Burger King chicken nuggets


I'm back

Sorry, tea time with Lucifer got a bit out of control-

The next few days were quite messy.

In my head I had managed to convince myself that what happened that night was purely due to the fact that I was tired and my sense of right and wrong had been hazy.

However, Edd was pouring all his love over the picture he had taken much to my dismay and Tord was pouting because I denied all accusations thrown at us about being a 'thing'.

Currently I was in the car with Tom on the way to Burger King, carrying the responsibility of getting the fast food that the others had been begging for.

I was driving, drumming my fingers along the wheel to the beat of the music playing from the speakers. It was dark as we were on our way to dinner and the streetlights dimly lit up the road ahead with their yellowish light before fading away into the distance.

Tom and I were carrying on a light conversation when he asked the obvious question I'd been dancing around all day, "So about what happened with you and Tord that-"

I cut him off before he could continue. "Nothing serious happened between us, I was really tired and we were both high off laughing so hard."

Tom glanced at me with a unreadable expression and hummed as a response.

"Alright, that's good." He said, looking back out his window. "That stupid dingus ain't worth anyone's time."

I snorted and laughed lightly glad that he didn't push the subject too much.

We sat in comfortable silence for awhile, I took the opportunity to sneak some glances at Tom. Since the year or so that we've known each other, we had grown quite close but somehow I had failed to notice how his figure had grown a bit, his jaw was more defined and although I could see the dark circles under his eyes, most likely due to his habit of ignoring sleep completely to make time for late night drinking sessions, the empty darkness of his eyes covered for it making for a stark difference between his eyes and tan skin. His hair had grown some as well, sticking out in odd ends here and there making it clear that he could not find it in him to brush his hair in the morning.

"You know Y/N, you really don't have to check me out like that while your the one driving." Tom's voice broke me out of my stupor.

I narrowed at my eyes at him and scoffed before looking away to avoid the smug grin rising on his stupid face.

"For your information, I was just thinking about our friendship Thomas." I said basically lying through my teeth.

His grin only widened.

"Oh? Do tell what about our friendship had you thinking so hard." he said.

"The part about how you always claim we're not friends." I drawled.

He brushed my words aside, "Pfft...You know I only mean that when I talk to the commie. Our friendship is as true and pure as it gets." He said with mock innocence.

"Unless you thought we were something other then friends of course~" He said almost curiously but with something teasing hiding in those dark eyes.

I threw him a pointed look, "Of course not, why would I ever doubt the purity and truths of our undying friendship." I said flatly.

He shook his head, "I see no reason why anyone would."

"Certainly not"


We both burst into a small fit of laughter before regaining I regained my composure and set my eyes over the steering wheel again.

At the moment the radio started playing Uma Thurman and we exchanged glances before bopping along the beat of the song and singing off-key with the lyrics, only pausing to catch a breath every once in a while from all the laughing and singing. We got more than one strange look from people in passing cars whenever we stopped at a traffic light. All in all it was a fantastic time and seeing the small smile on Tom's face, I wished we could share more moments like this. I smiled lightly to myself before redirecting my attention to the road ahead.

It wasn't long before we drove into the drive-thru at Burger King and ordered what our dear roommates had asked of us. I picked up a Oreo Shake and two quesadillas and my mouth started to water slightly at the thought of the satisfying dinner ahead.

We finally started to head home with just a light conversation, going back and forth. With the smell of greasy, delicious filling the car, my stomach made a greedy noise and Tom chuckled and I gave him a sheepish look.

"What? I'm hungry." I said pointedly.

"Well, hello Hungry, I'm Tom." he replied.

I looked at him in disbelief, did he really just..



"Did you just-"


"Yea, maybe I did, what are you gonna do about it." He replied with a crooked grin on his stupid face.

I groaned and hit my head against the steering wheel.

He laughed and reached into the bag of fast food and plucked a chicken nugget out of one of the boxes.

"Here." he said, and held it up near my lips.

I paused, and looked at the man, sure enough his mouth was curling up into the beginnings of a smirk, what's he playing at here?

I narrowed my eyes and stared at him.

'Two can play at that game Thomas' I thought

I leaned forward lightly and bit into the crunchy flesh of the food before pulling it of his fingers with my teeth. I chewed slowly and groaned lightly at the taste keeping my eyes trained on him.

Something shifted in his expression then, before he looked away from my prying eyes and rested his chin on his hands and started out the window, his cheeks slightly coloured.

I smirked smugly at myself and continued driving, pretending not to notice the small glances he threw my way for the rest of the trip.

Well, what do you think?

So I know I've been gone for awhile and I'm s o r r y

However my writing style has changed quite a bit so that's something. I would really appreciate any feedback or thoughts you could give on this chapter, have I improved in my writing? Are the dialouges better now?

Did you like this chapter I made for the Tom simps~ (;

Also I'm going to start writing for Avatar the last airbender and Voltron as soon as I can so if that's something your interested in, it's gonna happen.
