Chapter 3

Hi! I hope you like it! Please read the next chapter first then the one after that then this one. Wattpad moved those chapters around so as it says on top this is chapter three please do what I asked. Thanks!

Sam's POV

I'm still babysitting the kids. Chloe and Max just played video games while I kept after Darby. Living here with Cat has helped me realize that I love kids. Especially baby's. Well there is another reason that I might reveal later. Darby had nothing's else that needed being done and Chloe and Max needed to get off the t.v.

S: Ok. Guys turn it off. We're going to the park. You had to much screen time.

Chloe and Max: Ok.

They turned it off.

 S:  Ok, you guys pack up the stroller and I'll take Darby outside. He needs fresh air.

Chloe: Ok.

I grabbed Darby and went outside. It was a short walk to the park. I waited outside for Chloe and Max.

Carly(C): Sam!

Huh? They sounded familiar. Must be their mom. 

I opened the door and called for Chloe and Max.

S: Chloe! Max! Let's go.

I closed the door and turned around. I saw Carly, Freddie, and Spencer standing there with confused looks.

C: Um... this isn't what I expected.

I turned around and opened the door again and saw Chloe about to open it.

S: Ok guys let's go.

I put Darby in the stroller. But when I turned around Carly, Freddie, and Spencer were surrounding me. I sighed.

S: Why are you guys here?

C: Why are you here?

S: Because... I um... move I need to go.

 Spence: Explain first.

S: I don't have the time.

I shoved past Carly. Chloe and Max didn't follow me. I was pushing the stroller.

S: Chloe, Max lets go.

They ran up to me. I was about to go when I remembered that I needed to lock the door or Cat would kill me. I went back to the door and locked it. I went to the stroller and was a about to go when Freddie grabbed my arm.

S: Oh my god! What do you want from me!

F: Sam why are you here?

He let go. I called up André. I was close to tears because they were here.

S: André can I come to Tori's house?

A: Yeah. Whats wrong lil sis?

I accidentally had it on speaker but I kept it up to my ear anyway.

S: I need you. I'm babysitting right now though. 

A: Just tell whoever's picking them up to pick them up here.

S: Ok. See you soon bro.

I hung up.

S: Change of plans guys. We're going to a friends house.

Chloe and Max nodded. I started to walk but Freddie grabbed my arm again. I yanked it off and kept walking.

Time passes they are now at Tori's house.

We got to her house and I rang the door bell. I had called their mom and told her the address on the way here. I heard Tori shouted to come in. I opened the door. I had started crying on the way here.

S: Guys go watch t.v.

They ran over to the couch and turned on the t.v. André walked up to me. He pulled me into a hug. I sobbed into his chest. When he let me go. My eyes stung from crying. Tori walked over.

T: Oh my god Sam. Are you ok?

S: N-no. T-they were-were th-there.

A: Who lil sis?

S: C-Carly, Fr-Freddie, and-and Sp-Spencer.

T: Oh. As much as I loved ICarly it was just wrong to show up out of the blue like that.

I stopped stuttering. I wasn't upset anymore just mad. What Tori said made sense and was true.

S: You're so right Tori. Why are they even here?

The door bell rang. Tori opened the door. It was their mom. She took Chloe, Max, and Darby. Tori shut the door. She walked over to me and André.

T: She gave me this. 

She handed me twenty-five dollars. I shoved it in my pocket.

T: You wanna sleep over tonight? I can invite over Jade and Cat. We can have a girls night. Cat can bring you clothes and we can do whatever you want.

Tori might be girly and stuff but she was a great friend.

S: I would love that.

A: I'm going to make some cocoa.

T: You know cocoa doesn't solve everything.

A: It helps when your upset.

T: ...true.

I sat down on the couch. André went to the kitchen and started the cocoa. Tori sat down on the other couch and texted Cat and Jade. The door bell rang.

S: I'll get it.

I opened the door and saw Carly, Freddie, and Spencer. I slammed the door and ran over to André. I wrapped my arms around him.

A: Hey. What's wrong? Who's was at the door.

S: Them.

Carly, Freddie, and Spencer came inside. I guess they didn't care if they didn't know who lived here.

T: Get out of my house! Wait... how dare you guys do this to Sam!

I let go of André and walked over to them.

S: Go away! 

I was getting teary again Carly tried to hug me but I moved out of her way. André walked over.

A: Leave Sam alone. This is driving her crazy.

F: Who are you? Her boyfriend?

Behind them I saw Cat and Jade. They pushed through them.

J: What's going on here?

Cat: You guys are the rest of the ICarly people. Sam is always saying about how much she doesn't like talking about you guys.

I shoot Cat a glare.

Cat: Whaty?

J: She means that you should put have told them that!

Cat: Oh. Ignore the fact that I said that.

Spence: Sam who are these people?

S: The gothic one is Jade, they guy is André, the red head is Cat, and the brunette is Tori.

As I said their names a gestured my hand to them.

C: Is what Cat said true?

S: Well... I uh...

I trailed off. I was getting really teary. André wrapped his arms around me. He's the only one I allow to hug me. I started to cry. He stroked my hair. It calmed me a-


C: You handcuffed her to Gibby?!

F: She put a dead fish in my locker!

S: Gibby's worse than a dead fish!

G: My mom thinks I'm awesome!

Flashback ends

When I snapped back into reality André was shaking me and everyone was shouting my name.

Everyone except Sam: Sam! Sam!

S: Huh? Sorry Sicowitz! Wait what?

F: Sicowitz? Who's that?

S: My acting teacher. Anyways what?

J: You had one of your moments again.

S: Fudge! I hate this.

C: What does she mean 'one of your moments'?

S: Nothing just go.

Spence: No. We came to see if you were ok. Now that we know that we want to know why you are here.

S: I came her because when Carly went to Italy there was nothing left for me. When I came here I met Cat and was able to start over. I'm going to a totally different school and I have new friends. But most importantly I was able to forget the past and move on. Until a couple weeks ago when these flashbacks started happening out of no where. Then it just became hard to focus and I couldn't do school, babysitting, I could barely even talk to anyone. But I got it under control just couple days ago. Now it only happens every couple hours. Now seeing you guys here they are acting up again. André thinks it's because I'm missing you guys. But I've worked so hard to forget and now it's all coming back. I hate it! Why did you guys have to come looking for me!? I'm Samantha Joy Puckett of all people! I could be living on the streets and be alive! I was fine until Carly called! That's when my flashbacks started acting up again! I was fine until these stupid flashbacks! I hate everything! I hate the past, the flashbacks, and right now you guys! Because you just had to come to find me! I'm fine! You know why I left and now you can leave so my life can go back to normal!

Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes. I pushed through them and started running. I don't know where to but anywhere. Then I knew where. I ran to Hollywood Arts. I went in through Sicowitz's window and ran into the black box. I climbed the ladder and then another one. I went through a tiny door that showed me and Cat's hide out. I sat down on my side of the bench and took out a guitar that I keep hidden in there. Even from Cat. I started to play and sing.

S: You stood there on that sidewalk in front of god and everyone you told me your goodbyes and I could've sworn I saw you smiling well I just came undone all your friends they watch the show you wanted your freedom and now you don't Well I'm gonna break break your heart on the radio I didn't want ant Tovar's have to do this waste a perfectly good song I'd rather be singing about a love I can believe in and not one that's gone wrong but it's all for you yeah it's heart felt you broke mine and payback is hell I'm gonna break break your heart on the radio your telling me you don't want us to be over well you better pull your car over on the shoulder cause I'm gonna break break your heart yeah I'm gonna break break your heart on the radio on the radio...

Cats POV

When Sam ran everyone followed. Carly was in the lead. We were near Hollywood Arts.

C: Where did she go?

Cat: I might know. But it's a top secret place. Only Jade knows.

Jade looked at me with a look that said 'ohh that place.'

C: Take me there.

F: I want to come to.

Spence: Me too.

Cat: Tori can you take everyone else to your place?

T: Sure. Come on.

Cat: Ok follow me.

Everyone followed me to Sicowitz's window. It was open. Either Sicowitz forgot to close it again or Sam has been here. I went in everyone followed me. I closed the window then went to the black box.

Cat: Wait here. I'll tell you when to go up.

I climbed up one ladder then the other. I knocked on the small door.

S: Who is it?

Cat : Hiiiiiii. It's Cat.

S: Oh. Well come in.

I opened the door and came in.

Cat: Carly, Freddie and Spencer want to talk to you.

S: Send them up one at a time.

Cat: Kay Kay.

I left and went back down. 

Cat: Sam said to send one of you guys up at a time.

C: I'll go first.

She went up the ladder.

Sam's POV

I waited until Cat sent someone up. I heard someone coming up the ladder. Soon Carly appeared in the doorway.

S: Ok. What do you want?

C: Sam it was wrong of us to pop up out of the blue. But we were just worried about you and when you didn't pick up your phone I got really worried. It scared me when the guys told me you weren't in Seattle. I just needed to know that you were ok.

S: Ok. Well you know. What else do you want.

C: I want you to come back to Seattle.

I stared at her in shock.

C: We can continue ICarly, go to school at Ridgeway, and it'll be like the old times.

S: No! I came here to forget about those times! I'm never going back! You can stay but I'm never going back!

C: I'll stay then. I just really miss you Sam. I missed you in Italy and when I arrived in Seattle. That's all I did.

We both got teary and hugged.

S: I've missed you too. I guess I was just scared to show it.

C: Your the sister I've always wanted.

S: Same.

We pulled apart.

C: I'm going to let someone else have a turn.

S: Ok.

She left. I waited until I heard someone coming up the ladder. I saw Freddie's face appear in the doorway.

S: Ok. What do you want Frednub.

F: Sam when you left I tried everything to find you. L.A was the last place I expected. Without you life was boring. I missed being abused and called names everyday. I had no one to talk to. Spencer was always busy and Gibby became homeschooled. 

S: What's the catch.

F: Look. You are my best friend. Besides from Carly. I tried almost everything I could to find you. But when I couldn't, I gave up. Which was like after four months. So I figured that you didn't want to be found.

S: You got that right.

F: But when Carly came back and she wanted to find you I regained hope.


I start to walk out of the elevator.

F: I love you.

I stop and turn around.

S: I love you too.

I kiss him. I pull away. He looks at his phone.

F: It's still ten-thirty.

S: Wanna break up at midnight?

F: That works.

We go back into the elevator and kiss.

Flashback ends

F: Sam! Sam!

S: Huh? Oh god! I did it again didn't I?

F: Yeah... ya did.

S: I hate this! What is wrong with me!?

F: I don't know. I'm going to give someone else a turn.

He walks out. Spencer pops in a minuet later.

Spence: Hey kiddo.

S: I know. You were devastated when I went missing. Blah blah blah. Now that you found me your happy. Blah blah. But you want to know why I don't want to see you. Is all of that correct?

Spence: Well... yeah. Why don't you want to see us?

S: I already told you! When Carly left there was nothing for me. So I came here for a fresh start. Hoping to forget the past. But the random flashbacks ruined it. Every single one of my new friends helped me get over the past. The flashbacks destroyed all of our hard work and Carly calling didn't help either.

Spence: When Freddie told me that you went missing I was heart broken. You're like a second little sister to me. I never want to lose you.

S: You're like a big brother to me.

We hugged. We pulled apart.

Spence: If you really want it me and Carly can stay in L.A.

S: I would love that. But what about the nub?

Spence: I can talk to Mrs. Benson about letting him stay with us. She's less crazy and over protective.

S: You guys can't live with me. You know that right?

Spence: I know. We can get an apartment in your building.

S: Great! 

Spence: Ok. Let's go down now.

S: Ok.

We went out of the room and down both ladders. We walked over to where everyone was waiting.

Cat: Is everyone cool?

S: Yeah.

Cat: Yay! Lets go to Tori's house! I texted Beck and Robbie. We can have a party!

S: Yeah. Sure. Let me just go do something real quick.

I ran out of the black box and to my locker. I opened it up to hide what I was doing. I got out my phone and dialed up my friend Dice.

S: Hey yo.

D: Hey. Where are you? I'm at your apartment with the baby.

I have a baby. I know its weird. Dice knows another babysitter in the building so she babysits her while I'm in school. Everyone knows about Michelle (my baby) except for Carly, Freddie, and Spencer.

S: I'm at my school. I'm going to text you an address and I need Goomer to take you there with the baby.

D: Cool. See ya.

S: See ya kid.

I hung up. It was time to tell them. I texted Dice. I closed my locker. I went back to the black box. Everyone was still there.

C: Great your back. What took you so long?

S: Phone call.

Cat: Let's get going!

We went to Sicowitz's classroom and went out the window. We went to Tori's house. We finally got there. Everyone was there.

T: Hey. So are you guys cool?

S: Yep.

The door bell rang.

S: I'll get it!

I opened the door and saw Dice with Goomer. Dice was holding Michelle. I took Michelle.

S: Thanks guys.

D: No prob.

G: Yeah! Anytime!

D: I have one thing I need from you.

S: Where's the body?

D: What? No. Goomer has a dentist appointment on the day he has a fight. 

S: And you need me for the fight?

D: Yeah. So will you do it?

S: Yeah. When is it?

D: This Saturday. Training starts tomorrow after school. Punchy's.

S: Fine. See ya.

D: See ya.

They left and I closed the door. I went over to the couch and sat down. I mocked Dice.

S: Training starts tomorrow after school. I hate training.

T: Hi Michelle.

Michelle: Tori!

C: Training for what?

S: MMA fight.

Spence: You're not in the fight right?

S: I am.

Spence: You'll have gear right?

S: No.

F: Why would you want to do something that dangerous?

S: Cause I'm Sam. I'll be in the hospital until they let me out. Probably with a cast. But I won't wear the cast or anything they give me.

C: Who's this?

S: This is uh... 

I went over to André who was sitting at the table.

S: Can I talk to you.

A: Yeah. Sure.

I pulled him upstairs. I didn't go into a room. I dropped my voice as a spoke.

S: Should I tell them?

A: Well it is the right thing to do. 

S: But they're just going to wonder how I got her.

A: Well it's not your fault you got pregnant. It just happened. Even you don't know.

S: True. So should I tell them.

A: It's your choice. Go with what feels right lil sis.

S: Thanks big bro.

We walked back down stairs.

C: Are you going to answer my question or walk away again?

S: The first one. This is Michelle. My um uh... baby.

I stained the last word.

Spence: So that's who that's baby was earlier.

S: No. That was Darby. I was babysitting him and his siblings. Chloe and Max.

C: What... how... when?

S: I don't know how I got pregnant. I got pregnant when I first started going to Hollywood Arts.

Freddie hadn't said anything. He has a shocked look on his face. 

S: Earth to Fredweird!

He still was in shock. Only this would work.

S: Carly finally loves you!

Carly looked at me with an expression that said, 'really why that'. He was still in shock.

S: Here André take Michelle.

He took Michelle. I walked over to Freddie. I slapped him in the face.

F: OW!

S: Good. You snapped out of it.


Spence: Hey guys guess what I got!

C: A woman?

S: A real job?

Gibby: A friend your own age?

Spence: No!

Flashback ends

Everyone except Sam: Sam! Sam!

S: What? Huh? Oh yeah right I'm at Tori's. Gimme Michelle.

André gave me Michelle. I went over to the piano and sat down on the bench.

T: Ok. Now that we got Sam back, what does everyone want to do?

Cat: Karaoke! 

T: Ok. I have a microphone in my room. I'll go get it.

She went upstairs. I guess this is another secret I'm sharing to night. Tori came back with a microphone.

S: Can I talk to you André?

A: Sure.

We went upstairs, again. I dropped my voice to a whisper.

S: Should I reveal that I sing?

A: Only if you want to.

S: I do. But I'm not very good.

A: Your amazing. Your even better than Tori. And people say she's the queen of singing.

S: Your right. I'll do it.

We went back down stairs. 

T: Ok. Who's going first.

A: Sam wants to!

T: I didn't know that you sang.

S: None of you do. Only André.

J: Let's see how good you are.

S: Sure. What song do you people want?

A: Why don't you sing the latest one you've written.

S: Nah. That ones a little mean.

A: How 'bout Not That Far Away.

S: I love that one. What do I do about the guitar?

T: I have one. Let me get it. Wait is acoustic ok?

S: Yeah.

T: I was asking André but ok.

She went upstairs. She came back down with the guitar. She handed it to André who gave it to me.

A: Ok. Let's hear it.

I gave Michelle to Cat. I took a deep breath.

S: They're playing guitar with stars in their eyes on Broadway they're just paying their dues and waiting for news on big break I wish you were here cause sometimes I get lonely guess I'm not the only new girl in town... momma I promise I'll be alright I'll call to say I love you every night I'm just trying to write the story of my life you know all about this dream I gotta chase I get a little closer everyday California's not that far away I'm not that far away... so many new faces and beautiful places in this town I'm learning the ropes on this crazy road I'm going down no one said it'd be easy trust me believe me I'm where I belong... momma I promise I'll be alright I'll call to say I love you every night I'm just trying to write the story of my life you know all about this dream I gotta chase I get a little closer ever day California's not that far away I'm not that far away... we're miles apart but your in my heart and I keep you with me everywhere I go... momma I promise I'll be alright I'll call to say I love you every night I'm just trying to write the story of my life you know all about this dream I gotta chase I get a little closer everyday California's not that far away I'm not that far away... I'm not that far away... I'm not that far away.

I did one last strum on my guitar. Everyone started clapping. Except Cat. I took Michelle from her and she started clapping.

J: Great job.

T: Your amazing.

A: Told ya so.

Cat: OMG! Your sooo talented!

C: Wow. Sam Puckett singing. I never expected it. But your awesome.

Spence: Well done. 

F: One of your many talents. This one has to be the best.

R: We have something in common! We both play guitar!

B: Great job. 

Michelle started to giggle. She's three years old. She can talk she's just a little shy. Boy did she have a mess of hair. Blond hair. She is an exact replica of me. Blond hair, blue eyes, and skinny. She reached up and have my hair a hard yank. She even has my strength.

S: Ow! Don't pull momma's hair, Michelle.

Michelle did another small giggle. There's one more thing about how she's like me. She stays up until ten at night and falls asleep at the same time as me. But she is still so annoying. There's only one more thing she doesn't do, cry. She only shows two emotions anger and happiness. But she doesn't have my stomach. She has more of a Carly stomach. Michelle pulled my hair again.

S: Ow! Come on quit it Michelle!

Michelle put away her happy face and put on a mad one. I rolled my eyes. She started throwing a fit. She kicked me in the stomach. Hard. I put on hand on it. The other holding Michelle.

S: Ow! Someone please take Michelle.

André walked over and took her. I put both hands on my stomach. Michelle stopped throwing a fit when André took her. Looks like she only wanted to hurt me. I whispered something.

S: Oh god Michelle.

C: Maybe you should sit.

I was bending over.

S: No. I'm fine.

I straitened up. My hands still on my stomach.

S: I gotta wazz.

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. There was a full length mirror on the back of the door. I lifted up my shirt. Ugh. My belly was red. Great. Thanks Michelle. I pulled down my shirt. I walked over to the toilet and flushed it. I unlocked the door and went out. I still had one hand on my stomach.

S: Gimme Michelle.

André handed me Michelle. I held her with one hand.

Cat: Maybe no more karaoke. Michelle doesn't seem to like it.

S: Michelle doesn't seem to like a lot of things.

C: Like what?

S: Sleeping, karaoke, Punchy's Gym, and some other things.

Spence: What's a Punchy's Gym?

S: It's this gym for MMA fighters. I once took her there and she threw a fit. Every time she throws a fit she kicks me in the stomach.


S: Alright everyone listen up! If you think Bigfoot is real say yeah.

Half the room: Yeah!

S: Now If you think Bigfoot is fake say yeah.

Half the room: Yeah!

S: About half and half. That means half of you are stupid: discus.

Everyone started arguing.

Flashback ends

Everyone except Sam: Sam! Sam!

S: Ugh! I did it again!

I moved my hand from my stomach. It still hurt but I didn't like that position. Michelle kicked me again.

S: Ow! You weren't even having a fit!

She kicked me even harder that time. I felt like I was going to throw up from that. I shoved Michelle into Cat's arms. I ran to the bathroom. I didn't close the door. I started to throw up in the toilet. Why does Michelle hate me so much right now. Carly ran in with Jade.

C: Sam are you ok?

J: God. This is disgusting. I'm out.

C: Oh god Sam.

I lifted my head up. I wiped my face with toilet paper. I threw it in the toilet and flushed it.

S: I'm fine.

I walked out it with Carly following me.

S: Give me Michelle.

She gave me Michelle. I held Michelle far away from me and put her down on the couch.

C: Sam you can't just put her there!

Carly ran over and picked up Michelle. 

S: She's being bad so she has to sit on the couch. Don't treat her like she's a princess. Her actions need consequences!

C: She's a baby! You were probably the same way. I'll hold her if you want but don't put her on the couch.

S: Fine do whatever you want. Cat where'd you put my bag. And did you pack it.

Cat: Your bags in Tori's room and yes.

I went up to Tori's room and opened my bag. I took out some pills. These pills help me not get pregnant again. I went back down stairs. The pills made so much noise as I stepped on each step.

Spence: What are those.

S: My pills.

C: For what?

S: So I don't get pregnant again. Or at least not unexpectedly.

I walked over to the kitchen. I got out a glass and filled it with cocoa from earlier. I threw a pill into my mouth and drank the cocoa. The pill went down. I put the glass in the sink and I left the pills on the counter. I sat down on the couch.

B: I gotta get going. 

R: Can you give me a ride?

A: Yeah. I gotta go to.

B: Sure Robbie. André you want one?

A: Sure.

They left. Leaving Tori (obviously), Cat, Jade, Spencer, Carly, Freddie, me, and Michelle.

S: What we doing now?

C: Is there any other secrets you have Sam?

S: Uh... lets see. I play the ukulele, I figure skate, I was a pageant girl-


 S: I thought you were sculpting me for the past three hours!

Spence: I was until I started think about aquariums and... he happened.

S: Then why am I still here?

Spence: I get lonely.

Flashback ends

Everyone except Sam: Sam! Sam!

S: God! That flashback was so weird. I'm off to bed.

T: Wait!

S: What? Why can't I go sleep?

Cat: You need to bring Michelle.

S: Can someone else sleep with her? Please? Can someone do that for me?

C: Sleep with her?

S: Me and Cat don't have enough room for a crib so she sleeps in my bed with me.

C: Ok.

Cat: You need to bring her. No one wants to sleep with your baby.

S: Fine. But I swear I'm going to wake up with a black and blue stomach. Now that I think of it I'm going to wait until she falls asleep. So you have me for three hours. Make the best of it.

Spence: Carly, Freddie, we should get going.

C: Can me and Freddie stay? Please for me? I'll cry if you don't let us.

Spence: Fine!

S: You cave to easily.

Spence: I'm going home. Call me when you want me to pick you up.

Spencer left leaving five girls and a boy. We hear someone coming down stairs. We all look and it's Trina.

Trina: Who's this cute fellow?

She walked over to Freddie.


T: Go away Trina.

Trina: Your not the boss of me Tori. Plus I'm older. You never answered my question. Who is this?

S: That's my friend Freddie.

C: No names?

S: Nah. The untalented Trina should know Fredilup's real name.

Trina: Untalented!? I'm in Hollywood Arts so that makes me talented. What you'd get in for? Not your looks that's for sure. And your singing is as bad as a monkey trying to sing.

S: I'm going home.

I grabbed Michelle who was sleeping and went home. I had to walk since I didn't have my motorcycle. When I finally got there I unlocked it and went inside. I sat down on the couch. I started to cry. Did they lie when they said that stuff about my singing? Am I really that bad? Am I really ugly? I knew I was ugly. I always have. I knew I was a bad singer. I shouldn't have told André I wanted to sing. I heard someone knock on the door. I laid Michelle down on the couch. I looked through the window. Freddie. Just great. I wiped my eyes and opened the door.

S: What?

F: You ok?

S: Did Carly send you so that she can make friends with Tori, Cat, and Jade?

F: No.

S: Then why are you here?

F: I care about you Sam and what she said wasn't nice at all.

S: I'm fine. You can wait out side or come in I couldn't care less. But I have to put Michelle to bed.

I turned around and walked to the couch. I picked up Michelle and went into my bed room. I laid her on my bed and kissed her on the forehead. I went back into the living room and saw Freddie sitting on the couch.

S: Like I said I'm fine. So go hangout with Carly.

F: I'd rather be here.

S: Why? Why hang out with me when you know that all I'm going to do is eat, sleep, and watch t.v?

F: It's all girls at Tori's house. Plus Trina is a creep.

S: It's all girls here.

F: Yeah. But there's less. There's four girls at Tori's house and two here.

S: Go home. I know that you're just going to sit there until I say that her words hurt me. Well they didn't so you can just leave ok.

F: That's not what I want. Plus if I go home Spencer's going to make me go to bed. I'd rather be here.

S: Fine. Since your not leaving then I don't care.

I walked over and sat at the other end of the couch. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever. The silence broke when I heard Michelle... crying!?

S: Momma's coming Michelle!

I ran to our room and saw Michelle on my bed crying. I rushed over to her. I forgot that she hates sleeping without someone.

S: Sh sh sh. It's ok. Go back to sleep.

She calmed down and napped in my arms. I sat at the edge of my bed. I watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful. When I looked up Freddie was standing in the doorway. Looking at me like I was the best thing he's ever seen.

S: What are you looking at?

F: The way you handled her made you seem like a natural parent.

I quickly looked down when I felt my face heat up.

S: Thanks. But I'm not. She just needed to be in someone's arms.

F: Just knowing that makes you a great parent.

I blushed even harder. I kept my head down.

S: She's never slept without someone being with her. That's why she doesn't like sleeping alone.

He came over and sat next to me.

S: What's with all the compliments anyways?

F: I'm just saying the truth.

I blushed even harder. If that's even possible. He lifted my head up.

S: Seriously whats with the compliments?

Next thing I knew our lips were connected. I didn't pull away, I didn't slap him, I didn't do anything. I just let it happen. We pulled apart.

F: Sorry. You're probably going to kill me now.

S: No. I'm not.

F: So you feel the same way?

S: That's why I left Seattle. I thought that it would be weird if I liked you and we hung out all the time. So I moved to L.A. and forced myself to forget the past. But I never forgot my love for you. That's the one thing that stuck.

F: When I found out that you left my heart was broken. I still love you Sam.

S: I still love you too.

F: Promise me you won't get hurt doing the MMA fight.

S: I make no promises but I'll try.

We kissed. I pulled apart quicker than I wanted to because I remembered that I was still holding Michelle. He gave me a confused look. I pointed down at Michelle and he made a face that said, 'oh yeah right'. We heard a knock at the door. I got up and walked out f the room and Freddie followed. He sat on the couch while I got the door. I opened it and saw Carly.

S: Hey.

C: Hey. Can I talk to Freddie?

S: Yeah sure.

I stepped out of the way and Freddie's walked to the doors. I sat on the couch. I listened to their conversation.

C: Spencer said to come home.

F: I'll be there in a minute.

C: I'll tell Spencer that you'll be back soon. You have five minutes.

F: Ok.

Carly left and he shut the door. He came over and sat next to me.

S: Are we a you know?

F: Do you want to be?

S: Well yeah. But-

He cut me off by kissing me. He pulled away.

F: Now are you sure?

S: Yeah. Now go before Carly comes back saying it's been five minutes.

F: See ya.

S: See ya.

He left. I went back to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. Michelle is so small she can fit on my belly. I closed my eyes but didn't fall asleep. My phone started ringing. I answered the phone.

S: Hello?

Cat: Hiiii. You ok? You seemed hurt by what Trina said.

S: I'm fine. Don't worry. Have fun with Jade and Tori. I'll see ya tomorrow in school. Ok?

Cat: Kay Kay. Don't forget to shower in the morning.

S: I make no promises. See ya Cat.

Cat: Byeeee.

I hung up. She always wants me to shower. I don't always. Sometimes I do. I'm getting really tired I'm going to sleep.

Wow! That was a long chapter! Not counting this author note it's 6084! Counting the author note it's 6102!
