment but you would not know it
Gets better when morning finally rears its head
Together we'll lose this, remember the future
Remember that morning is when night is dead

I finished with a bow and the guys started clapping while I saw Evian face palm. I looked at her and said "I win asshole" before grabbing the speaker out of her hands and running once again up to my room this time and collapsed on to the bed wearing a triumphant grin.

Weeeeeeeelllllll? How was it? You better comment and tell me what you thought of this you retards(reTORDs). I can actually rap that part and it makes my non-existent soul happy.
