
Dean was humming as we walked down to breakfast.

"i have something to tell you at breakfast" He said with a smirk.

"What about?"

"Harry" he smirked again and i grinned. Roommate gossiping with your roommate is so fun.

We sat across from each other and started eating. "So tell me about Harry"

"he's queer" Dean whispered.

i gasped and looked around. "No way... how'd you know?"

"well, i'm pretty sure he's gay. he was asking me about the other night. after you went to bed. i think he's crushing on someone" Dean sounded so excited.

I chuckled. "What did you tell him"

"well, he asked about how you knew you were gay and i told him. i hope you don't mind i told him about you" he paused for my reaction.

I shrugged. it made me nervous to know that Harry knew about my personal life and maybe my inner thoughts or secrets but after sharing a room for so long, i trusted harry with the knowledge and even more, i trusted to Dean to know what he was doing.

"i think that's what's happening to him because he perked up a bit when i said it"

i nodded and thought about it. "How do you think Ron would take it? Harry being gay?" i asked.

"He was good with us, why wouldn't he be with Harry?'

"well Harry is his best friend. We're good friends but Harry and Ron are obviously closer than us and Ron"

"Well you're my best friend and i didn't have a problem" Dean commented.

"You always don't have a problem sharing a bed or a seat with me, I'm pretty sure Ron would die of awkwardness if Harry tried to share a bed with him" i laughed.


we burst into laughter and i couldn't help feeling there was more to be said.

We were in charms class and Professor Flitwick had just showed us silencio. Dean had gotten it right first try and as i raised my wand to try, he looked nervous. i felt nervous. had i looked confident i'm sure Dean would not be cringing like he is now.

"Silencio" the charm had been going right and then it didn't. because my face was hot and not just from embarrassment. People started laughing at me again, some people just chuckled and would say "Just Seamus being Seamus" and even though i messed up all the time, it was still embarrassing.

Dean came over and nudged my arm. "you singed your eyebrow off a little, like first year all over again" he giggled a little then said, "you were so close by the way, with the spell"

my heart beat fast and my stomach got all fluttery, again. "Thanks" he smiled and walked back.

"try it again" he encouraged.

i took a deep breath, focusing on Dean's voice. "Silencio"

the same thing happened as before but my face didn't get all warm. "Did it work?!" i asked excitedly.

"did it?!" Dean asked, equally excited and then frowned when he heard his voice. i was so disappointed i didn't notice until people started laughing and pointing a him. i'd singed his eyebrow. Just the middle of his left eyebrow, but still.

"Oh my gosh, Dean, I-i'm so sorry"

"Why? what happened"

"i, well i singed your eyebrows. just a little though!"

Dean was shocked then looked in the mirror one of the girls had. he laughed. it surprised me but Dean's laugh is so contagious, i laughed with him.

"Now we have matching eyebrows" he teased.

i couldn't help the grin that took over my whole face. Only Dean would actually be excited about this. And that's why he's always been my best friend. he met my eyes and smirked raising his singed eyebrow. i laughed and raised mine back. It pays to have a best friend to laugh with you while everyone else laughs at you.

it was late afternoon and Dean and I were studying in the common room. Well, we were studying. Now, Dean was drawing and I was reading. A steady silence hung over us. I was worried about Dean since he had that nightmare. He hadn't talked about it. I hadn't mentioned it. I knew he was drawing more and I don't know if that worried me more or put me at ease.
Dean is full meraki about his art. Meraki is Greek and it's all about putting your heart and soul into something. He could be drawing morbid optical illusions or sad portraits or heart wrecking stories of random people. Or he could be drawing creatures and landscapes and our friends.
I tapped his foot twice. Our signal for "please talk". One tap meant "problem" two meant "let's talk". Quick code we made.
"what's up" he didn't look up but he smiled.
"I'm worried about you" I admitted.
At this he looked up. "Why?"
I paused, I didn't really want to bring it up but knowing I'd already racked up the situation I admitted, "your nightmare the other night, it's got me worried"

Dean bit his lip and tucked his non-existent hair behind his hair. After all these years I figured that motion out. His lying signal.
"Why would you lie about having a nightmare?!"
"I-I didn't mean to!"
"What does that mean?!"
"Did my face really give me away that bad? How do always know. No matter how good my poker face-"

"it's not your face it's your hands"

He looks up with his eyebrows furrowed like I blew his mind.
I chuckle. "You bite your lip and do this-" I mimicked the tucking my hair behind my ear.
"oh" he seemed to blush, or maybe the light hit him funny. I smiled. He smiled.
"so...not to kill the mood but..." I trailed.

"I'm sorry" he flipped the pages of his notebook and held it so I could see. In Dean world, seeing his art is basically him showing you his mind and soul.
the page was covered in bright colors, seemingly moving to mimic a comic, and showed the night of the hair knot problem except a glass wall was shoved in between us.
"I had to break the wall" he explained.
"oh" I stared at the picture, trying to absorb it before-
He flipped it back around and found his page continuing his current sketch.
I closed the book and scooted closer to him, leaning against him and watching him draw. A fire was erupting off the page, a realistic drawing that he added a vintage-black-and-white theme to.


My gaze traveled to his concentrated but vibrant face, the passion pouring out of his and the focused perfectionist in him.


a/n: I've been looking for Deamus fanfiction and I'm shocked! there's like, none. So if you know any good ones, lmk, and I'm going to try to write more of them into this. I know their chapters have been shorter and kinda fast but! i have plans! Happy Reading!
