31 ~ Comfort

It's ironic, really, how when you're waiting for something, time seems to slow down beside you and mock you as it takes forever to progress, but when you have a deadline, suddenly time moves faster than you can blink.

That is what was going through Y/n's head when she opened her little notebook and paged through the repetitive topic of her sketches, realising how many she had drawn, and realising that it had been four weeks since she promised to herself that she would confess to Beomgyu, and she had yet to lift a finger to do so.

She only had three days until the Feast, and she wasn't prepared to join Enhypen any time soon.

"Watcha doin'?"

Kai burst into Y/n's room, making her jump and slam her notebook shut, not wanting him to see the contents.

God, do I get any alone time?

His gaze quickly darted to the notebook, a cheeky grin appearing on his face as he looked back at Y/n.

"Ooh~ what have you been doing?"

He wiggled his eyebrows, subconsciously making Y/n realise just how similar he and Rina were in their teasing antics. Y/n tried to act cool about it, relaxing herself and forcing herself to pull her hands away from the book.


Kai was clearly unconvinced, and his eyes bounced between Y/n and the notebook for a few seconds. By the time Y/n had realised what this action meant, it was already too late, and Kai had since dashed over to the notebook and pulled it off of the bed.

When she jumped up from the bed to try and snatch it from him, he already held it high above her head; his arm not even stretched to it's capacity. Her cheeks were flushing dark red, further piquing Kai's interest in the book.

"Kaiiii, come onnn!"

Y/n wined, struggling to reach his one hand and avoid the other one holding her a distance away from him. Kai giggled evilly, not seeming to care about her boundaries as much as he was curious.

Keeping Y/n away from him with his one hand, Kai struggled a little to open the notebook with only the fingers of a single hand, giving her a Y/n a little bit of hope. Somehow, he still managed to flip it open and still turn pages, though.

His face scrunched up teasingly, acting like he was terribly shocked by what he saw inside. For the first time ever, Y/n hoped that her drawing skills were bad enough to make the drawings indecipherable.

No such luck.

Kai's artificial surprise soon turned genuine as he paged through it, still somehow managing to single-handedly - literally - hold Y/n an arm's length away from himself.

"Someone's got a little crush~"

He sang out cheerily, waving the pages of the notebook in front of Y/n's flushed face. He finally removed his hand from her head, and she seized the opportunity to swipe the book from his hand, as if it would grant the chance of him thinking he had just imagined the sketches of Beomgyu in her book.

"You're evil."

Y/n snarled at him, not really coming off as intimidating at all, her blood-red cheeks ruining the image. Kai grinned and patted her on the head.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

She appreciated hearing it, but still glared at him sharply.


(A/N here: sry if it's going too fast, i'm out of scenario ideas and shit's gotta happen :P)

Two more days passed, and Y/n didn't know which she was more nervous about; never getting to see the members of TXT again, or being condemned to live a miserable life with her father's mafia group.

The final night before the Feast, and Y/n couldn't bring herself to shove a single thing down her throat. Her heart was aching with the realisation that she was going to lose the only people in her life that she cared about, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Rina understood completely and decided to stay with Y/n for the last night; partly for Y/n's comfort and partly for her own. The silent evening Y/n had had in mind had somehow turned into a gathering of the whole group in her room; even Soobin.

Although they hardly expressed it, the members had grown fond of her; some more than others. They had begun to consider her a part of their household, and weren't looking forward to her having to leave.

Rina had brought in Uno to distract everybody from the anxiety for the previous day that they were all feeling.

They all played in silence, the occasional yell from Rina; that she forced herself to make in an attempt to lighten the mood. No one wanted to ask her to quieten down, as she was the only one keeping some of them from wallowing into a dark place that they wouldn't be able to come out of.

A few games passed, and the energy had begun to die out, significantly diluting the atmosphere of the room.

But, Rina was relentless.

"Hey, Taehyun! Show us some of your card tricks!"

A few sounds of intrigue sounded from the group, all turning their heads to him. He was taken aback at first, but that didn't stop him from picking up a few cards.

Taehyun held two of them in between his thumb and index finger, momentarily moving his hand around to show everybody. His other hand flicked the back, and the card in front seemed to change from a yellow three to a red nine in front of their very eyes.

An 'ooh!' sound resonated in the room, the corners of Taehyun's lips pricking up in a low-key pride of himself. Kai hurried to grab two for himself and attempted to re-enact Taehyun's trick.

It was funny for Y/n to watch as he constantly ended up with both cards on the floor, but the most she could manage was an amused smile. Her mind was trying its best to remind her that she would never get to see any of them again, and Kai's funny mess-ups would be nothing more than a bittersweet memory.

No one left her room that night, partly for Y/n's comfort and partly for their own.

this is hurting me omd :'D
u guys excited??

i just realised i made soobin boring asf in this book lol

a vote is highly appreciated <33

(ik the chapter is short but so is the author :D)
