Corner Fridges are not good


Our laughter died away and we accidentally turned and made eye contact. I whipped my head around immediately and stood up and walked to the kitchen because my mind was blank and I didn't know what to do.

Making my way to the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of Smirnoff and closed the fridge. I was about to turn around with all the intention of going back home and pretending none of this ever happened, possibly moving to Japan or something where I never have to see Tord's face ever again, when a hand slammed onto the fridge very, very close to my head.

It was pretty obvious who the hand belonged to so I frantically looked for an escape, but found none because the fridge just so happened to be right next to the freaking wall. I hate corner fridges. I loathe them actually.

Probably noticing my panic, I heard the little devil chuckle from behind me.

"Aw, are you too embarrassed to even look at me now (Y/N)?" He purred uncomfortably close to my head. 

I swallowed and replied with a small "No". He laughed again and pushed against me a bit. I used the one free hand I had to support myself on the fridge, my back still to him. "It's ok (Y/M), I'm sure we will be doing this a lot more often. You will get used to it."




I refuse.

I muttered a "Nope, I'm good". But he just chuckled again and whispered,"Are you sure?", and pulled the Smirnoff bottle out of my hand, and placed his other hand on the other side of my head.

No, I will not give in. I am a strong, independent woman, with plenty of confidence and self restrain and- Screw it.

I turned around and looked at him directly in his smug eyes. "Tord Arson, I am five seconds away from leaving this continent if you don't stop right now, so you better hurry the frick up and get started" I growled.

He seemed a bit surprised by my outburst but I was way to high on sleep deprivation and his little games to care.

"If you insist" he said in his way to tempting accent. Did he have to be Norwegian? I shivered at the almost predatory look in his eyes, and started to regret taunting him. He pulled my closer and our lips connected again for the second time that night.

We stayed like this for awhile until we heard a slight squeak and I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye.

I pulled away immediately and looked to see Edd looking like he was about to pass out and with phone in hand. I swear he had that stupid 'OwO' look on his face. His phone flashed again and the click of a picture sounded out. It was then that I realized that I was still pinned to the fridge after midnight by a crazy hot Norwegian commie and we had just been caught making out in the kitchen.

Oh No

I launched myself out from under Tord and towards Edd who snickered and started running. I yelled at him to stay in one place but he raced upstairs and shut his door in my face before I could kick his ass.

A moment later, my phone buzzed and in our group chat with Edd, Tom, Matt, Tord, Evian, and me, he had sent a picture of us looking surprised with me still under Tord on the fridge. I heard Tord laughing his sorry ass of from downstairs, and I could have sworn that I heard Tom choke from the room next to Edd.
After glaring at Edd's door for awhile, I heard the front door slam open and Evian yell "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS".

I sighed.

I think I'm done.

Should I add anything else? Idk, tell me. Did you guys like this book? I feel like it started out dull but got better towards the end. THANKS FOR READING GUYS(:

