15 ~ Crazy

Barely getting a chance to lay down, Y/n heard her door creaking open once again. Her hand rushed away from her hurt area, as if showing sign of being in pain was against the rules.

Y/n's tensed lungs relaxed when she saw the friendly face of Hueningkai appear from behind the door, opposed to the original assumption that it was Beomgyu coming back to intrude on her intended alone time. She noticed that he had brought a small brown bag with him.

"Hey, Kai..."

She spoke with her voice trailing off at the end, as she was unsure of what to talk about; she wasn't the best at small talk.

"Hey, Y/n."

Kai's voice was laced with a peppy atmosphere, that instantly put Y/n's awkwardness away. She habitually smiled at him.

"What's in the bag? Did you get me another gift?"

He shook his head as a response, followed by his own curious peek into the bag. Based on this action, Y/n assumed that he hadn't brought the contents of the bag on his own behalf.

Still peering into the bag, Kai approached Y/n's bed. Y/n sat up, ignoring the burning pain that struck her waist at the action.

"Beomgyu hyung said that you're hurt and then he gave me this stuff."

Without hesitation, Kai proceeded to turn the bag upside down over the bed, allowing the contents to spill out messily onto the duvet, causing Y/n to pull her feet away from the area, not trusting anything that might have come from Beomgyu. Her eyes scanned over the items that were now splayed over the small area of her plain white bed.

From what Y/n could identify, there was ointment, bandages, plasters, disinfectant and other wound-treating resources. She stared blankly at them, the words that had come out of Kai's mouth being the absolute last thing she would have expected to hear.

When Y/n finally lifted her gaze to meet Kai's, she was met by the eyes of a mildly concerned boy.

"Where are you hurt?"

Wondering to herself wether she wanted to explain or not, she genuinely asked herself if she was going to be comfortable with Kai treating a wound that was in an area that would require her to lift her shirt in order for him to see.

"I-it's really not that bad. Thanks for bringing this Kai, but I can just treat it myself."

It took him a moment of silently reading Y/n's face, but Kai eventually got the message she was trying so hard to convey through her eyes.

"You don't need to be embarrassed,"

He started, shaking his head with a calming smile spread across his face.

"I won't be weird about anything."

Where do I see this argument going?

Y/n held herself back from making a weak argument as to why she shouldn't need to show Kai her wound, because she knew that she wouldn't be able to treat it herself and if anyone should help her, she would want it to be him.

"It's under my shirt."

Kai's smile faltered for a moment, until Y/n's hand motioned towards her abdomen. His smile continued to shine brightly at her afterwards.

"No problem. We just cant have whatever it is getting infected."

Y/n smiled back nervously, feeling a little calmer now. Yet, her hands made no movement towards the hem of her shirt.

She wasn't the type of girl to go around wearing bikinis or cropped tops that showed her top half in any way; her father never bought her those types of clothing and she didn't mind it. Occasionally, she'd wear ripped jeans or short-sleeves, but she otherwise dressed like her skin was allergic to the Sun.

His expression a hint expectant, Kai sighed a little. He spoke patiently to the nervous girl.

"You can trust me. There's nothing that could have happened that I haven't seen before."

It didn't take much more convincing for Kai to finally convince Y/n. Her hands shakily grasped the fabric of her top and pulled it up a little, revealing the dreaded wound that danced messily across her waistline.

Looking down at it, Y/n could swear that it looked much less swollen when she examined it on her own. Kai, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows and leaned closer towards it to get a better look, momentarily forgetting how embarrassed it would make Y/n.

"How long ago did you get this?"

The sudden question temporarily distracted her from her revealed abdomen and she answered calmly, as if her face wasn't redder than the blood running in her veins.

"I'm not sure.. maybe three weeks ago?"

Kai's gaze darted from her waist to her face, his eyes holding an emotion that Y/n couldn't decipher - almost unreadable. It wasn't often that she managed to catch him not smiling, but that made then a special occasion.

Abruptly, the boy got up from the bed and held his hand out to Y/n, motioning for her to come with him. She was terribly confused and intentionally displayed it on her face, expecting an explanation as a response. She pulled her shirt down, covering the wound once again.

"You need to see Yeonjun hyung. I think it's infected."


As if it was a way to confirm his words or not, Y/n brought her hand down to gently touch the clothed wound. The wound, in response, throbbed with a mild, dull pain for the two seconds that her fingers were held against it. She quickly retracted them, an instinctual hiss of pain seeping through her lips, despite the fact that she knew it barely hurt to touch that lightly.

"I don't think you should touch it.."

Kai and Y/n left the room shortly, making their way to the infirmary.

As they walked, Y/n couldn't help but glance up guiltily at Kai. Her intention of leaving her father and starting a life on her own was to take control of her own life and stop being dependent on others.

Yet there she was, being so pitiful that even her captors felt obligated to help her.

And for the second time at that.

The guilt was slowly growing inside her, like a snowball as it rolls down a hill, picking up more weight the longer it rolls. It felt ironic to her, as she was the one who was being held captive.

They arrived at the infirmary, only to find that Yeonjun wasn't there.

Kai knew that Y/n needed her wound to be looked at as soon as possible, so he led her to the bed and sat her down with her legs hanging off the side.

"I'll go get Yeonjun hyung. Can you wait here for a little bit?"

Y/n nodded.

And he left.

Y/n got up from the bed and walked carefully around the room, as she had taken it upon herself to look around the room for anything that she could touch that she trusted herself not to break.

She gently grazed her hands over the countertop, subconsciously checking for dust for some or other reason. Her index finger left the surface, completely clean.

When do they get the time to clean when they're always either training or out on a mission?

Y/n gazed at her fingertip, the question continuing to repeat itself in her head.

Now that she thought about it, she didn't know much about how the members of TXT lived; only about how they trained. She realised that she never even bothered to ask questions about them. Once again, a small feeling of guilt seemed to tighten around her organs like a string.

Suddenly, footsteps started to approach.

Y/n darted back to the bed, as if she weren't allowed to stand. Somehow, she felt that whatever she did that she wasn't told specifically to do was wrong.

Who did appear at the door, though, was Beomgyu.

For some reason, Y/n was relieved to see him.

He seemed to just be walking past the open door, and happened to stop when he saw Y/n in the room. His eyes instantly met hers and she stared into them, unsure of which emotion to show.

However, Beomgyu quickly broke the eye contact and seemed to be leaving. 

But Y/n still had a question for him.


His half-hidden figure from behind the door frame froze in place. He then walked backwards slightly, just enough so that his face would be in sight again for Y/n.

"How did you know?"

Based on the way Y/n saw his eyes briefly dart down to her abdomen, she assumed that he had understood what she had been talking about.

Nevertheless, he ignored her question and proceeded to enter the room wordlessly.

Y/n was caught off guard and her face stiffened. Beomgyu's gaze was now completely focused on her wound-area as he approached her slowly.

He didn't stop coming closer to her until he was directly in front of her.

He bent down, just enough so that his head was in line with Y/n's chest.

Before she could even try to figure out what he was doing, Beomgyu's hand had already pulled the bottom half of Y/n's shirt up, so he could have a clear view of the wound.

Y/n's face instantly turned red and she tugged her shirt down.

"Wh-what was that?! Are you crazy?"

Once again, Beomgyu ignored her question, only this time, he said something else instead.

"It's infected. You should take more care of yourself."

"H-hey, y-you-"

Before she could stutter out anything else, Beomgyu had already left the room.

late update sry </3

i think the next few chapters are going to be mostly based around the TXT household (sry if u wanted to hear more about enhypen or stray kids or jisoo etc.)

a vote is rlly appreciated <3
