Chapter 17

Hi! New chapter! I hope you like it!

Sam's  POV

I woke up. Michelle was already up. I got dressed and went to the kitchen.

Moni: Morning.

M: Good morning mommy.

S: Morning peoples. 

I grabbed my breakfast and ate.

S: I gotta get to school. Bye!

I opened the door and rode my motorcycle to school. I parked in front of the school instead of near the asphalt cafe due to a giant stage being there. I walked in and to André.

S: Hey. 

A: Hey.

S: You got the music down for tonight?

A: Yep. I also got you a couple of back up singers who also know the song and some other people to do backup for you and help me with the music.

S: Thanks.

The bell rang.

A: Come on let's get to class.

We walked to class and took our seats. Sicowitz came in.

Sicowitz: Today is the Full Moon Jam! Who's excited?

Everyone raised their hand.

Sicowitz: Wonderful. What song are you girls doing?

C: I'm doing a song that I wrote called, Dancing Crazy.

Cat: I'm doing a song that I wrote called, Put Your Hearts Up.

J: I'm doing a song that me and André wrote called, Okay.

T: I'm doing a song that me and André wrote called, Faster Than Boyz.

S: I'm singing Even The Stars by Sarah Jeffery.

The bell rang and we all went to our next class.

Time passes it is now lunch.

Everyone is sitting at our usual table including me. There was an awkward silence.

T: Ok this getting really awkward.

S: Yeah no chiz.

C: What is chiz?

A: I think it's a German sausage.

F: That doesn't sound right.

B: I know right.

A: I'm just saying my opinion.

J: Nobody cares what chiz means.

R: Maybe some people want to know.

J: So are you saying that I'm wrong?

R: No.

J: Good.

S: I am.

J: So you are saying that I'm wrong?

S: Pretty much.

J: Do you have a death wish?

S: Do you?

I looked her right in the eyes. If I look away it'll look like I'm scared. But I'm not so I kept eye contact.

J: No one asks me that.

S: Well I just did. So what cha gonna do about it? Huh? Gonna ruin my rep or fight like a real person?

J: You need to shut up right now or I'll...

S: You'll what? 

J: Do you really want to pick a fight?

Everyone was staring at us. We were sitting across from each other.

S: Yes.

C: Sam maybe you shouldn't.

S: This doesn't concern you Carls. 

J: Now we could do this here or somewhere else.

A: Sam you really shouldn't do this.

S: Fine. I won't fight. But I will get you Jade. Mark my word.

I got up just as the bell rang and went to my next class.

Time passes it is now after school.

I'm at Moni's house.

Moni: Get changed so I can do your hair and makeup.

S: Fine.

I went to her room and changed. Then I went to her bathroom where she was waiting. I sat down in the chair. It took her a couple minutes but she finally finished up with me. We left the bathroom. I grabbed my phone off the couch. I looked at the time. Seven o'clock. I have to get going.

S: I gotta go right now. 

I gave them both a quick hug, waved, then got on my motorcycle and drove off. I parked in front and ran to the asphalt cafe. I went up to the stage and went back stage. Everyone was already there. Cat ran up to me.

Cat: Yay! You're finally here!

S: Yep.

I looked at my phone. Almost show time. I looked out into the crowd. People were started to come in. Tori and Carly came over.

T: Anyone nervous?

C: Kind of. I've never really sang for a crowd this big before.

S: Puckett's don't get nervous.

T: You'll do fine. Don't worry Carly.

Cat: Totally!

C: Thanks.

S: Carly you've sang for a wedding in the same spot as the groom wet himself. I'm pretty sure you'll do fine.

C: Thanks.

T: The groom wet himself?

S: Yep.

C: He was supposed to sing a song for his bride but he got nervous and wet himself.

S: It was gross.

I looked back into the crowd. I managed to spot Freddie, Beck, Robbie, and Rex sitting together. But they didn't see me. I turned back to the girls.

Cat: Why do you keep looking at the crowd?

S: I'm looking for André.

As if on cue André came up to us.

A: I'm right here.

S: Ok great.

The announcer went onto the stage.

The announcer: Hey! To kick off this Full Moon Jam we have Tori Vega!

She went on stage. The curtains opened behind her revealing back up singers and people doing the music. She sang her song. People clapped.

A: Here.

He gave me a head microphone thingy and I put it on. Tori came off stage and the curtains closed. The announcer went on stage.

The announcer: Ok! Next up we have Carly Shay!

Carly went on stage and the curtains opened. She did her song. People clapped. Then got off stage. The announcer went on stage.

The announcer: Ok! Next up we have Cat Valentine!

She went on stage and the curtains opened. She did her song. People clapped and she went off stage. The announcer went on stage.

The announcer: Ok! Next up we have Sam Puckett!

I went on stage. I heard the curtains open behind me. I heard the music start to play. I sang.

S: Lightning hit the house that I thought was safe now I'm buried deep in my mind no escape it's uncomfortable to take another turn but I'm better off now even the stars need the dark need the dark to shine I don't need you to tell me it'll be ok I'm no stranger to the pain I don't mind rolling in the mud while it rains it helps if me to grow bring on the dark bring on the hate bring on the pain I'll be ok cause even the stars need the dark need the dark to shine my eyes are blurry the tide is coming in I guess I'll find out now if I can swim sometimes I feel like a stranger in my skin stranger still I'm not even the stars need the dark need the dark to shine I don't need you to tell me it'll be ok I'm no stranger to the pain I don't mind rolling in the mud while it rains if it helps me to grow bring on the dark bring on the hate bring on the pain I'll be ok cause even the stars need the dark need the dark to shine even the stars need the dark need the dark to shine 

I stopped. The crowd clapped louder than they had for the others. I left the stage. Once when I got back stage the girls pulled me into a big hug.

S: Not a hugger!

They let go. The announcer went on stage.

The announcer: Ok! Next up we have Jade West!

He left the stage and Jade went on. She sang her song and the crowd clapped. She walked off. A couple more people did songs. By the time the last person went it was almost ten o'clock. All of us girls plus André and Jade went into the crowd to look for the boys. 

Cat: I see them!

We all ran to where Cat was pointing. We caught up with them.

B: Great performance.

R: Yeah. You were really good Cat.

Cat: Well thank you.

F: Nice job. 

C: And I see what you mean by that the song gets you.

S: Thank you!

C: Oh! Spencer said that everyone can come over after the show!

Cat: Well what are we waiting for!?

S: Yeah! Let's get our butts over there!

We all ran to our cars or I my case my motorcycle. I drove to the building. I went to there apartment and knocked on the door. Wait! What am I doing. I opened it and walked in. No one was there. Spencer was probably out. I turned on the t.v and sat down on the couch. The door opened and Carly and Freddie came in.

C: You couldn't have waited for us to get here?

S: I'm still the same person I was years ago. So no. 

The came over and sat down to. The door bell rang.

C: It's open!

Beck and Jade came in. I turned off the t.v. The door bell rang.

C: Come in!

Cat and Robbie came in. A couple minutes later the door bell rang again.

C: Come in!

Tori and André came in. 

C: Oh! One sec!

She got up and ran to her bedroom. She came back holding some sort of machine.

C: Spencer gave me this.

S: He made it?

C: No. Thankfully he bought it. 

T: What is it?

C: A karaoke machine.

Cat: I love karaoke!

Carly put it down and plugged it into the wall. She took the microphone out from its holder thingy.

C: Who's first?

Cat: Me, me, me!

C: Here.

She gave Cat the mic and stepped away.

Cat: What songs does it have?

C: You can do any song you want.

Cat: Yay!

Cat started singing her song. She finished and we all clapped.

C: Who's next?

J: Me.

She took the mic from Cat and sang her song. When she finished we all clapped.

J: Sam, why don't you go next?

S: Ok.

I got up and took the mic from her.

S: What song?

A: How bout one of yours?

S: Which one?

A: Stronger?

S: I got a better idea.

I started to sing.

S: You got a busted heart you got a broken dream somebody tore your world apart on a rainy day they didn't leave no note they didn't leave no trace just a lump in the road and a look on your face well don't ya give up love is gonna find you the feeling in your gut is there to remind you nothing good comes without a little pain you got a brand new start you got a real good heart you got a smile give it a while it's gonna be ok you're not the only one looking around looking for someone you gotta trust love love is on the way... well you never know how the dice are gonna roll so you gotta let em go let em fly you gotta dance with the truth while you wrestle with the blues you gotta wipe those lonely tear drops from your eyes so don't you give up love is gonna find you the feeling in your gut is there to remind you nothing good comes without a little pain you got a brand new start you got a real good heart you got a smile give it a while it's gonna be ok you're not the only one looking around looking for someone you gotta trust love love is on the way... so don't you give up love is gonna find you the feeling in your gut is there to remind you nothing good comes without a little pain you got a brand new start you got a real good heart you got a smile give it a while it's gonna be ok you're not the only one looking around looking for someone you gotta trust love love is on the way you gotta trust love love is on the way... love is on the way 

Everyone clapped. I gave the mic to Carly and sat back down.

C: My turn!

She sang her song and we all clapped. After that we all just hung out. After that everyone went home except me. Carly basically begged me to stay.

S: Why am I still here?

C: Sleep over?

S: I have no clothes Carly.

C: Borrow mine?

S: I doubt you have any that fit me. Plus I need to get home to Michelle.

C: She has Moni.

S: Carly. I'm going home.

C: Please stay.

S: Freddie please tell her I need to go.

F: Well you don't have to. Like Carly said, Michelle has Moni.

S: Yeah. But I need something that's over there.

C: Tell me what it is and I'll get it cause I don't trust you to leave here and come back.

S: Smart. Just tell Michelle to grab a book out from my bag and tell her to also get me some clothes.

C: Kay!

She left. Leaving me and Freddie. Alone. Together. Just days after our break up. Great. Just then Spencer came in. Thank you Spencer! 

Spence: Hey guys. What's up?

S: Well Carly went to go get my stuff so we can have a sleep over. 

F: Where were you all night?

Spence: Taking a walk.

S: You were out looking for a girlfriend weren't you?

Spence: Yes.

Just then Carly came in with a shopping bag. She gave me the bag. I looked into it. My song book. Just the book I needed.

C: Did she get everything?

S: Yep. You didn't look in the book, did you?

C: No. I'm not a snooper.

S: Good.

C: Plus I don't have a death wish.

S: Smart. 

I looked at my phone. Midnight.

Spence: We should all get to bed.

We all nodded our heads. Carly went to her room, Freddie and Spencer to theirs, and me to the bathroom. I changed and went to the living room. I set up the pull out bed and went to Carly's room. Her door was closed so I knocked.

C: Come in.

I opened the door and went in.

C: What do you need?

S: Blankets and a pillow.

C: Kay.

She went to her closet and looked through it until she pulled out some blankets and a pillow.

C: Here.

I took the blankets and pillow, thanked her, then went back to the living room. I laid out the blankets, put the pillow down, then got under the blankets. It felt weird to be sleeping in a bed alone. I tossed and turned. But I couldn't sleep. I threw the blankets off and put them back on. Nothing I did helped me go to sleep and I wasn't about to go into one of their rooms and climb into bed with them. 

Time passes it is now an hour later.

Its one in the morning and I'm still awake. I'm gonna get no sleep tonight. I heard footsteps. I sat up. I couldn't really see anything just the out lines. I looked around. Someone is coming in here. It looks like Freddie. I dropped my voice to a whisper.

S: Why are you up?

He came a little closer so that he was about a foot from the pull out bed.

F: Can't sleep. You?

S: Same.

I scooted over and motioned for him to have a seat. He sat down.

F: What's keeping you up?

S: Not used to having my own bed I guess. You?

F: Not sure.

I flopped backwards back onto the pull out bed. Hair flew in my face and I pushed it to the side.

F: I'd better get back to bed.

S: Stay. Please?

He shrugged and stayed put. We stayed silent for a couple minutes.

S: You can go if you want.

F: I'd rather stay. It's pointless to go back to bed if I know I'm not going to sleep.

I did a quick nod. He laid down. I was on one side of the bed him on the other. I closed my eyes. Soon I fell asleep.

Time passes it is now morning.

I woke up. Freddie was no longer next to me but everyone was up and watching t.v.

S: Morning.

C: Morning sleeping beauty.

I threw my pillow at her.

S: I'm not a princess.

F: Sure thing Princess Puckett.

S: You're lucky I only had one pillow.

C: Get dressed.

I stuck my tongue out at her. I grabbed my clothes out from the bag and went to the bathroom. I showered then got changed. I left the bathroom and went to the living room. The pull out bed was put away and the blankets were laid on the couch. I put my pajamas in the bag and sat on the couch. Spencer came in balancing three plates with surprisingly not burnt pancakes.

Spence: One for Sam.

He gave me a plate.

Spence: One for Freddie.

He gave him a plate.

Spence: And the last one for Carly.

He gave her the last plate. We all ate and gave the plates back to Spencer who took them to the kitchen. He came back and sat down on the couch.

S: I'm gonna get going.

We all said bye and stuff and I left for home. I got on my motorcycle and drove off. I got to Moni's house. I went in side.

Moni: Hello.

S: Hey. 

I went to my room. Michelle was in there.

M: Hi!

S: Hey kid.

I put my stuff away.

Time passes it is now almost one in the afternoon.

I'm in the living room. I looked at the time. Almost one.

S: I gotta get going.

Moni: To where?

S: I have something scheduled.

M: Can I come?

S: Sure.

We left and got on my motorcycle. I drove to the hospital. We took a seats next to each other in the waiting room.

Nurse: Sam Puckett.

We stood up and followed her to a room. 

Nurse: You can have a seat on the bed, a doctor will be in here in a minute.

I nodded and she left. I took a seat. Michelle stood next to me. Soon a doctor came in.

Doctor: Hi. I'm Dr. Carrington. Lay back please.

I did as she told. She lifted up my shirt so that it was at the edge of my bra. She put some cold jell on me. She looked at me weirdly when I didn't flinch. She's put some scanner over my stomach. She looked at the screen and walked over to it. She pointed to a blob.

Dr. C: See this?

S: Yep.

Dr. C: That's your baby.

M: Is it a boy or girl?

Dr. C: It's a little early to tell but I know that you're a week in.

S: Ok.

She came back over.

Dr. C: You probably haven't noticed this but you have a small little bump.

S: I haven't.

Dr. C: Want to see if we can hear the heart beat?

S: Sure.

She put the heart beat heary thingy on my stomach and moved it around. After a little bit she took it away.

Dr. C: It's a little early. That's all we can really do right now. Come back in a week or two and we'll try with the heart beat again. 

S: Got it.

She moved the scanner and gave me a paper towel. I wiped off the jell and pulled down my shirt. She took the towel and threw it out. I sat up and got off the bed. I thanked her and me André Michelle left the room. We left the hospital and got on my motorcycle. We drove to Moni's house. We went in side.

Time passes it is now Monday.

I walked into Hollywood Arts and to my locker. On Sunday I had written my newest song, Have To Say Goodbye and I titled my newer song Place To Fall. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around. Some cute dude- wait! Did I just say that!? Anyways some cute- some dude was there.

S: How do you know me and what do you want?

Some dude: I'm John from your black box class and I just wanted to say you were really good in the Full Moon Jam.

S: What's your catch?

John: You wanna hang out this Friday?

S: Like a date?

John: Yeah I guess so.

S: Let me go check with someone and see if we can reschedule our plans.

I went over to André who was at his locker.

A: What's up?

S: John- a really cute dude from my black box class- just asked me out!

A: If you like him then go for it.

S: I'm not to sure I should I mean I don't even know him. This is the first time he's ever even said a word to me.

A: I think it's more than that.

S: Ok. So maybe I still have some tiny feelings for Freddie.

A: Well see how it goes with John and if it turns out he's not the one then go back to liking Freddie.

S: André That is the best idea I've ever heard!

I went back over to John.

S: We managed to reschedule. Where do you want to go this Friday?

John: We can hang out at my place. My parents have some sort of date night or something.

S: Sweet.

John: I'll text you the address.

He handed me his phone and I gave him mine. We exchanged numbers and gave each other the phones back. We set off to our first class. I got to class just in time when the bell rang. I took a seat. Sicowitz came in.

Sicowitz: Why does Sammie look so happy?

S: Huh? No I don't.

T: Yeah ya do.

C: You have this giant smile on.

S: Oh I hadn't noticed.

Cat: But what's with the smile?

S: No reason.

Sicowitz: Did Sammie meat a boy lately?

S: Quit calling me that and... maybe.

C: Who, who, who??

S: This is an acting class not a class to learn about my love life.

Rex: This is Sicowitz's class when do we learn anything.

J: Rex has a point.

T: What's his name?

S: John. He's from my black box class.

J: Oh yeah I've met him. Anyone that perfect has to be binding something. Like Ryder Daniels, he uses girls for grades and Beck, he was born in Canada.

B: Again that wasn't a secret!

C: If Jade's right, then I say be careful Sam.

S: I'll be fine. Nothing can break me.

T: True.

I looked over at Freddie who hadn't said anything. The bell rang and we all went to our next class.

Time passes it is now lunch.

All of us are sitting down eating. Someone's hands covered my eyes.

S: You have five seconds to remove those hands or you won't have them anymore.

The hands moved and I turned my head. John.

John: Can we talk?

S: Fine.

I got up and we went to the janitors closet. Once when we got there he closed the door.

S: Now what is it?

He came over to me and kissed me. He held onto me so I couldn't escape. When he finally let go a gave him a good smack in the face. He held his cheek.

S: What the heck dude!

John: That's just how I feel about you. I'm sorry if it startled you. Just can we please still be on for Friday.

S: You expect me to still come over when you just pulled that!?

John: Well I did apologize, didn't I?

S: Ya did and I'm not excepting it. Bye.

I left the closet. I heard him call out behind me.

John: You will go out with me, Sam! Mark my word!

I turned around and called back.

 S: I'll never date you if my life depended on it!

I turned back around and went back to the gang. I sat back down. I looked down at my food.

C: What cha guys talk about?

I mumbled it.

S: Nothing important.

C: I couldn't understand you.

I spoke a little louder just enough for her to hear.

S: I said nothing important.

C: Oh come on Sam. 

S: It was nothing.

I got up and left. I went to my locker and sunk down to the floor. I buried my head in n my lap. I heard someone knock on a locker. I looked up. Freddie.

F: You ok?

S: Yeah I'm fine. Why?

F: You just left lunch for no reason.

S: I swear I'm fine. 

F: Come on Sam. I know you better than this. What's wrong?

S: Nothing. I'm just a little startled is all.

F: Bout what?

S: Nothing important. It's stupid. Honestly any girl but me would be thrilled that this happened.

F: Quit stalling. What's wrong?

S: It's hard to put it into words without wanting to slap myself for saying it aloud. 

F: Ok. If you don't want to tell anyone then I'll stop bothering you.

He turned around and started to walk away. I got up and ran over to him. I grabbed his arm and swung him around to face me. I let go.

S: There might be one way to do it.

F: How?

S: Come.

I walked away and listened for his footsteps behind me. I heard them so I kept walking. I went to the black box and sat down at the edge of the stage. He sat down in one of the chairs in the front row.

S: Just give me a sec.

What song to do? I got it! I'll do, I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift.

S: Well this is how I feel about John now.

I took a deep breath and started to sing.

S: Once upon a time a few mistakes ago I was in your sights you got me alone you found me you found me you found me I guess you didn't care and I guess I liked that when I fell hard you took a step back without me without me without me and he's long gone when he's next to me and I realize the blame is on me cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in so shame on me now flew me to places I've never been till you put me down oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in so shame on me now flew me to plasters I've never been now I'm lying on the cold hard ground oh oh trouble trouble trouble oh oh trouble trouble trouble no apologies he'll never see you cry pretend he doesn't know he's the reason why you're drowning you're drowning you're drowning and I heard you moved on form whispers on the street a new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be and now I see now I see now I see now I see he was long gone when he met me now I realize the blame is on me hey I knew you were trouble when you walked in oh oh so shame on me now flew me me to places I'd never been till you put me down oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in so shame on me now flew me to places I'd never been yeah now I'm lying on the cold hard ground oh ho trouble trouble trouble oh oh trouble trouble trouble oh oh trouble trouble trouble and the saddest fear comes creeping in that you never loved me or her or anyone yeah 

The bell cut me off.

S: You better get to class.

F: Yeah. Um... see ya later.

I did a quick little wave and he left. I took his seat.

Time passes it is now after school.

I'm at Moni's house. I'm in my room making sure everything is in my bag and Michelle is making sure everything is in her bag. Today we are going back to our apartment. We finished checking our stuff and carried it to the living room where Moni was waiting to say goodbye.

Moni: Promise you'll visit?

S: Promise. 

Moni: I'll still babysit Michelle if you want.

S: Thank you. But I have someone who lives closer. But we'll still visit. And to keep in touch. Number?

She nodded and we switched phones. We finished up and traded phones back. We gave each other a hug. When we pulled apart she turned to Michelle.

Moni: Behave for your mother.

M: I make no promises on that. Momma said that we're Puckett's and that we don't behave.

Moni: Just come here.

They hugged. When they pulled apart Moni turned around and grabbed to bags. She gave the bigger one to me and the smaller one to Michelle.

S: You didn't have to get presents.

Moni: I think you'll both like them. Just make sure to open them when you get home.

M: Kay kay!

S: You my little girl are not fully me. Sometimes I think you get some of your characteristics from my sister.

Moni: Anyways, you guys might want to get going before it gets dark.

S: You're right. Thanks for letting us stay here.

Moni: Anytime.

M: I'll miss you.

Moni: I'll miss you to.

S: Come on Michelle.

We waved then got on my motorcycle. We drove off to the building. We walked to our apartment. I heard kids screaming from inside and Cat telling them not to do stuff. I opened the door and came in with Michelle at my heels. No one noticed us.


Everyone turned to face us. The place was a mess.

S: Everyone clean up.

The kids started picking up stuff.

Cat: Sam!

Cat ran over and pulled me into a tight hug.

S: I missed you to but I'm not a hugger!

She let go.

Cat: Sorry! Thank you for saving me from this mess.

S: Anytime kid. Now we gotta go unpack.

Cat: Kay kay.

Me and Michelle went to our room and put our stuff away.

M: Can I open it now?

S: Sure.

She reached into her bag and took out a little tiara.

M: I love it!

S: It's ok. Let's see mine.

I reached into my bag and took out the outfit I used for the Full Moon Jam. There was one more thing in there. I put the outfit on my bed and reached in again. I pulled out a makeup bag. I opened it up. The makeup she used on me was in there plus a note. I read the note.

The note.

Dear Sam, In case you ever need a cool outfit. Also don't bother trying to give it back I don't need it anymore. Your friend, Moni

End of note.

Sweet! I loved this outfit. I put away the outfit and put the makeup in the bathroom. We went to the living room. The kids were playing a video game. Michelle took an extra controller and joined. Cat was trying to feed a baby. 

Cat: Please just eat it.

The baby turned its head away from her. I did a small laugh.

S: Need help?

Cat: Please.

I took the spoon and turned the baby's head to face me.

S: What's it's name?

Cat: Carlos.

I nodded.

S: Kay little Carlos, eat the food for mamma.

I shoved the spoon to its mouth. A couple pokes to the lips with the spoon and he finally opened up. I put the spoon in his mouth and he took the food. I slid out the spoon and put it into the bowl.

Cat: How....?

S: When you have a kid you learn things.

Cat: Oh! And you got another one on the way!

S: Yeah yeah. Whatever. But it is going to get really crowded in here.

Cat: I got an idea!

S: Does is involve rainbows and unicorns?

Cat: No. You need a boyfriend so he can propose and you guys can get married and live together!

S: Cat, I'm pretty sure no boy is going to want to marry me. Date me, sure. But marriage, that's never going to happen.

Cat: What about that boy, John? Didn't you like him?

S: Nah. He turned out to be a wazz bag. 

Cat: Don't call people that in front of children.

S: Whatever.

Cat: How was he a you know?

The door bell rang. Saved by the bell!

Cat: Dong ding.

S: Other way.

Cat: Ding dong. I'll  get it.

She went over to the door and opened it. Freddie and Carly stood there.

Cat: Yay!

Cat let them in.

C: Babysitting?

S: Looks like it.

The baby started crying.

Cat: Sam! You never finished feeding Carlos!

S: You distracted me!

I turned to the baby and took him out of his chair. I bounced him up and down and turned back to everyone.

Cat: You've definitely improved from when you first came.

F: What happened when you first came?

Cat: I gave her Darby and she put him in a bush then we ran off.

S: Then we came back because I forgot Darby in the bush.

C: You left the baby in the bush!?

S: I used to not like baby's!

Carlos started to calm down. I wiped some tears off his face.

S: Anyways what brings you two here?

C: Cat texted saying that you moved back in.

S: I never moved out. It was like a mini vacation.

F: Whatever you want to call it.

The door bell rang.

Cat: Ding dong. I'll get it.

She went over to the door and opened it. The kids mother stood there.

Cat: Guys your mom is here.

I went over and gave her Carlos. The other three went over and she gave Cat the money. Cat closed the door and gave me the money. I counted it.

S: Kay so we have fifty dollars. So Cat here's five.

I gave her five.

S: Now here's ten.

I gave her ten.

S: Now give me the five.

She gave me the five.

S: Now give me the ten.

She gave me the ten.

S: And you pay me the rest when you can.

Cat: You'll have it by next week.

I put the money in my pocket and sat down next to Michelle.

C: Pay her what?

Cat: Ten dollars.

F: Why do you need to give her ten dollars?

Cat: Because.... 

We all heard ran coming down outside.

Cat: Oh no.

I jumped up and ran outside. I let the ran pour down on me. Soaking my clothes, hair, face, everything.

Cat: Sam come back inside.

S: Just one walk?

C: Sam it's raining come in.

S: I like the rain. I don't mind it.

F: Sam you could catch a cold out there. Come in side.

S: Nah. 

I spun around and let my wet hair stick to my face.

S: Come outside! The rain feels great!

Cat: I give up.

She left the doorway.

C: Come on Sam. We're not going out there and you're not staying out there.

S: You can't make me leave.

I spun around again.

F: Sam stop spinning you could slip.

S: Slip shmip. I don't care! 

I spun around again.

C: Come inside this instant.

S: You're not my mother you can't make me do anything!

I sounded like a child but I didn't care! The rain made me feel wild, free, unstoppable.

F: Sam come on. What do you like about rain so much?

S: It makes me feel wild, free, unstoppable! 

C: Then take a shower!

S: I can't wear my clothes in the shower Carly.

I spun around again. I kicked at the rain that landed on the ground.

F: Sam just come inside. We have chicken.

S: Chicken doesn't make me feel wild, free, and unstoppable, Freddie. It rarely rains in L.A and I love when it does!

I spun around this time not stopping.

C: Sam stop spinning.

S: Nothing can stop me! 

C: Sam this is as stupid as being out in the rain in your bra.

S: Well I'm not!

I looked down. My shirt looked almost see through. I looked up and danced around.

F: Sam stop playing and come inside. We'll do anything you want if you come inside.

C: What!? We never agreed to that!

I stopped dancing around and looked at them.

S: You guys are acting you're dating. Wait. Are you?

C: You missed a lot when you ran away.

S: So you are?

F: We we're going to tall you soon.

S: Oh.

I pushed passed them and ran to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. I fell against it and sank down. I sobbed into my knees. I hope nobody heard me.
