33 ~ Shock

For once, time seemed to be on Y/n's side, as it allowed her to enjoy the long drive to the party, deciding not to rush itself. The trip was completely silent, but Rina's hug made it comfortable for Y/n.

Every time the car stopped at a stoplight, Y/n feared for the sounds of the engine being turned off.

This happened so many times, that when the steady vibration of the car stilled suddenly, she had only just convinced herself that she didn't need to be wary of when the car wasn't moving. Her heart rate instantly picked up, dreading the moment Soobin came around to open the door.

Rina's head still against her body, she probably heard how much Y/n's heart was racing, as her head had perked up and tried to read her facial expression. She groped for Y/n's hand, grasping it tightly when she located it.

"It's gonna be okay."

Y/n smiled lazily at Rina.

Her eyes trailed from Rina's to Beomgyu's, his gaze still having not left her the whole car drive.

When their eyes finally locked Y/n realised how much she missed staring into his beautiful brown eyes. She no longer felt the urge to tear her eyes away from his, now feeling the need to stare at him forever.

That was what he had been feeling ever since she came down the staircase earlier that evening. She had looked so beautiful to him, but he knew that she had been on the brink of a breakdown the whole time she was getting ready.

All he wanted to do was to hold her in his arms and comfort her and make it all be alright.

He was waiting for her to return his gaze, some part of him searching for a sign in her eyes that she felt the same way about him.

The magnetic staring contest was lost by both of them when the door slid open, revealing Soobin, with a beautifully decorated mansion behind him.

Lights danced from all visible crevices, almost making it believable for someone to say that every single inch of that house had been painted with firefly's blood.

Y/n's lips parted slightly, still too relaxed from the long drive to drop to the ground in shock as it wished.

However, she didn't stare at it too long, a sudden urge to talk to Beomgyu coming over her. She now had her eyes set on the man next to Kai, feeling the need to speak with him.

Soobin ushered the six of them out of the car, closing the door and locking it behind them. Y/n glanced at Beomgyu, still wanting to simply interact with him. There were just too many people who knew about her feelings for him to be able to talk to him without feeling judged.

Rina - who had her arm linked with Y/n's - suddenly tore away from Y/n and wrapped her arms around Kai and Taehyun's shoulders, leading them towards the entrance. Y/n heard her say something about being really excited to get inside. Soobin followed them quickly, him being the leader and all.

It was only when Y/n realised that she and Beomgyu were now alone behind everyone else that she realised what Rina's intention was. She didn't know whether to feel grateful or not.

They stared at each other again, somehow feeling less intense than before.

Although, Y/n's heart was beating like crazy, because it knew that she was about to do something crazy.

"I like you."

She said it outright, instantly making Beomgyu's eyes widen in shock, convinced he had heard wrong.

Y/n saw his shock as a bad sign, and she dropped her gaze from his, pursing her lips.

"I just had to say it before I left."

She said quietly, keeping her eyes on the ground.

Before Beomgyu had the chance to even properly comrehend her words, she had already started following Soobin, her hair bobbing slightly as she treaded away from him.


Once inside, Y/n tried to stay close to Soobin, his somewhat strict character making him seem more safe to be around. She hovered just behind him the whole time, almost cowering behind his tall figure.

He seemed to understand, not questioning her behaviour at all.

Kai and Rina split off from Soobin and Y/n, Taehyun taking off somewhere else. As Soobin went around greeting people, Y/n's eyes shot around the room nervously, searching for any sign of Enhypen anywhere in the party.

Maybe they're not here yet

However, she knew that this relief would be short-lived, only postponing the inevitable. For some reason, this made her wish that she had just stayed quiet and not said anything to Beomgyu. Now she would leave with him thinking less of her.

There was nothing she could do now but wait with Soobin for Enhypen to show up.

Just as Soobin had shook hands with all the members of the NCT mafia (it took a while), the sound of the large doors opening resonated through the room. (A/N ;))

Y/n slowly turned her head from Soobin's back, only stringing her hope along, as far as she knew. She wasn't even surprised in the least when she saw her dad's large figure standing in the doorway, followed by the rest of the Enhypen members.

Riki's parents, who hosted the party, quickly met them at the foyer, saying hello to all of them and sharing hugs with their son.

Y/n gulped, not daring to look away from her dad.

As if he felt her eyes boring into him, Jeongyoo seemed to find Y/n almost instantly. Just the eye-contact she shared with him sent a signal to her brain, telling her that she was in danger and needed to escape.

But, knowing that she was in a room full of mafias that could find her no matter how far she ran, she stayed put, frozen solid next to Soobin.

When he noticed that Jeongyoo had seen Y/n, he stepped forward a little and moved his arm outwards slightly, almost protectively. Jeongyoo seemed to find this amusing, as he chuckled to himself, and started making his way through the crowd towards the two of them.

By the time he reached them, Y/n finally had the courage to look away from him, and soon realised that the rest of TXT had gathered around them.

The whole party was silent, knowing that the two most powerful rival mafias were now in the same room and already started having a showdown the second Enhypen entered the doors.

However, in order to maintain a reputation, it wasn't exactly the best thing for everyone to see your daughter having to be handed over to you in a public place.

Jeongyoo's serious expression warmed up, a smile spreading across his face. There was nothing in the world that Y/n hated more than this smile of his.

"Why's it so quiet? Have fun, it's a party!"

His words changed nothing, only a few people returning to their previous conversations. It wasn't until he sent a deathly glare to the quartet that the room resumed its lively nature; only in sound, of course.

Just like that, Jeongyoo had the room to speak that he wanted.

"Let's talk somewhere more private."

if u have trouble picturing the dad, he's just hella ugly
tell me your thoughts pls ;)

a vote is highly appreciated <33
